Issue 1-2014 |
CONTENTS № 1 (63) – 2014 (January – March)
Leonid L. RYBAKOVSKY Results of the modern Russian demographic policy Key words: depopulation, fertility, mortality, demographic policy, maternity capital, social programmes Abstract: The article considers the causes for active Russian demographic policy in the 21st century, shows its main characteristic features and results of the changes in the rates of fertility and mortality in 2006-2012. Bibliography
1. The Statistical Yearbook of Russia . Moscow. Rosstat. 2006. 2. Vishnevsky A. Conclusion to the report Population of Russia 2000. Eighth annual demographic report. Ed. A. Vishnevsky. Moscow. 2001. 3. Volkov A.G. Family as an Object of Demography. Moscow. 1986. 4. Zakharov S.V. Is the Growth in the Number of Births Over? 2011. Available at: (accessed 18 February 2013). 5. Population of Russia 2000 . Ed. A.G. Vishnevsky. Moscow. 2001. 6. The Demographic Present and Future of Russia. Ed. V.F. Kolbanov, L.L. Rybakovsky. Moscow. 2012. 7. Zayonchkovskaya Zh.A. Is it possible to organize resettlement to the Far East. Migration. 1997. No 3. 8. Orlova I.B. Demographic situation and geopolitical stability of state. Demographic Perspectives of Russia. Ed. G.V. Osipov, S.V. Ryazantsev. Moscow. 2008. 9. Rybakovsky L.L. 20 Years of Depopulation in Russia. Moscow. Econ-inform. 2014.
Galina N. VOLKOVA UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and evolution of the Russian legislation Key words: persons with disabilities, employment, rehabilitation, rights, legislation, international norms Abstract: The article examines conformity of the Russian legislation with the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities ratified by Russia in 2008. It shows that before the 2000s the Russian legislation and the practical experience in rehabilitation and integration of the disabled into society had a progressive character and was used by UN in elaboration of the Convention. Social reform in Russia launched in 2004 with the Federal Law No. 122-FZ, which is known as “the law on monetization of l’goty” (benefits), significantly reduced the previous legal and regulatory basis for social protection and employment of the disabled. Ratification of the UN Convention by Russia requires introduction of new mechanisms for ensuring the rights of the disabled and conditions for their social integration. The first steps in this direction were already made in 2009. Bibliography
1. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Accepted by UN General Assembly on 13 December 2006 and entered into force on 3 May 2008. 2. Volkova G.N., Mil' G.V. Working pensioners: lost opportunities. Population in the Third Age. Moscow. Thought. 1986. 3. Novitsky A.G., Volkova G.N, Kremlyakova L.V., Mil' G.V. Recommendations on elaboration of the programmes for development of population of regions. Sub-programmes Elderly People, Pupils and Full-Time Students, Disabled Pensioners. Association for Labour and Social Issues in Russia. Moscow. 1989. 4. Lomakin-Rumyantsev A.V. Results of the monitoring of social protection of the disabled in the Russian Federation subjects in 2005 according to materials from the All-Russian Society of the Disabled. Analytical bulletin Monitoring Implementation of the Federal Law No 122-FZ Concerning Social Protection of the Disabled in the Russian Federation in 2005. 5. The Disabled: the Right to Life . Open letter to President of Russia adopted at the Parliamentary hearings on 21 August 2007. 6. Klepikov A.V., Shatalova E.Yu. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Possibilities and perspectives of implementation in Russia. Social Policy and Social Protection. SPERO. No 11. 2009. Available at: /convents/disability. 7. The Statistical Yearbook of Russia . Moscow. Rosstat. 2011. 8. Kavokin S.N. Professional rehabilitation of the disabled in Russia. Censorship Record. 2008. 9. Policy of Disability: Social citizenship of the disabled in modern Russia: Problems of accessibility and employment opportunities. Available at employers’ forum: July 2004. 10. Social Status and Living Standards of Population in Russia . Moscow. Rosstat. 2010. 11. Churbanova T.A. The Convention is adopted, and what comes next? Website Accessibility. 5 May 2012. 12. The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Russian Legislation: what is to be done? Minutes of the Round Table. Available at the official page of KPRF and United Russia on the website of the State Duma. 3 May 2012.
