Issue 2-2013 |
CONTENT S № 2 (60) – 2013 (April - June) SOCIAL POLICY Alexandrova O.A. Social state in modern Russia: old problems and new challenges………... 4 Markova N.E. On the State youth-related policy in the Russian Federation……………………... 13 Toksanbayeva M.S. Non-profit organizations: help to children in difficult life situation….. 27 DEMOGRAPHY Bakalo N.A., Yermakov S.P., Shmakov N.A. Indicators of demographic development as assessment of the state management efficiency (the case of European countries)……………. 39 Rybakovsky O.L., Martynenko S.V. Migration policy in modern Russia: structure and directions……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 51 Rusanova N.E. The notion of age in demography and the present older generation………… 63 Prokofieva L.M. Family structure of the Russian population: trends of the past decade…... 72 STANDARDS AND QUALITY OF LIFE Popova R.I. Methodical approaches to assessment of the accessibility of quality nutrition to Russian households…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 85 Yarasheva A.V., Burdastova Y.V. Saving and credit strategies of households…………………. 94 Kislitsyna O.A. State of health of the Russian youth……………………………………………………….. 103 INFORMATIZATION OF SOCIETY Alexeeva O.A., Yermakova N.A., Zherebin V.M. Gender aspects of informatization……...... 113 Dronov V.N., Yevseenkov O.V., Makhrova O.N. Implementation of information and communication technologies in organizations of Ryazan oblast………………………………………. 125 SCIENTIFIC LIFE AT ISESP RAS Methodological seminars………………………………………………………………………………………………. 130 Scientific Council sittings……………………………………………………………………….................................. 135 Authors………..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 138 Summary in Russian………………….…………………………………………………………………………………... 139 Summary in English………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 142 Guidelines for authors…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 145
Olga A. ALEXANDROVA Social state in modern Russia: old problems and new challenges Key words: welfare state, social policy, income redistribution, the WTO. The developed countries of the West embarked on the construction of the welfare state in terms of economic distress in the face of threats to national security. In the article on the basis of the analysis of monetary, fiscal, industrial and social policy is evaluated whether the cur-rent crisis analogous «moment of truth» for modern Russia. It is shown changelessness of the course that is contrary to the fundamentals of the welfare state. Additional problems relate with Russia's accession to the WTO, that fraught with not only of the declining of production, but also of the strengthening of market fundamentalism in the approaches to the social sphere.
Natalia E. MARKOVA On the State youth-related policy in the Russian Federation Keywords: Young people, social health, the family, marriage, social orphanhood, drug abuse, juvenile delinquency. The article considers the current legislation on youth policy in the Russian Federation. Are the data of the socio-economic expertise of the Draft law «The state youth policy in the Russian Federation» and proposals of experts, aimed at implementation of the state youth policy ema-nating from the national interests. Special attention is paid to problems of employment, de-mography, family and education, social health of youth.
Mairash S. TOKSANBAYEVA Non-profit organizations: help to children in difficult life situation Key words: children, hard life situation, non-profit organization, material support, services, furthering development. Children in a hard life situation present one of the most acute problems of the Russian society. Active role in tackling this problem is played by non-profit organizations (NPO). On the basis of a sample survey of NPO heads the author examines forms and kinds of the help rendered by these organizations in comparison with the help provided by the state by categories of children and kinds of help. She shows that NGOs sometimes go ahead of the government structures in identifying new aspects of hard life situations and providing non-traditional forms of support.
Natalia A. BAKALO, Sergey P. YERMAKOV, Nikolai A. SHMAKOV Indicators of demographic development as assessment of the state management efficiency (the case of European countries) Key words: state administration, efficiency of governance, indexes, demographic development, fertility, mortality, migration, regression models, European countries. The article deals with the issues of demographic development in European countries. The authors clarify the concepts of «social management» and «state administration,» and substantiate expediency of considering demographic indicators as specific criteria of the state administration efficiency. They propose a set of indexes calculated by the World Bank methods as quantitative instruments for measuring governance efficiency, and prove on the basis of statistical data the hypothesis that raising the efficiency of governance results in a statistically significant improvement of the demographic situation.
