Issue 4-2014 |
CONTENTS № 4 (66) – 2014 (October-December)
Oleg L. RYBAKOVSKY, Valeria S. SUDOPLATOVA General analysis of the demographic dynamics components Keywords: population dynamics, natural increase, net migration, overall increase, coefficient of depopulation, coefficient of efficiency of migration ties, coefficient of demographic movement of population. Abstract. The article deals with methodological and methodical issues of constructing a system of demographic indicators to characterize the general balance of population movement. It makes a distinction between the notions of population dynamics and demographic development. There are proposed new indicators of intensity and correlation characterizing the results of differently directed action of the components of population demographic movement. By analogy with vital rates, depopulation and efficiency of migration ties the authors introduce coefficient of demographic movement of population (Kdd). This index makes it possible to compare in a relative form two differently directed processes. One of these processes including mortality and emigration leads to decrease in the number of resident population of a territory. The other one including fertility and immigration leads to its increase. At the preliminary stage of analysis this index may give a complex characteristic in a relative form of total reproduction-migration effect of the population movement in a certain territory. The authors developed the methods for integrating the input of two relative characteristics of the general population movement — coefficient of depopulation and co-efficient of efficiency of migration ties into a resulting index — coefficient of demographic movement of population. Bibliography
1. Perevedentsev V.I. Population migration and labor problems of Siberia. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1966. 2. Rybakovskiy L.L. Perspective elaboration of regional labor balance questions. Employment of labor forces in districts of Far East. Khabarovsk, 1965. 3. Rybakovskiy L.L. Population of the Far East over 100 years. Moscow: Nauka, 1969. 4. Available at: 5. Available at: 6. Available at:
Alexander A. KUKLIN, Gennady P. BYSTRAY, Alexandra V. VASILIEVA, Ivan A. LUKOV Forecast of the Russian population reproduction Keywords: population reproduction, demographic system, modernized Hurst method, fore-cast, time of reliable prediction, self-development, state regulation. Abstract. The article considers contemporary problems of the demographic development of Russia and their causes. It identifies two main hypotheses explaining the population growth from the early 2000s and the decline in mortality from the mid-2000s: self-development of the demographic system within the frames of the second demo-graphic transition and high efficiency of the state regulation measures. In accordance with them there was substantiated the necessity of developing two versions of fore-cast of the demographic development of Russia. Using the modernized Hurst method the authors constructed forecast curves of the Russian population reproduction for the period till 2030 with allowing some time for a reliable projection and a minimum time for forgetting the initial conditions. Comparison of the forecast versions made it possible to find out the main causes of the improvement of the demographic situation in Russia in the 2000s: the increase in birth rates from the early 2000s was rather the consequence of the formerly postponed births than the effect of the Government measures for overcoming the demographic crisis, and the decline in mortality rates from the mid-2000s is rather the result of the Government measures for overcoming the demographic crisis than the effect of self-development of the demo-graphic system. The obtained results confirm the standpoint that the State regulation of the demographic situation in Russia should be first of all aimed at improvement of health and raising life expectancy of the population. Bibliography
