Issue 2-2014 |
CONTENTS № 2 (64) – 2014 (April – June)
Oxana G. DMITRIEVA Accumulation of pension rights under the progressive solidarity part of social pension contributions: its impact on the pension system equilibrium and leveling-up of income disparities Key words: pensions, imitation calculations, accumulation of pension rights, progressive solidarity part of social pension contributions, flat pension contribution pattern. Abstract. The article presents results of the imitation calculations of the total value and distribution of social pension contributions under the progressive solidarity part of social pension contributions and cancellation of the upper limit of earnings subject to social taxation. The obtained results prove that these patterns provide increase in the social pension revenues, rise in the size of pensions and earnings replacement rate together with equilibrium and stability of the pension system. For each version of the insurance contribution scale and the division of contributions into solidarity and individual parts there is calculated the potential total amount of insurance contributions, the projected value of pension expenditures and pensions for 10% income groups, as well as income differences. Bibliography
1. Dmitrieva O.G., Petukhova N.R., Ushakov D.V. Transition from the distributive pay-as-you-go pension system to accumulative fully funded scheme: results and efficiency criteria. Economic Issues. 2010. No 4. PP. 43-60. 2. On Introducing Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation and Declaring Certain Legislative Acts (Propositions of Legislative Acts) of the Russian Federation no Longer in Force in Connection with Passage of the Federal Law «On Insurance Contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, Social Security Fund of the Russian Federation, Federal Fund of the Compulsory Health Insurance and Territorial Funds of the Compulsory Health Insurance». Federal Law of 24 July 2009. No 213-FZ. 3. On State Pensions in the Russian Federation . Federal Law of 20 November 1990. No 340-1. 4. On the Procedure for Calculating and Increasing State Pensions . Federal Law of 21 July 1997. No 113-FZ. 5. On Insurance Contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation , Social Security Fund of the Russian Federation, Federal Fund of the Compulsory Health Insurance and Territorial Funds of the Compulsory Health Insurance. Federal Law of 24 July 2009. No 212-FZ. 6. On Retirement Pensions in the Russian Federation . Federal Law as of 17 December 2001. No 173-FZ. 7. On the Federal Budget for 2013 and the Plan Period of 2014 and 2015 . Federal Law of 3 December 2012. No 216-FZ. 8. Rosstat. Distribution of the number of employees by size of the accrued wages (according to results of the sample survey of organizations in April 2013). Available at: http://www. (accessed on 15 April 2014). 9. Social Policy. Legislative Initiatives of the «Just Russia» Faction . Eds. Goryacheva S.P., Dmitrieva O.G. Moscow. State Duma of RF. 2010. 64 p.
Valentina K. BOCHKAREVA Analysis of the reports on the finance budgets of the Russian Pension Fund Key words: finance budget, pension insurance, categories of social security beneficiaries (l’gotniki), insurance contributions, contribution rates, contingency reserve. Abstract. The article analyses the reports on execution of the Russian Pension Fund financial budgets for 2011-2012 and shows how the movement of the main financial flows is reflected in them. The analysis reveals a serious insufficiency of information on the sources of the Pension Fund financing. As a result, it is practically impossible to assess the scale of coverage of the working population of the country by pension insurance, to delimit the pension insurance obligations of the insurer (Russian Pension Fund), the insuring parties with different insurance conditions (employers) and the guarantor of solvency of the compulsory pension system (State). It sets forth proposals for improvement of the budget breakdown by items and sections. Bibliography
1. The Statistical Yearbook of Russia . Moscow. Rosstat. 2012, 2013. 2. On the Size and Calculating Procedure of the Insurance Contribution Rate in the Compulsory Health Insurance for Non -working Population. Federal Law of 30 November 2011. No 354-FZ. 3. Results of the Work of the Audit Chamber of the Russian Federation in 2011. Results of the Work of the Audit Chamber of the Russian Federation in 2012. Available at: http:// 4. On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation . Federal Law of 2001. No 167-FZ. Article 19 « Reserves of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation». 5. On the Budget of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for 2013 and the Plan Period of 2014 and 2015 . Federal Law No 213-FZ. 6. Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. Available at: programs/
