Issue 3-2013 |
CONTENT № 3 (61) – 2013 (July – September)
Leonid L. RYBAKOVSKY Factors of depopulation in Russia Key words: demographic transition, demographic wave, system crisis, fertility, mortality, depopulation. The article considers the factors that gave rise to the onset of depopulation in Russia in the early 1990s. A special attention is paid to determination of this phenomenon, transformation of the socio-economic pattern and the concurrent economic crisis.
Natalia M. RIMASHEVSKAYA, Valentina G. DOBROKHLEB Older generation as a resource for modernization of Russia Key words: change of the civilization paradigm, resource potential, factors, mechanisms, «third» and «fourth» age, modernization The article presents outcomes of the complex study of different aspects of vital activity of the population over working age conducted by ISESP RAS. Using the methodology of resource potential there was made a gradation of the «third» and «fourth№ ages, identified the factors determining the possibilities and limitations in vital activity. It was found out that representatives of the “third” age possess the resources which allow us to consider them as a possible factor of economic modernization.
Zoya A. KHOTKINA «Normal labour potential» and age discrimination Key words: age discrimination, working pensioners, labour potential, employment of elderly workers, workers in the third age, employment-related policy The article discusses the issues of discrimination of workers in the third age in the labour sphere and substantiates the necessity of attracting pensioners to labour market due to expediency of a more complete use of their socio-labour potential.
Vladimir B. TOREEV Labour market and strategy for job search Key words: labour market, employment, unemployment, behavior of the unemployed, job search, age limitations, education-related limitations. Behavior of every person in the labour market is predetermined by a number of causes including the state of economy, institutional limitations, moral and psychical qualities of a person, etc. According to the character of behavior personal strategies may be divided into active and passive. Specific behavior in labour markey is displayed by young people entering labour market and by the unemployed searching jobs. The article gives a detailed description of the characteristic features of their behavior.
Tatyana V. MOROZOVA, Sergey V. STAFEEV, Arina S. GUCHEK Typology of labour motivation in local labour markets Key words: labour motivation, local labour market, labour markets in rural areas, employment, unem-ployment, employment strategies, labour activity potential. The article presents a typology of the labour motivation of various social groups on local labour markets in rural areas. The research results show that the whole variety of the types of labour motivations of rural population can be characterized by the following main categories: personal, socio-psychical, professional. Different types of labour motivation form a variety of labour activity potentials.
Inna M. SCHNEIDERMAN Development of low-rise housing and its role in raising the quality of life of population Key words: types of low-rise housing construction, Housing Construction Cooperatives in low-rise housing construction, land allocation on preferential conditions, out-of-town housing market, customers’ preferences in the housing market. The object of research is the problems of low-rise housing construction and its role in changing the mode and quality of life of the Russian population. Analysis of the Russian and inter-national statistics shows that modern Russia is characterized by a low share of one-family housing. The overwhelming majority of the Russian population (77,4%) are residing in multi-dwelling units, that is significantly more than in the European countries and in the USA. Development of mass low-rise housing construction is presently one of the main priorities of the state policy in the housing sphere. Construction of comfortable and relatively inexpensive low-rise houses will be an important factor of raising the housing affordability for different population groups, as well as the levels of social and ecological comfort of living environment.
Olga A. KISLITSYNA Modeling the health differences between migrants and Russians Key words: migration, health inequality, socio-economic factors, methods of multivariate modeling. The article presents outcomes of the study with the aim to examine differences in the health state of migrants and Russian citizens without experience of migration, and to establish the factors determining these differences. The information base of the study was Russian Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS), round 2009. Statistical analysis was performed using multivariate logistic regression models of SPSS.
Natalia M. RIMASHEVSKAYA, Valentina K. BOCHKAREVA, Lyudmila A. MIGRANOVA, Ekaterina V. MOLCHANOVA, Mayrash S. TOKSANBAEVA Human potential of Russian regions Key words: human development, regional differentiation, factors, fertility, mortality, migration, life expectancy. Solving the task of economy modernization depends much on the quality of human resource. Quality of human potential in regional aspect in Russia is investigated by different research institutes. The main emphasis in the work is made on indicators of the quality of human potential of Russian regions, selection and analysis of indicators characterizing the demographic situation, health, education and well-being of population. There are given the results of experimental calculations of separate indicators and of integral (composite) index of human potential performed on the data from Rosstat by the RF subjects for 2011. It was found that only 4 regions meet the requirements of modernization by all characteristics and 20 regions can participate in the process of modernization by raising simultaneously the quality of separate characteristics of human potential. As to the rest subjects of Federation, and first of all regions with low quality of human potential, it is necessary to tackle in the first line the problems of the quality of life of population. |