Olga A. ALEXANDROVA Inter-budget relations in the system of determinants of the socio-demographic development Key words: inter-budget relations, social policy, regional development, local government Abstract: The author analyses the causes of the growing indebtedness of regional and local budgets and decline of their investment activity. She claims that the way out of the present situation should be sought not only in improvement of the system of inter-budget transfers but primarily in such economic policy of the Federal center that would provide conditions for industrial development. Another key factor is bringing the amount of the Federal budget social expenditures into conformity with the real needs of its branches and the tasks of socio-demographic development. Bibliography
1. Transcript of the State Duma Sitting on 18 September 2013. Report by the Government of the Russian Federation on the Federal Budget for 2012. Available at: 3918/. 2. Conclusion of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation on the report on the federal budget for 2012. Available at: 3. On the results of the expert analytical action Monitoring Implementation of the Concept for Development of the Unified Federal System of the State Registration of Rights to Real Proper-ty and the State Cadastral Registration of Property. Report of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, approved by the decision of the RF Accounts Chamber Board on 14 December 2012. Available at: files-fl-2434.pdf. 4. Transcript of the President's Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. 12 December 2013. Available at: 5. Verbatim records of the State Council session On the Measures for raising the efficiency of the Government expenditures. 4 October 2013. Available at: /news/19359. 6. The economic situation: are the Russians waiting for a crisis? Data from the study conducted by the Public Opinion Foundation. 2014. Available at: 7. Verbatim records of the joint session of the State Council and the Commission for monitoring the target performance of the country. 23 December 2013. Available at: 8. Proceedings of the round table Consequences of Russia’s accession to the World Trade Organization: who is the gainer? Held at the State Duma on 20 June 2013. Available at: round-table-the-implications-of-russia-s-accession/ 9. Interview with Rector of the St. Petersburg State Agrarian University V.A. Efimov. Journal Our First. Available at: 10. Low-rise Russia: Motherland is drawing up to land. Megapolis. 2013. No 9. 11. Alexandrova O.A., Kuteeva M.V. Contour of social policy under the conditions of sub-regional differentiation and reform of local self-administration. Social Policy: Realities of the 21st Century. Iss. 3. Moscow. NISP. 2007. 12. Alexandrova O.A., Nenakhova Ju.S. Raising teachers’ salaries: how the aims are achieved. Population. 2013. No 4. 13. Alexandrova O.A., Nenakhova Ju.S. Human potential of Russia and reform of the social sphere. Population. 2012. No 4. 14. Alexandrova O.A. Quality of the public administration as a factor of the socio-economic development of territories. Priority national projects: the first results and prospects for implementation. Collection of scientific papers. Ed. Pivovarov Ju.S. Moscow. Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences. 2007.
Oleg L. RYBAKOVSKY, Olga A.TAYUNOVA. On some aspects of demographic analysis Key words: demographic analysis, longitudinal and transverse analysis, comparative analysis, index method, standardization method Abstract: The article highlights and substantiates the principal characteristics of demographic analysis, as well as the statistical and sociological methods for studying demographic phenomena and processes. It outlines specifics of using the indicators of longitudinal and transverse analysis. There are given typical examples of incorrect and correct analysis. The article also presents the algorithm and the essence of the method of aggregated indexes and its particular case – the method of standardization.
Bibliography 1. ROMIR Research Holding. Findings of the study conducted in January 2012. Available at: 2. Available at: 3. Available at: 4. Public Opinion Foundation. Iss. 43 dated 4 November 2010. Theme 4: National Population Census. Research poll FOMnibus dated 30-31October 2010. 100 settlements, 44 subjects of the Russian Federation, 2000 respondents. Available at: 5. The All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center Press Release No 1621. Results of the Census-2010. The initiative Russian opinion polls were conducted on 30-31 October 2010. 1600 respondents, 138 sampling points in 46 regions and republics of Russia. Available at: 6. Available at: 7. Rybakovsky O.L., Sudoplatova V.S., Tayunova O.A. Comparative analysis of demographic events. Scientific Review. Series 2. Human sciences. 2013. No 6. Р . 73-79.