Mikhail I. ARTYUKHIN, Sergey A. PUSHKEVICH Migration role in democratic development of Belarus and its regions Key words: depopulation, demographic potential, demographic security, depressive regions, internal and external migration of population. Abstract. The article considers the role of internal and external migration of population in stabilization of the demographic situation in Belarus and its regions. It shows that in the past decade there are observed positive demographic dynamics in the republic on the whole. How-ever, most of the Belarus regions are characterized by natural decrease of population and negative net migration. This especially concerns small towns and rural settlements. The authors come to a conclusion that despite the positive trends in the demographic development of the past decade, the depopulation in Belarus will have a long-term character caused by the cardinal changes in the population reproduction parameters. Bibliography
1. Antipova E.A. Regionalization of the demographic development in rural areas of the Republic of Belarus. Economic Bulletin of the Research Economic Institute of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus. 2013. No 10. PP. 23-34. 2. The Demographic Yearbook of the Republic of Belarus . Statistical Handbook. Minsk. 2013. 3. Results of Migration of the Population of the Republic of Belarus. January-December 2002. Statistical Handbook. Minsk. 2003; 2004; 2005; 2006; 2007; 2008; 2009. 4. On the Population Natural Dynamics in the Republic of Belarus in 2013 . Statistical Handbook. Minsk. 2014. 5. Main Results of Migration of the Population of the Republic of Belarus. Statistical Handbook. Minsk. 2009; 2010; 2012; 2013. 6. Main Results of Migration of the Population of the Republic of Belarus in 2013. Statistical Handbook. Minsk. 2014. 7. Number of Population by Oblasts and in the City of Minsk (at the beginning of year; thousand people). National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus. Available at: http// (accessed on 14 April 2014).
Pavel V. VASILENKO Specifics of migration in Pskov oblast in the post-Soviet time Key words: Pskov oblast, North-West, migration, net migration, foreign migration, internal migration. Abstract. The article deals with the migration processes in Pskov oblast in the post-Soviet period. The author analyses main migration trends, using the data on the movements range and the number of population of the regions participating in migration exchange, identifies degree of the impact of migration processes on the depopulation in Pskov oblast. Bibliography
1. Manakov A.G., Evdokimov S.I. Dynamics in the number, natural and mechanic movements of population in Pskov region (16th — early 21st century). Pskov State University Bulletin. Natural, Physical and Mathematical Sciences series. Pskov. Pskov State University Publishers. 2012. No 1. PP. 91-103. 2. Manakov A.G., Krivulia I.V. Demographic situation in Pskov oblast in 2010 — first half of 2012. Pskov Regionological Journal. Pskov. Pskov State University Publishers. 2013. No 15. PP. 76-82. 3. Terenina N.K. Demographic pattern of Pskov region against the background of the surrounding territories: internal contrasts. Pskov Regionological Journal. Pskov. Pskov State University Publishers. 2005. No 1. PP. 70-80. 4. Krivulia I.V., Manakov A.G. Depopulation processes in Pskov oblast and key directions of the demographic policy. Pskov Regionological Journal. Pskov. Pskov State University Publishers. 2005. No 1. PP. 57-69. 5. Evdokimov S.I. Projections of the main demographic indicators for the first third of the 21st century in Pskov oblast. Pskov Regionological Journal. Pskov. Pskov State University Publishers. 2012. No 14. PP. 67-74. 6. Vasilenko P.V. Applying gravity model to analysis of intra-regional migration — Evidence from Novgorod and Pskov oblasts. Pskov Regionological Journal. Pskov. 2013. No 15. PP. 83-90.
Sergey V. RYAZANTSEV, Elena E. PISMENNAYA Old and new trends in emigration from Russia to Latin America Key words: Latin America , emigration, Russian migrants, Russian-speaking communities, migration waves. Abstract. The srticle considers the specific features and trends of the emigration from Russia to Latin America in the historic perspective from the end of the 21st century to the present. It indicates the key forms of emigration from Russia to countries of Latin America in the context of their immigration policy. There is given characteristic of the social and demo-graphic structure of the Russian migrants. Specifics of the present stage of the Russian emigration to Latin America are highlighted in the article. Bibliography
1. Podrez S.V. The genesis of the current situation and problems of the Russian diaspora in Latin America. Abstract of the diss. for the degree of candidate of historical sciences, specialty 07.00.03 Universal History. Moscow, 2005. P. 12. Available at: con-tent/genezis-i-problemy-sovremennogo-polozheniya-rossiiskoi-diaspoty-v-latinskoi-amerike [Access Date: January 30, 2013] 2. Celine B. Russian in Brazil. Available at: [Access Date: January 30, 2013] 3. Nechayev T. Adaptation of Russian emigrants in Latin America. Available at: www. [Access Date: February 1, 2011] 4. Data FMS of Russia. Form T-1 for 2007-2010. (Electronic forms for official use) 5. Ryazantsev S.V., Pismennaya E.E. Writing EE Integration of the «Russian» community in Australia. Population. 2013. № 1. P. 106-110. 6. Ryazantsev S.V., Pismennaya E.E. Opportunities statistical identification and evaluation of integration «Russian-speaking» community (for example Australia). Scientific Review. Se-ries 2. Human sciences. 2012. № 6. P. 58-64. 7. Ryazantsev S.V. New Russian Diaspora: conditions of formation, identity and assimilation. Scientific Review. Series 1. Economics and Law. 2010. № 5. P. 83-88.