1. Cherepanova A.V. Assessment of demographic policy within the frames of the mechanism ensuring effective development of a region. Economics of Region. 2009. No 4 (20). P. 219-223. 2. Births, deaths and natural increase. Federal State Statistics Service. Available at: (accessed on 4 August 2013). 3. On Additional Measures for State Support of Families with Children . Federal Law of 29 December 2006 No 256-FZ (as amended in the Federal Laws of 23 July 2008 No 160-FZ, 25 December 2008 No 288-FZ, 28 July 2010 No 241-FZ, 29 December 2010 No 440-FZ). Avail-able at: (accessed on 4 August 2013). 4. Basic documents relating the priority national project Health. Priority national projects. Available at: (accessed on 4 March 2010). 5. Bystray G.P., Korshunov L.A., Lykov I.A., Nikulina N.L., Okhotnikov S.A. Methods of nonlinear dynamics in analysis and forecasting of the economic systems of regional level. Journal of Economic Theory. 2010. No 3. P. 103-114. 6. Bystray G.P., Korshunov L.A., Nikulina N.L., Lykov I.A. Diagnostics and forecasting of the socio-economic development of regions in terms of nonlinear dynamics. Tyumen State Unversity Herald. 2010. No 4. P. 164-170. 7. Bystray G.P., Lykov I.A. Certificate of the State registration of the computer program № 2012615414 Assessment of Risks, Nonlinear Analysis and Forecasting of the Long Time Series of Economic Indicators. Rospatent. Registered on 15 June 2012. 8. Feder Е . Fractals. (Transl. from English). Moscow. World. 1991. 254 p. 9. Bystray G.P . Thermodynamics of Irreversible Processes in Open Systems. Moscow-Izhevsk. 2011. 264 p. 10. Bystray G.P., Vasilieva A.V., Lykov I.A. Forecasting of the demographic development of Rus-sia. Urals Federal University Herald. Series: Economy and Management. 2012. No 6. P. 61-72. 11. Birth, death and natural increase rates. Federal State Statistics Service. Available at: (accessed on 4 August 2013). 12. Korshunov L.A., Nikulina N.L. Environmental and economic aspects of sustainably safe development of region. Polzunov Almanach. 2011. No 3. P. 4-8. 13. Vasilieva E.V., Kuklin A.A., Leontyeva A.G. Social protection of population, its role in raising the quality of life in Russian regions. Living Standards of Population in Russian Regions. 2010. No 9. P. 22-31. 14. Vasilieva E.V. Interregional differentiation of the quality of life of the Russian population. Economy of Region. 2010. No 4. P. 234-242. 15. Gurban I.A. Impact of the population well-being on the human capital development levels in Russian regions. Science of Krasnoyarie. 2013. No 5 (10). P. 139-158. 16. Kalina A.V., Gurban I.A. Social costs of drug addiction in Russian regions: methodic approach and estimation results. Economy of Region. 2007. No 2. P. 44-53. 17. Kuklin A.A., Bystray G.P., Myzin A.L., Kalina A.V., Gurban I.A., Komarovskaya A.A. Socio-economic consequences of the drug addiction growth in regions. Economy of Region. 2005. No 2. P. 133-146. 18. Myzin A.L., Kalina A.V., Kozitsyn A.A., Pykhov P.A. The state and dynamics of the changes in the level of regional energy security. Economy of Region. 2006. No 4. P. 23-36. 19. Myzin A.L., Mezentsev P.E., Denisova O.A., Pykhov P.A. Comparative assessment of energy-investment attractiveness of regions: method and implementation. Economy of Region. 2007. No 4. P. 207-220. 20. Tatarkin A.I., Kuklin A.A., Chusova A.E. Impact of shadow economy on the economic complex of region. Economy. Taxes. Law. 2009. No 6. P. 101-110. 21. Vasilieva A.V., Vasilyeva E.V., Tyulyukin V.A. Modeling the impact of budget funding on the socio-demographic processes in region. Economy of Region. 2012. No 2. P. 266-276. 22. Vasilieva E.V. The problem of manageability of the socio-demographic processes in region. Public Administration. Electronic Herald. 2013. No 38. P. 5-21. 23. Kuklin A.A., Cherepanova A.V. Theoretico-methodical approach to raising the security and efficiency of the socio-demographic development of regions. Tyumen State University Herald . 2010. No 4. P. 136-144. 24. Kuklin A.A., Vasilieva E.V. Methodical approach to assessment of the efficiency of managing the socio-demographic processes in region. Ural State Economic University Herald. 2012. V. 41. No 3. P. 79-86. 25. Chereshnev V.A., Vasilyeva A.V. Model complex of forecasting of interdependent development of migration processes and region labour market. Economy of Region. 2013. No 3 (35). P. 272-281. 26. Vasilyeva A.V., Tarasyev A.A. Dynamic model of labor migration: construction and realization. Economy of Region. 2012. No 4. P. 140-148. 27. Tarasyev A.A. Construction of the migration flows forecasting into Russian regions. Economy of Region. 2013. No 2. P. 192-199.
