Issue 4-2013 |
CONTENTS № 4 (62) – 2013 (October – December)
Valentin D. ROIK Pension reform: assessment criteria Key words: pension insurance, funded and early retirement pensions, pensioning formula, reform. Abstract: The article deals with the issues of reformation of the pension system in Russia; modernization of the funded pension and pensioning formula; formation of the institute of early pensioning. It proposes criteria for assessment of the efficiency of the pension insurance institute on the basis of a differentiated replacement coefficient for insured persons with different wage levels.
Lidia M. PROKOFIEVA, Sergey I. RYBALCHENKO Support of family, mother and child in Russian regions Key words: regional family policy, regional maternity capital, families with many children, programmes for support of families with children. Abstract: The article analyses the experience of social support of mothers and children in Russian regions. Family policy in the regions is characterized by a variety of measures, approaches and directions of activity. A special part is assigned to social assistance for families with many children and to regional maternity capital which is enacted into law in 73 RF subjects and is granted only to families with many children. And the range of its application is significantly wider then provided for by the federal law, as this more corresponds with the needs of those families.
Elena V. KULAGINA Inclusive education of children with special needs: trends and conditions for development in Russia Key words: general education, disabled children, children with special needs, inclusive education, special (corrective) education. Abstract: The article based on the data from state statistics and in-depth interviews conducted by the author presents analysis of the conditions for development of inclusive education. It shows the problems that require solution at the prearrangement stage of inclusion.
Leonid L. RYBAKOVSKY On the eve of the choice: the second stage of the depopulation or demographic growth? Key words: depopulation, concept, resident population, demographic policy, maternity capital. Abstract: The article proposes low-cost solutions that would be conductive to averting a new stage of depopulation in Russia. Probability of the onset of this stage is related to the forthcoming “demographic bust” in the number of reproductive cohorts and reduction in the financial capacity of the state under the conditions of the ongoing world economic depression.
Natalia S. GRIGORIEVA, Veronika A. KUSHTANINA, Tatiana V. CHUBAROVA, Irina V. YAKOVLEVA Childlessness in Russia: sociological dimension Key words: parenthood, childlessness, marriage, conjugal union, gender, education level. Abstract: Childlessness in Russia is rather a social than medical phenomenon. On the basis of data from the study Parents and children, men and women (2004) the authors consider the relation between the life in a couple (in or out of wedlock) and the presence or absence of children. The share of childless persons is significantly higher among those who have never been in a conjugal union, as compared to those who experienced at least one extramarital relationship or marriage. Among the significant factors are also the age of the first partnership and the age of the first marriage. Impact of marriage on parenting differs depending on gender and education.
Olga A. ALEXANDROVA, Yulia S. NENAKHOVA Raising teachers’ salaries: how the aims are achieved Key words: school, personnel problems, quality of education, regions, salary, per capita financing. Abstract: To meet the challenge of shortage and ageing of teaching personnel and to raise the quality of general education, regions were ordered to raise teachers’ salaries to the level of the aver age for region’s economy. On the basis of the outcomes of sociological studies in four Russian regions the article shows that due to the very low standard for per capita funding and the scantiness of regional budgets, this measure does not solve the personnel problems but seriously increases the teaching load and can only worsen the quality of education.
Natalia M. RIMASHEVSKAYA, Natalia E. MARKOVA, Sergey V. KROSHILIN Methodology of the population complex monitoring in Taganrog Key words: socio-economic survey of population, methodology and methods of research, living standards, way and conditions of life, well-being. Abstract: The article presents a short background and main tasks of the well-known project Taganrog started in 1968. The latest survey of population in this city was conducted in 1998- 2000. In 2013 it was decided to renew this socio-economic study with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. The article outlines the research methodology and the methods of collection and processing of obtained data.
Yuri A. SIMAGIN Municipal units in Russia: problems of formation and prospects for changes Key words: municipal unit, local self-administration, urban districts and settlements, population dynamics, system of settlement. Abstract: The article discusses the preconditions for formation, current problems and prospects for changing the present system of municipal units in the Russian Federation, which are closely connected with the population dynamics and specifics of settlement. It shows changes in the territorial system of government in comparison with the soviet period. It indicates that in many cases the accessibility of local administration bodies to population has reduced.
Valery V. PATSIORKOVSKI The state and prospects for development of municipal units in Ryazan oblast Key words: settlement system, municipal units, population distribution, population of settlements, territorial self-government bodies, moral economics, middle class. Abstract: The state and prospects for development of municipal units are considered in connection with the system of population settlement and distribution. A special attention is paid to analysis of separate provisions of the Federal Law On general principles of organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation No 131-FZ that is the main normative document shaping the legal framework for municipal self-government.
Olga A. KOLENNIKOVA Dynamics of the population number in municipal units of Ryazan oblast Key words: population reproduction, depopulation, demographic type of municipal unit, Ryazan oblast. Abstract: The problems of population reproduction in Ryazan oblast are examined in terms of municipal units. Only Ryazan city and the adjoining municipal district are in a relatively favorable demographic situation. Most areas are characterized by a medium fertility and high mortality of population. Excess losses in the oblast population are connected with high mortality rates. Targeted programmes on the whole spectrum of mortality causes with the account of the situation in separate municipal units could slow down the process of the population reduction.
Olga A. ALEXEEVA, Valery N. DRONOV, Olga N. MAKHROVA Problems of population informatization in Ryazan oblast Key words: informatization, ICT infrastructure, factors, composite, aggregate indexes and indicators, information society, region rating. Abstract: The article makes an attempt to examine the trends and the level of informatization of a region population on the statistical data of Ryazan oblast. It analyses the problems connected with population informatization and factors hampering the process of population involvement in the information society. It presents a composite index of the region readiness to enter the information society and its constituting indicators in Ryazan oblast for 2010-2013, as well as the rating of these indicators among the Russian Federation subjects. |