Alexander K. CHERCASHIN Quality of life evaluation on the basis of inverse modelling of population dynamics Key words: mortality rate, mathematical model of population dynamics, inverse modelling, quantitative evaluation of the life quality Abstract: On the basis of mathematical model of changes in mortality rates the author solves an inverse task - evaluation of the quality of life on initial data (male mortality in Irkutsk oblast during 1986-2009). The impact of natural and socio-economic factors on this indicator’s variations is calculated by different methods. Calculations of coefficients give comparable results making it possible to identify the curves of life expectancy variations by age and time. The quality of life indicators with the account of the impact of environment are presented by inverse values of the mortality rate for men aged 50 and life expectancy under 85. Bibliography
1. L . Levi, L. Anderson. Population, Environment and Quality of Life. Moscow. Economics. 1979. 42 p. 2. Cherkashin A.K. Theory and methods for estimation of the integrated complex indicators of the population living standards in territories. Geography and Natural Resources. 1997. № 2. 3. Aivazyan S.A. Integrated indicators of the population quality of life: construction and use in socio-economic management and inter-regional comparisons. Moscow. Central Economic and Mathematical Institute. Russian Academy of Sciences. 2000. 4. Tavokin E.P. Social Statistics. Moscow. Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. 2001. 5. Rimashevskaya N.M., Budilova E.V., Migranova L.A., Terekhin A.T. Impact of various factors on population health. Population. 2008. № 1. 6. Kakorina E.P. Social and hygienic specifics of formation of the population health under the present conditions. Doct. diss. Moscow. 1999. 7. Gavrilov L.A., Gavrilova N.S.Biology of Longevity. Moscow. Science. 1991. 8. Gavrilov L.A., Gavrilova N.S. The reliability theory of aging and longevity. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 2001. № 4. 9. Simonov P.V. Needs and information theory of emotions. Psychology issues. 1982. № 6. 10. Strehler B.L., Mildvan A.S. General Theory of mortality and aging. Science. 1960. V. 132. № 3418. 11. Cherkashin A.K., Leshchenko Ya. A. Mathematical Modeling and Quantitative Analysis of the Demographic and Ecological Aspects of the Russian Supermortality. Mathematical Modeling Natural Phenomena. 2010. № 6. 12. Tuljapurkar S., Li N., Boe C. A universal pattern of mortality decline in the G7 countries. Nature. 2000. № 405. 13. Preston S., Heuveline P., Guillot M. Demography: Measuring and Modeling Population Processes. Wiley-Blackwell. 2000. 14. Yashin A.I., Begun A.S., Boiko S.I., Ukraintseva S.V., Oeppen J. New age patterns of survival improvement in Sweden: do they characterize changes in individual aging? Mechanisms of Ageing and Development. 2002. № 6. 15. Budilova E.V., Lagutin M.B. Regional differences in environmental mortality of the Russian population. Population. 2011. № 3. 16. Cherkashin A.K. Mathematical modeling and quantitative estimation of the regional responses of nature and society to the global changes. Regional Response of Environment to the Global Changes in the North-East and Central Asia. Irkutsk. 2012. 17. Yashin A.I., Begun A.S., Boiko S.I., Ukraintseva S.V., Oeppen J. The new trends in survival improvement require a revision of traditional gerontological concepts. Exp. Gerontology. 2001. V. 37. P. 157-167 18. Leshchenko Ya.A. Crisis in social health and socio-demographic development: main manifestations, causes and conditions for overcoming. Irkutsk. 2006. 19. Prokhorov B.B. Dynamics of the socio-economic reformation of Russia in medico-demographic indicators. Forecasting problems. 2006. № 5. 20. Prokhorov B.B., Gorshkov I.V., Tarasova E.V. Relation of the longevity of the Russian population to external factors. Forecasting problems. 2004. № 6. 21. Rimashevskaya N.M., Migranova L.A., Molchanov E.V. Factors impacting on the state of health of the Russian population. Population. 2011. № 1. 22. Ivanova A.E., Mikhailov A.Yu., Semenova V.G. Losses in the longevity and quality of life of the Russian population. Population. 2009. № 3. 23. Frankl V. Man in Search of Meaning. Moscow. Progress Publishers. 1990. 24. Lisitsyn Yu.P. Public Health and Health Care. Moscow. GEOTAR-media. 2010.
Irina I. KORCHAGINA Proxy means testing: pro et contra Key words: targeted social assistance, means testing, proxy method, categorial method, household Abstract: The article deals with the issues and methods of means testing for targeted social assistance to eligible Russian households. It gives a close consideration to the method of proxy means testing, shows its merits and demerits, analyses mechanisms of its application to establish households’ eligibility for social assistance benefits.