Valentina K. BOCHKAREVA Analysis of the expenditure budget of the Russian Pension Fund Keywords: expenditure budget of the Russian Pension Fund, social security, contributory and State pensions, funded component of pension, social assistance, target expenditure, extra payments, compensations and social benefits, administrative costs. Abstract. The author carries on examination of the finance reports of the Russian Pension Fund and considers the expenditure budgets. Analysis of the revenue part of the Pension Fund budget was published in the journal Population No 2, 2014. The pre-sent article provides a short analysis of the Pension Fund budget spending in 2011-2012 from the point of information on the Fund’s finance policy concerning exercise of its main functions (insurance-related and other). The primary task of the investigation was to assess the possibility of evaluating the finance provision of every category of pensioners. The analysis made it possible to find out some positive shifts in the specification of expenditure in 2012 as compared to 2011, still there is no com-plete transparency. There is no clear division between the finance spending on the contributory and State pensions. Administrative costs are not accumulated in a single division (or sub-division). All this gives rise to the following conclusion: provided these shortcomings are not removed, the Report on the Budget Performance will not be a reliable (full-bodied) source of information for estimating the efficiency of the finance activity of the RF Pension Fund. Bibliography
1. On Implementation of the Russian Federation Pension Fund Budget for 2011. Federal Law of 2 October 2012 No 152-FZ. 2. On Implementation of the Russian Federation Pension Fund Budget for 2012. Federal Law of 30 September 2013 No 255-FZ. 3. Annual Report of the Russian Federation Pension Fund Budget for 2012. 4. The Statistical Yearbook of Russia. Moscow . Rosstat. 2012, 2013. 5. Bochkareva V.K. Analysis of the reports on the finance budgets of the Russian Pension Fund. Population. 2014. No 2. P. 29-42. 6. Report on the Work of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation in 2011, Report on the Work of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation in 2012 . Available at: 7. Main Directions of the Budget Policy for 2014, and the Planning Period of 2015 and 2016. Available at:
Dmitry V. ZERNOV, Alexander A. IUDIN, Anatoly A. OVSYANNIKOV Social guidelines and feeling of well-being of Russian teachers Keywords: social well-being, teachers, public functions, feeling of well-being, professional orientations, market relations, cultural values. Abstract. The article is devoted to examination of the social status and psychical well-being of Russian teachers. The authors analyzed the changes over the period from the end of the 20th century to 2013 in connection with the process of radical reformation of the education system in Russia. They identified the factors determining teachers’ hopes for the future, characterized the structure of their general perception of life; they described the main factors characterizing the position of teachers in society, their attitude to teachers’ social purposes and public functions. The article provides assessment of teachers’ civil functions and compliance of modern teachers with their civil mission. It examines the incidence of positive and negative developments in the teachers’ milieu. It shows the dynamics of teachers’ cultural activities over the period from the early 1990s to 2013, including the changes in attending cultural events and reading preferences. There are considered the changes in teachers’ social and professional orientations in connection with the formation of market relations in the country. Bibliography
1. Iudin A.A., Ovsyannikov A.A. Assessment of social risks and impacts of the project Strategy for Russia – Education. Population. 2001. No 1. P. 29-42. 2. Iudin A.A., Ovsyannikov A.A. Assessment of social risks and impacts of the project Strategy for Russia – Education. Population. 2001. No 2. P. 29-44. 3. Iudin A.A., Shpilev D.A. Modern German sociology (review). Education in Modern Germany. Nizhny Novgorod. 2010. 64 p. 4. Smolnikov S.N. Social justice of social welfare state. Modern Society: Theory, Methodology, Methods of Social Studies. Perm. 2013. Vol. 1. P. 201-205.