Evgenia P. SIGAREVA, Svetlana Yu. SIVOPLYASOVA Some aspects of migration motivation of the Russian youth Key words: s urvey, migratory intentions, Russian youth, marital and reproductive attitudes, career choice, youth-related and socio-economic policy. Abstract. The article presents results of the Russian youth survey aimed at identifying specifics of the migration motivation of young people and the relating marital, reproductive and career intentions. It was found out that a significant part of the young generation do not connect implementation of their main life plans with a definite territory, they pragmatically approach the question of where to apply their skills and found a family. There was established an inverse relationship between the number of city population and the choice of place for implementation of main life plans. The authors indicate directions of improvement of the youth-related and socio-economic policy to reduce the motivation for emigration from Russia. Bibliography
1. Ryazantsev S.V. Russia's demographic crisis: main characteristics and ways out. Youth and Society. 2008. № 2. PP. 15-18. 2. Ryazantsev S.V., Pismennaya E.E., Luk’yanova A.Y. Migration trends and priorities of migration policy in modern Russia. Population. 2008. № 2. PP. 98-103. 3. Ryazantsev S.V. Priorities of the migratory policy of Russia. Scientific Review. Series 1. Economics and Law. 2010. № 6. РР . 34-39. 4. Sigareva E.P., Usachev V.I. Social mobility: new trends. The Present and the Future of Demography in Russia through the Prism of Population Censuses (1897, 2002 and 2010). Abstracts of the international scientific-practical conference held in Moscow on 20 April 2007. Moscow. 2007. PP. 169-171. 5. Sigareva E.P., Khodenko S.V. Mobility and migration plans of resident population in Russia. Population. 2008. № 3. PP. 128-135. 6. Sigareva E.P., Khodenko S.V. Problems of the migratory policy during the crisis period. Scientific Review. Series 1. Economics and Law. 2011. № 1. РР . 105-109. 7. Sigareva E.P., Khodenko S.V. Evolution of migration mobility in gender dimension. Russia's Demographic Prospects and Challenges of Demographic Policy. Abstracts of the scientific-practical conference held in Moscow on April 6-8 2010. Eds. Prof. L.L. Rybakovsky, Prof. A.E. Ivanova. Moscow. Ekonom-Inform. 2010. Vol. 3. PP. 169-173. 8. Transformation of Migration Processes in the Post-Soviet Space . Ed. Prof. L.L. Rybakovsky. Moscow. Academy. 2009. 9. Russian Federal State Statistics Service. Available at:
Vsevolod M. ZHEREBIN, Olga N. VERSHINSKAYA, Olga N. MAKHROVA Modern perception of time and accelerating pace of life Key words: accelerating pace of life, social time, individual time, family life cycle, informatization of society, quality of life. Abstract. Accelerating the pace of life is the increase over time of the events and situations that occur per unit time. The flow of messages about them is becoming increasingly intensive and perceived by people with growing tensions. Investigation of the accelerating pace of life is inextricably connected with the use of modern ideas about the physical and social time, which includes the general social, personal and family time. Today it is recognized that the main catalyst for accelerating the pace of life is the continuously progressive process of informatization. Among the social consequences of the accelerating pace of life should be considered its more and more evident impact on the declining quality of life of the population. Bibliography
1. Toffler E. Future Shock. Part 1. The End of Constancy. Available at: 2. Social time and social hierarchy. Available at: /unknown_social_time/ 3. Concept of social and cultural-historic time. Available at:>filosofiya-naui…ponyatie-socialnogo-i—kulturno-istoricheskogo.html. 4. Albulkhanova K.A., Berezina T.N. Personal Time and Life Time. St. Petersburg. Aleteya. 2001. 5. Neugarten B.N., Moore J.W., Lowe J.C. Age norms, age constraints and adult socialization. American Journal of Sociology. 1965. Vol.70. PP. 22-23. 6. Clupt M.A. Time in the Human Life (demographic aspect). Moscow. 1985. 7. Volkov A.G., Soroko E.L. Typology of families and households in Russia: Development and analysis. Problems of Statistics. 1999. No 5. 8. Rimashevskaya N.M. Person and Reforms: Secrets of Survival. Moscow. Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population, Russian Academy of Sciences. 2003. 9. Ezhov O.N. Ontology of Social Time. Saratov. Saratov State Technical University. 2000. 10. Patrushev V.D. Time budget of urban working population in the USA and Russia (1980s-1990s). Sociological Studies. 2003. No 12. P. 33. 11. Zolotov A.V. Norm of free time as an indicator of socio-economic development. Sociological Studies. 1999. No 12. 12. Accelerating the pace of life. Available at: ritmov_zhizni.html 13. Robertson D.S. Information revolution. Information Revolution: Economy, Technology. Collection of abstracts. Moscow. Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences.1993. P. 17. 14. Tumovskaya M. The pace of time. Available at:
Natalia O. BOLDYSHEVA How to make the new system of payment for work of teachers effective Key words: shortage of pedagogical personnel, quality of education, payment for work, new sys-tem of work remuneration. Abstract. The main goals for introduction of the new remuneration system in schools were raising the quality of educational services and developing the personnel potential of the education system. On the data from a sociological survey the author analyses conformity of the new remuneration system to the set tasks, considers teachers’ attitudes to the new system, examines the possibilities for raising the efficiency of this system at the level of an educational institution. Bibliography
1. On Work Remuneration of Employees at State Educational Institutions in Moscow Oblast. Moscow oblast Government Decree of 9 June 2011. No 533/21. 2. On Work Remuneration of Employees at State Educational Institutions in Moscow Oblast. Moscow oblast Government Decree of 27 December 2013. No 1186/58. 3. Lavi V. Performance pay and teachers’ effort, productivity and grading ethics. Journal of Educational Studies. 2010. No 2. PP. 63-110. 4. The new remuneration system in schools. Kaliningrad and Novgorod oblast experience . Collection of articles. Moscow — Ioshkar-Ola. Print Center. 2010. 200 p. 5. The new remuneration system in schools. Kaliningrad oblast experience . Information bulletin. Moscow. Yustitz-Inform. 2009. PP. 3-4. 6. Ballou D . Pay for performance in public and private schools. Economics of Education Review. 2001. Vol. 20. PP. 51-61. 7. Figlio D ., Kenny L.W. Individual teacher incentives and student performance. Journal of Public Economics. 2007. Vol. 91. PP. 901-914. 8. Fryer R .G. Teacher incentives and student achievement: Evidence from New York City Public Schools. Cambridge, M.A. National Bureau of Economic Research. 2011. 9. Gratz D. The Problem with Performance Pay. Educational Leader. 2009. Vol. 67. PP. 76-79. 10. Murnane R.J., Cohen D.K. Merit pay and evaluation problem: Why most merit pay plans fail and a few survive. Harvard Educational Review. 1986. Vol. 56 (1). PP. 1-17. 11. Data on the Education System 2013. National Programme Our New School. Available at: 12. Teachers’ salary is changing. 2013. Interregional Trade Union of Education Employees. Available at:
Alla K. GUZANOVA Regional and social specifics of the housing provision of Russian households Key words: housing conditions, housing construction, regional and social differentiation, affordability of housing, housing policy, households. Abstract: The article deals with the problems of housing provision of Russian households. It shows regional differences, indicates negative trends in the structure of housing construction and in the dynamics of reduction of the hazardous, slum and lacking amenities housing. It examines the differentiation of housing provision by income and socio-demographic groups of the population, substantiates the need for social housing construction and for significant raising of the Russian households incomes. The main results were obtained on the basis of Rosstat data and findings of sociological surveys. Bibliography
1. Housing Services in Russia 2013 . Moscow. Rosstat. 2013. 2. Russia and the European Union Member-Countries in Figures. Moscow . Rosstat. 2005. 3. The Statistical Yearbook of Russia. Statistical Handbook. Moscow. Rosstat. 2012. 4. Results of the National Population Census 2010. Vol. 9. Housing Conditions of Population . Moscow. Rosstat. 2013. 5. Guzanova A.K. Needs and demand for housing in big Russian cities. Economic Studies. 1994. No 10. 6. Social Status and Living Standards of the Russian Population in 2011 . Moscow. Rosstat. 2012. 7. Guzanova A.K. Problems of lacking amenities and cramped dwellings of Russian families: territorial and social differences, housing policy. Russia: Trends and Prospects for Develop-ment. Yearbook. Vol. 6. Part 2. Moscow. Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences. 2011. PP. 120-124. 8. Incomes, Expenditures and Consumption of Households in 2007 (data from the results of the sample survey of household budgets). Statistical Handbook. Moscow. Rosstat. 2008. 9. Incomes, Expenditures and Consumption of Households in 2011 (data from the results of the sample survey of household budgets). Statistical Handbook. Moscow. Rosstat. 2012. 10. Results of the Complex Survey of Population Living Conditions. Moscow . Rosstat. 2012. 11. Guzanova A.K. Strategies of Russian households for improvement of their housing conditions. Population. 2012. No 2.