1. On State Social Assistance . Federal law N 178 -FZ dated 17 July1999 (as amended on 28 December 2013). Consultant Plus. Legislation. Available at: http :/ / 2. Targeting the poorest: An assessment of the proxy means test methodology . Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID), Canberra. September 2011. 3. Cody D., Grosh M., Hoddinott J. Targeting of transfers in developing countries: an analysis of experience and some of the findings. World Bank. 2004. 4. Designing and Implementing Household Targeting Systems: Lessons from Latin America and the United States . World Bank Report. Social Safety Nets Primer Series. June 2005. 5. Armenia 's Experience with Proxy Means Testing . A Background Material for the Presentation by Alexandra Posarac. November. 2003. 6. Tarcisio Castaneda and Kathy Lindert involving Benedict de la Brière, Luisa Fernandez, SeliiHubert, OsvaldoLarranyaga , Monica Orozco and Roxanne Wickes. Development and use of targeting systems work with households: the experiences of countries in Latin America and the United States. World Bank and Department of the UK Government International Development (DFID. 2005 7. J. Johannsen. Operational Poverty Targeting in Peru — Proxy Means Testing with Non-Income Indicators. Working Paper. UNDP International Poverty Center. No 30. October 2006. 8. Narayan, N. Yoshida. Proxy Means Test for Targeting Welfare Benefits in Sri Lanka. Draft paper of the World Bank. 9. Ch. Muller. Anti-Poverty Transfers without Riots in Tunisia. Document de Travail DIAL. DT2007- 08. September 2007. 10. Egypt — Toward a More Effective Social Policy: Subsidies and Social Safety Net . World Bank Report. 16 December 2005. 11. Strike R., Kolodeznikova A. Using indirect methods of determining income in the implementation of social protection programs in Russia: Opportunities and Challenges. Moscow. 1997. 12. Manual of Procedures to Verify Income . Moscow. Institute for Urban Economics. 1996. РР . 29-39. 13. Targeted Social Assistance. Theory. Practice. Experiment. Ed. N.M. Rimashevskaya. Moscow. Institute for Socio-Economic Studies of Population, Russian Academy of Sciences. 1999. 256 p. 14. Kovalenko E.A., Strokova E.L., Feoktistova O.A. Organization Models of Targeted Social Assistance: Methodical Manual. Moscow. Institute for Urban Economics. 2009. 248 p.
Vyacheslav N. BOBKOV Social structures: middle classes and employees Key words: social structure, middle classes, employees, education, occupation, housing provision, consumer budget of average income, families with children Abstract: The article considers the theoretical issues of identifying social classes. It presents criterial social standards for attributing employees to the middle classes, the most important of which are education level, occupational position, personal income and housing provision. It was found out that at present the middle classes make up only 2-3% of the total employees in the country. Actually, there is nobody among them, who has a family with two or more children. The primary cause of this is the low level of wages. Bibliography
1. Bobkov V.N. Quality and standard of living. Identification of social structures. Political economy as an economic philosophy: a textbook for students of all disciplines. State University of Management. Department of Political Economy. Moscow. State University of Management. 2009. 2. Marx K., Engels F. Collected Works. 3. Ludwig von Mises. Human activity. Treatise on economic theory. Translated from English by. A.V. Kurayeva . Chelyabinsk. Socium. 2008. 4. Weber M. Main Concepts of Stratification. Sociological Studies. 1994. No 5. 5. The Quality and Standard of Living in the New Russia (1991-2005). Ed. by V.N. Bobkov. Moscow. All-Russian Center for Living Standards. 2007. 6. Bobkov V.N. Social Structures and Inequality in the Population Distribution by the Quality and Standards of Living. Moscow. All-Russian Center for Living Standards. 2011. 7. Bobkov V.N., Kanaev I. Structure of society (income and housing provision). Economist. 2006. No 9. 8. Bobkov V.N., Odintsov E.V. Social structure of the Russian society by the criteria of income and housing provision. Living Standards in the Regions of Russia. 2012. No 1. 9. Tikhonova N.E., Mareeva S.V. Middle Class: Theory and Reality. Available at: (accessed on 17 November 2012). 10. Dobren’kov V.I., Kravchenko A.I. Sociology. Textbook. Moscow. 2001. 11. Maleeva T.I., Ovcharova L.N., et. al. Russian Middle Classes on the Eve and at the Peak of the Economic Growth. Moscow. Econ-Inform. 2008. 12. The urban middle class in modern Russia. Available at: (accessed on 23 November 2012). 13. Shkaratan O.I., Social stratification and its reproduction in modern Russia. Available at: (accessed on 16 November 2012). 14. Forecast of the long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030. Available at: (accessed on 4 May 2013). 15. Labour and Employment in Russia. 2011. Statistical Handbook. Rosstat. Moscow. 2011.