Oleg L. RYBAKOVSKY, Sergey V. MARTYNENKO Migration policy in modern Russia: structure and directions Key words: migration politics, immigration and emigration politics, politics of integration, assimilation, multiculturalism, conception of state migration politics. The article provides classification of main directions of the migration politics of Russia in the present situation. Among them are - immigration politics, internal migration politics; politics for adaptation and integration of immigrants, migration-related politics of Russia at home and in the countries of outcome or potential outcome of migrants, remigration politics. The authors identify main features of the migration politics and outline basic components of the strategy for further management of the migration processes. There is presented the authors’ view of a differentiated approach to resettlement and labour migration to Russia.
Nina E. RUSANOVA The notion of age in demography and the present older generation Key words: age, older generation, criterion of age, life expectancy, «professional old age», pensioning age, «age dependence», policy relating to employment of pensioners. The article examines the present approaches to age periodization in demography in the con-text of actual change of the concept «old age». There are considered the issues of discrepancy between the age requirements of employers and employees in different professional segments of labour markets, and also the possibilities of the state policy concerning employment of pensioners.
Lydia M. PROKOFIEV А Family structure of the Russian population: trends of the past decade Key words: family, household, family structure, types of families, small families. The article examines changes in the family structure of the Russian population on the data from the 2002 and 2010 Census; typology of regions by the demographic structure of families and households; improvement of the demographic statistics on family structure as the basis for decision-making in the family-related policy and assessment of its efficiency.
Raisa I. POPOVA Methodical approaches to assessment of the availability of a quality nutrition to Russian house-holds Keywords: quality of nutrition, household consumption, availability of food, index method The article describes the methodology for assessment of nutrition quality with an integral index of nutrition quality. This index includes objective (caloric value and quantity of animal proteins) and subjective (self-assessment by people) indicators of the nutrition of Russian households. The methodology was tested on the NOBUS survey, which contains both objective and subjective measures of nutrition. Analysis of the index values by socio-demographic types, residence (urban/rural) and income levels (poor/non-poor) made it possible to identify the main factors, which have a negative impact on the caloric value and quality of nutrition of the Russian households.
Aziza V. YARASHEVA, Yulia V. BURDASTOVA Saving and credit strategies of households Key words: financial behavior, saving strategy, credit strategy, investment decision, household types. The article considers changes in the active financial behavior of the Russian population in the past 3-4 years. On the basis of sociological data there are analyzed the saving and credit strategies of different household types.
Olga A. KISLITSYNA Health of Russian youth Key words: youth, health, causes of death, homicides, traffic accidents, abortions, Russia, foreign countries The article is devoted to health of young people in Russia. The focus is on the health of the youngest age group of youth - adolescents - children who were born in one of the most dramatic periods of our history, in the early 90's. Using data of the official statistics, as well as findings of special foreign surveys, the author shows that if no measures are taken in the coming years, the society will face not only a substantial reduction in the number of future generations, but also a significant decline of their quality and serious demographic consequences
Olga A. ALEXEEVA, Nina. A. YERMAKOVA, Vsevolod.M. ZHEREBIN Gender aspects of informatization Key words: information society, gender relations, informatization in the United States, informatization in Russia; population survey The article presents results of an inter-regional study «ICT in the daily life of population» conducted by ISESP RAS in 2011, which made it possible to obtain estimates giving an idea of the state of gender problem in the sphere of information in the Russian regions. It contains experts’ views on gender differentiation in the process of informatization of society. Gender differences are examined in the context of the main areas of application of the information and communication technologies. There is given a comparison of gender inequality in the informatization in Russia and in the United States.
Valery N. DRONOV, Oleg V. YEVSEENKOV, Olga N.MAKHROVA Implementation of the information and communication technologies in organizations of Ryazan oblast Key words: informatization, modernization, communication, labour efficiency, software, Interntet. Implementation of the information and communication technologies (ICT) in the sphere of socially useful activity is one of the main factors of raising labour efficiency and quality. On the basis of statistical data the authors analyze the factors hindering ICT implementation in organizations of Ryazan oblast. The obtained results can be of interest to specialists dealing with ICT promotion in different regions of Russia. |