Lyudmila A. MIGRANOVA, Mayrash S. Toksanbaeva Quality of labour potential of Russian regions Key words: labour, psychophysical, social and personal potential, quality, composition, number, health, education, index, rank, differences, region. Abstract. The article presents the results of a study of the labour potential quality in Russian regions. The assessment was made using index method on the Rosstat data for 82 Federation subjects as of 2013 on the basis of indicators characterizing three major components of the labour potential quality — intellectual (education and qualification levels), psychophysical (health), social and personal (number of population motivated for labour). Bibliography
1. Economics of Labour . Textbook. Eds. Arkhipova A.I. et al. Moscow. Economics. 2009. PP. 63-64. 2. Maslova I.S. Labour Potential of the Soviet Society. Issues of Research Theory and Methodology. Moscow. Institute of Economics, USSR Academy of Sciences. 1987. Part 13. PP. 17-18. 3. Toksanbaeva M.S. Social Interests of Workers and Use of their Labour Potential. Moscow. Science. 2006. P. 23. 4. Rimashevskaya N.M., Bochkareva V.K., Volkova G.N., Migranova L.A. Quality of labour potential in Russian regions. Population. 2012. No 3. P. 111. 5. Ayvazian S.A. Analysis of the Quality and Way of Life of Population: Econometric Approach. Moscow. Science. 2012. PP. 84-85.
Evgeny V. MORGUNOV Management of the mineral resources use in Canada Key words: mining rent, indigenous peoples, mineral resources, subsoil use, policy, provinces, territories, trust-funds, economy. Abstract. The article considers the system of management of the mineral resources use in Canada, presents a brief political and economic characteristic of Canada and its mineral resources. A special attention is paid to the state and management of the oil and gas sector of the country, to its Northern territories that are mainly populated by indigenous minorities (Eskimos). CDPQ ( Quebec) is considered as an example of trust fund. Bibliography
1. Normand Thibault. Population, ménages et familles. Donnees sociales au Quebec. 2009. 2. Quebec . Rapport sur l’evolution de la situation linguistic du Quebec. 2002-2007 . Montreal. Office de la langue francaise du Quebec. 2008. 3. Russia and the Arctic: The «last Dash North». September 2007. Available at: MAS-KG.pdf. 4. World Energy Outlook 2010. Available at: weo2010.pdf 5. Baykova E.P. Experience of rent extraction and distribution in foreign countries. Problems of Modern Economy. 2010. No 3. 6. Bobylev Yu.N. World Experience of Taxation in Mining Industry. Moscow. 2013. 7. The Caisse de depot et placement du Quebec. 4 avril 2014. Available at: http://www. 8. Eurosocialism of of Canadian aborigines in Nunavut. 27 March 2014. Available at: 9. Konyshev V.N., Sergunin A.A. Canadian strategy in the Arctic and Russia: Is a mutual understanding possible? Arctic and North. 2012. No 8. 10. Minor oil - a little blood. Business Press. No 17 (312). 6 May 2005. 11. The new law prohibits oil and gas activity in the vicinity of Sabres island ( Canada). 26 April 2013. Available at: 12. Regulation in the sphere of subsoil use in Arctic countries ( USA, Canada, Norway). Arctic: Ecology and Economy. 2013. No 3. 13. Modern environmental policy: stages, principles, directions. 14 March 20. Available at: 14. Streltsov A.A. Fuel and energy complex of Canada. Problems of National Strategy. 2012. No 1. |