Sergey V. RYAZANTSEV, Elena E. PISMENNAYA, Andrei A. BAYKOV Emigration from Russia to the USA and formation of Russian-speaking communities Key words: emigration, USA, Russian-speaking communities Abstract: The article examines specifics of the emigration from Russia to the USA. It identifies characteristic features of the settlement and socio-economic adaptation of the Russian-speaking communities in the USA. Bibliography
1. Yearbook of Immigration Statistics. 2012. Legal Permanent Residents, Table 2: Persons obtaining legal permanent resident status by region and country of last residence: Fiscal years 1820 to 2012. Available at: immigra-tion-statistics/yearbook/2012 /. (accessed on July 1, 2012). 2. The Demographic Yearbook of Russia. 1999. Statistical Handbook. Rosstat. Moscow. 1999. 3. The Demographic Yearbook of Russia. 2002. Statistical Handbook. Rosstat. Moscow. 2002. 4. The Demographic Yearbook of Russia. 2006. Statistical Handbook. Rosstat. Moscow. 2006. 5. The Demographic Yearbook of Russia. 2010. Statistical Handbook. Rosstat. Moscow. 2011. 6. Labour and Employment in Russia in 2011. Statistical Handbook. Rosstat. Moscow. 2012. Available at: bgd/reg/b11_36/IssWWW.exe/Stg/d1/05-19.hml) (accessed on July 1, 2013). 7. Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2004-2005 . The National Data Book. US Census Bureau. 2004. 8. KARIM-East. Database. Demographic and economic module. Available at: (accessed on July 1, 2013). 9. Migration Trends in Eastern Europe and Central Asia: 2001-2002 Review. Geneva . IOM. 2002. 10. Vanichkin P. Over 2.6 million Americans consider themselves Russian. Available at: (accessed on July 1, 2013). 11. Ryazantsev S.V., Pismennaya E.E. Integration of the Russian-speaking community into Australia. Population. 2013. № 1. Р . 106-110. 12. Ryazantsev S.V., Pismennaya E.E. Opportunities for statistical identification and evaluation of the integration of the Russian-speaking communities (on the example of Australia). Scientific Review. Series 2. Human sciences. 2012. № 6. Р . 58-64. 13. Ryazantsev S.V. New Russian Diaspora: conditions of formation, identity and assimilation. Scientific Review. Series 1. Economics and Law. 2010. № 5. Р . 83-88.
Nina N. IVASHINENKO, Lyudmila A. MIGRANOVA, Mikhail L. TEODOROVICH Studying the population quality of life as the basis for social management Key words: objective and subjective assessment, quality of life, governmental bodies, public opinion, monitoring Abstract: On the basis of the examples from international practice and the results of their own studies of the quality of life of urban population the authors sequentially analyse the problems and perspectives of introducing the quality of life monitoring into the practice of social management for raising its efficiency. Concepts of participatory mechanism are used as the methodical basis. Bibliography
1 Castells M. (2004). The Power of Identity. The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture. Vol. II. Malden, MA. Oxford. Blackwell. 2 Lokosov V.V. Perspectives of the ISESP RAS scientific activity: methodological approaches. Population. 2013. No 1. 3 Stiglitz J. E., Sen A. & Fitoussi J.-P. (2009). Report by the Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress. Available at: http://www.stiglitz-sen-fi 4 Sen A. (1987), Sen A.K. (1985).Commodities and Capabilities. Oxford. Elsevier Science Publishers. 5 Santos L.D. & Martins I. (2013). The Monitoring System on Quality of Life of the City of Porto. Community Quality-of-Life Indicators: Best Cases Series IV. Springer. Dordrecht - Hei-delberg - New York - London. 6 Sirgy M. J., Rahtz D. & Swain D. (Eds.). (2006). Community Quality-of-Life Indicators: Best Cases Series II (pp. 61-73). Springer. Dordrecht – Heidelberg – New York – London. 7 Cummins R. A. (2000). Personal income and subjective well-being: A review. Journal of Happiness Studies. 1: 133-158. 8 Santos L. D., Martins I. & Brito P. (2007). Measuring subjective quality of life: A survey to Porto's residents. Applied Research in Quality of Life . 2: 51-64. 9 Veenhoven R. (2002). Why social policy needs subjective indicators. Social Indicators Re-search. 58 : 33-45. 