Issue 1-2013 |
CONTENT № 1 (59) – 2013 (January – March) THE TWENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY OF ISESP RAS Rimashevskaya N.M. Main results of the institute activities over a quarter of century ……………………………….. 4 Yakovets Yu.V. Natalia Mikhailovna Rimashevskaya — founder of the institute…………………………………………. 11 Ivanter V.V. Statistics of social inequality………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 17 Lokosov V.V. Perspectives of the ISESP RAS scientific activities: methodological approaches……………………… 20 SOCIAL POLICY Zherebin V.M. Urgent tasks of the modern social policy…………………………………………………………………………… 23 Rimashevskaya N.M., Dobrokhlev V.G . Main directions of improvement of the demographic and family-related policy in modern Russia……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 30 Migranova L.A. Subsistence minimum 2013 — «new» methods, old problems………………………………………….. 42 Medvedeva E.I., Kroshilin S.V. Significance of the primary vocational education for innovation economy in Russia……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 52 Ballayeva E.A. Problems of development of alternative forms of preschool education……………………………….. 64 Korchagina I.I., Migranova L.A. Social assistance to poor households on the basis of social contract………… 74 Yermakov S.P. Socio-demographic problems of youth in the Russian Federation……………………………………… 87 Kochkina E.V. Exercise of the right to legislative initiative for development of laws in the social sphere (1996-2012)……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 98 QUALITY OF LIFE Riazantsev S.V., Pismennaya E.E. Integration of the Russia-speaking community into Australian society.. 106 Rakauskene O., Syarvyatkene V. Quality of life of the Lithuanian population………………………………………… 111 Vershinskaya O.N., Galyuzhin A.Yu. Economic capacity of Internet ……………………………………………………… 126 Authors………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 138 Summary in Russia………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 139 Summary in English………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 142 Guidelines for authors..………………………………………………………………………..……………………………………………… … 145
Summary Vsevolod M. Zherebin Urgent tasks of the modern social policy Key words: social policy, economic policy, social and class structure of society, social policy tasks. The article considers the goals of modern social policy in terms of their conformity to the interests of most population. It compares the goals of the social and economic policy. It offers a list of specific tasks that are topical from the point of modern social policy
Natalia M. Rimashevskaya, Valentina G. Dobrokhlev Main directions of improvement of the demographic and family-related policy in modern Russia Key words: natural increase of population, depopulation, fertility, individual and population health, pronatalist and social policy The article analyses the natural increase of the Russian population. It shows that the demographic changes are to a certain degree connected with the active demographic policy measures, including enactment of maternal (family) capital. A special consideration is given to indicators of population health. There are examined the main factors determining the process of natural reproduction, and first of all, those having impact on fertility rate. The authors propose directions for improvement of the demographic and pronatalist policy.
Lyudmila A. Migranova Subsistence minimum 2013 — «new» methods, old problems Key words: subsistence minimum, food, non-food products and services, the minimum needs, the reproduction of the population. The article provides a comparative analysis of the norms food consumption of food the supply in to the minimum consumption basket for different socio-demographic groups in 2005 and 2013. On the statistical data it shows that correlation between the costs of food and the costs of services underestimated and do not correspond to the current structure of consumption expenditure of poor households.
Elena I. Medvedeva, Sergey V. Kroshilin S.V. Significance of the primary vocational education for innovation economy in Russia Key words: education, primary and secondary vocational education, modernization of economy, innovations Changes in requirements to the quality of human and labour potential, as well as in labour demand under the conditions of modernization of the Russian economy are going simultaneously with the reformation of the education system. On the basis of data from a sample survey of the 9th form pupils of general schools and experts the authors consider the problem of youth’s education in the institutions of primary and secondary vocational education from the point of the government decisions in this sphere.
Elena A. Ballayeva Problems of development of alternative forms of preschool education Key words: preschool education, upbringing, education, affordability of services, demand for services The article analyses the problems of development of private sector in the system of preschool education, its potential ability to satisfy demand for services in care, education and upbringing of preschool children, as well as affordability of these services to different social strata. A special attention is paid to efficiency of the present legislation and the governmental decisions aimed at development of the system of preschool education.
Irina I. Korchagina, Lyudmila A. Migranova Social assistance to poor households on the basis of social contract Key words: poor households, social contract, subject of contract, difficult situation, behaviour strategy, potential participants The article deals with the issues of introduction of social contract into the practice of social assistance to poor population; it analyses the outcomes of an experimental implementation of this technology, conducted by the Ministry of Labour and Social Development in 2010- 2011 in 17 RF subjects ; on the data from sociological surveys it gives assessment of potential participants in such programmes and considers adaptation strategies of households in difficult situation.
Sergey P. Yermakov Socio-demographic problems of youth in the Russian Federation Key words: youth sector in the Russian population, demographic state, population reproduction, fertility, marriages, mortality, youth-related policy The article presents the results of a socio-demographic analysis of the youth sector of the Russian Federation population in 1990-2010. It examines the issues of fertility, marriages, mortality of people aged 15-29 years. It analyses the demographic state and the main trends in dynamics of the population reproduction indicators. There are formulated recommendations for improvement of the youth-related policy.
Sergey V. Riazantsev, Elena E.Pismennaya Integration of the Russia-speaking community into Australian society Keywords : Russian-speaking diaspora, the Russian migration, integration. This article discusses the waves of Russian immigration to Australia. The results of the study of the process of integration of Russian migrants in Australian society. Gives estimates of the degree of integration of the Russian in the host society.
Ona G. Rakauskene, Vaida Syarvyatkene Quality of life of the Lithuanian population Key words: quality of life, satisfaction with life, physical and emotional state, health, material well-being, efficiency of the state policy The article presents the outcomes of a study conducted by the authors in 2011 on the data from official statistics and a sociological survey aimed at getting a clearer picture of the Lithuanian population’s satisfaction with life and its quality. There are provided the data on Lithuania’s ranking among the EU countries by main indicators of the quality of life.
Olga N. Vershinskaya, Alexey Yu. Galyuzhin Economic capacity of Internet Key words: new economic opportunities, internet-economy, causes of success of the Russian internet-economy, impact of Internet on GDP, advantages of conducting business in Internet The article considers new opportunities for development of business provided by Internet, analyses the causes and rates of growth of the Internet economy in Russia. It discusses the increasing role of the Internet economy in production of GDP. The authors are of the opinion that the dynamics of development of this new branch may be due to socio-cultural specifics of the Russian population. They draw a conclusion that when investigating the issues of informatisation development it is necessary to supplement the generally accepted technological approach with a humanitarian one aimed at studying a person and opportunities for his development in the digital age. |