10 Sirgy M.J., Phillips R, Rahtz D. (Eds) (2013). Community Quality-of-Life Indicators: Best Cases Series IV. Springer. Dordrecht – Heidelberg – New York – London. 11 Participatory approach in improving the quality of life . Ed. by N. М . Rimashevskaya, N.N. Ivashinenko. Nizhny Novgorod. Nizhny Novgorod State University Publishers. 2013. 268 p. 12 Easterlin R. A. (2005). Feeding the Illusion of Growth and Happiness: A Reply to Hagerty and Veenhoven. Social Indicators Research. 74 (3): 429-443. 13 Woman, Man, Family in Russia: the Last Third of the Twentieth Century. Project Taganrog. Moscow . Institute for Socio-Economic Studies of Population, Russian Academy of Sciences. 2001. 14 Ivashinenko N.N., Korchagina I.I., Migranova L.A. Health and access to health services in small towns in Russia. Sociological Almanac. Minsk. Institute of Sociology, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. N о 4. 2013. PP. 427-439. 15 Teodorovich M.L. Poverty as a social problem: A Strategic Approach. Nizhny Novgorod. Nizhny Novgorod State University Publishers. 2009. 452 p. 16 Yarasheva A.V., Burdastova Yu.V. Saving and credit strategies of households. Population. 2013. N о 2. PP. 94-102. 17 Paul S. Community participation in development projects: the World Bank experience. Discussion paper № 6. New York. World Bank. 1987. 18 Dahl V.I. The Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Language. Moscow. Polyglossum. 2006.
Natalia E. MARKOVA Factors of teenagers’ social health Key words: the youth, social health, deviant behavior, sub-cultures, social epidemics, national security Abstract: The article considers the notion of social health in terms of different human sciences. Deviantologic approach is used for definition of the youth’s deviant behavior. The author describes deviant features of the sub-cultural lifestyles, prevalence of subcultures among young people. She presents findings of the studies conducted by ISESP RAS in 2009-2011 concerning the causes of involvement and the duration of stay in subcultures of teenagers in different age groups. Bibliography
1. Municipal Targeted Middle-Term Programme for Development of the Metropolitan Health Care in 2008-2010. Available at: http://www. 2. Shevchenko Yu.S., Dobriden’ V.P. Joyful Growing-up. St.Petersburg. Speech. 2004. 3. Pristupa E.N. Pedagogical diagnostics of individual social health of teenagers. Available at: Приступа _ Е . Н . 4. Demographic Conceptual Dictionary . Ed. L.L. Rybakovsky. Center for Social Prognosticating. Moscow. 2003. 5. Kuznetsova I.V. Psychological grounds for implementation of health-saving technologies in educational institutions. Doct. diss. Moscow. 2003. 6. IV International Congress Young Generation of the 21st Century: Current Problems of Socio-Psychical Health. Kirov. 2009. 7. Psychological Dictionary . Moscow. 1992. 8. Gurvich. I.I. Sociocultural factors. Available at: 9. Markova N.Ye., Rimashevskaya N.M., Smakotina N.L. Typology of modifications of deviant behavior in youth sub-cultures. Population. 2010. No 1. P. 85-97. 10. Lasovskaya N.F. Social health of population and national security of society. Available at:
Natalia A. VINOKUROVA Taganrog household survey – 2000: notes of an interviewer Key words: research methods, work of interviewers, respondents’ behavior, labour market, additional earnings, men and women, shadow income Abstract: The article presents different methodic approaches developed and tested in the course of the sociological survey Taganrog-2000. To get a more objective assessment of the situation there was used additional information, which was not included in the formalized questionnaire and obtained by interviewers during the survey. The article contains examples of such information making it possible to study more closely the problems of labour market in Taganrog, the scale of informal employment and additional earnings of men and women. Bibliography
1. Katz K., Vinokurova N. Women and men in Taganrog –A Study of the Emerging Russian Labour Market. Centrum for European Research. Goteborg University. 2001. No 13. 2. Woman, Man, Family in Russia: the Last Third of the Twentieth Century. Project Taganrog. Moscow . Institute for Socio-Economic Studies of Population, Russian Academy of Sciences. 2001. |