Lidia M. PROKOFIEVA, Irina I. KORCHAGINA, Raisa I. POPOVA, Olga S. BELOKRYLOVA, Yulia V. FILONENKO, Elena V. FURSA Poverty and social exclusion as viewed by different groups of population Keywords: poverty, non-monetary poverty, deprivation, subjective poverty concept, social vulnerability, social isolation. Abstract. The article considers the potential of subjective assessment of poverty that may be used in evaluation of the social tension level and the efficiency of the State economic policy for overcoming poverty. Application of new approaches to studying social vulnerability requires more refined tools of data collection including, in particular, in-depth interviews with members of the main groups at risk of poverty and social isolation. The data collected in the course of studies furthers a broader interpretation of the socio-economic phenomenon of poverty and substantiation of the statement about insufficiency of the official methods of measuring poverty by in-come levels and necessity of «subjective» poverty assessment connected with individual’s feeling of being in the state of poverty, social vulnerability, social isolation. The article pays a special attention to considering respondents’ opinions of poverty, its specific features, and to finding out its causes. The respondents’ opinions are concerning their perception of poverty and wealth, attitude of people (or families) to the poor, living conditions, lack or shortage of income, consumer goods and ser-vices, as well as the effect of the shortage. The presented data, conclusions and recommendations are based on in-depth interviews of the representatives of different socio-demographic groups of Rostov oblast (the case of Rostov-on-Don). Bibliography
1. Social and Economic Indicators of Poverty in 2010-2013 . Statistical review. Moscow. Federal State Statistics Service. 2014. 2. Chuprov V.I., Zubok Yu.A., Williams K. Youth in the Risk Society. Moscow. Science. 2003. 3. Zubok Yu.A. The Phenomenon of Risk in Sociology. The Experience of Youth Research. Mos-cow. Thought. 2007. 4. Chuprov V.I., Zubok Y.A. The trend of social development of young people in employment. Scientific Review. Series 2. Human sciences. 2011. No 6. Р . 44-51. 5. Filonenko V.I. Modern Russian Students in the Transitive Society: Contradictions and Paradoxes of Socialization. Rostov-on-Don. 2009. 6. Bondarenko N.V. Economic polarization of Russian families: Pre-crisis results and crisis risks (on the basis of regular surveys of the 2000s). Government. 2009. No 7. 7. Dafflon D. Youth in Russia: generation portrait at the turning point. The Russian Public Opinion Herald. 2008. No 5 (97). 8. Lerner P. Russian youth under the changing conditions. Available at: (accessed on 10 June 2014). 9. Family and Children in Russia: Specific Features of Modern Life and Future Outlook . Ed. by Ovcharova L.N., Prokofieva L.M. Moscow. Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS. 2009. 10. Families with Children in Modern Russia: Economic and Social Portrait . Ed. by Ovcharova L.N., Prokofieva L.M. Moscow. Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS. 2008. 11. Poverty and Inequality in Modern Russia: Ten Years Later. Analytical report. Available at: (accessed on 10 September 2014). 12. On the Procedure of Spending the Subventions on Local Administration Activities for Organization of Children’s Recreation and Rehabilitation. Decree of the Rostov Government dated 20 January 2012 No 24. Available at: (accessed on 30 July 2014). 13. Ovcharova L.N. Poverty in Modern Russia: Priorities of Politics and Monitoring. 2011. Available at: 14. Korchagina I.I. Measurement of the human potential in the sense of access restrictions to development resources. Journal of Institutional Studies. 2012. No 4/1. P. 68-78. 15. Inequality and poverty. The Federal State Statistics Service. Available at: http://www. 16. Lezhnina Yu.P. Social and demographic features of poverty in the Russian Federation. Sociological Studies. 2014. No 1. P. 20-28. 17. Prokofieva L.M. Family structure of the Russian population: trends of the past decade. Population. 2013. No 2. P. 72-84. 18. Ovcharova L.N. Theoretical and methodological issues of the definition and measurement of poverty. SPERO. 2012. No 16. P. 15-24. 19. Participatory Approach to Raising the Quality of Life of Population. Ed. by N.M. Rimashevskaya and N.N. Ivashinenko. Nizhny Novgorod — Moscow. Nizhny Novgorod State University. 2013.
Natalia V. ALIKPEROVA The use of bank cards as an indicator of the financial literacy of population Keywords: bank cards, plastic cards, financial literacy of population, financial institutions, finance market, financial behavior of population, banking products. Abstract. The article analyses the market of bank cards, its development trends and prospects, use of plastic cards. Bank operations with payment cards reflect the scale of the bank system integration and the level of the population financial literacy. In economically developed countries bank card is one of the main attributes of the trade and services sphere. In big cities of our country plastic cards have the leading position among other instruments of retail payments. But, despite the active development of the card market in Russia and the steady growth of its all indicators, this financial instrument has not yet become a full-fledged means of payment in our country. Over 70% of cards are used to withdraw cash but not to pay for goods and services. Elimination of problems in the use of cards should enhance the reputation of banks and the return of consumers’ confidence in modern banking services, thus, increasing the number of card users. Bibliography
1. On the National Payment System. Federal Law of 27 June 2011 No 161-FZ. 2. Alikperova N.V. On the issue of the level of financial literacy of the Russian population. Materials of International scientific-practical conference Income, Expenditure and Savings of the Population of Russia: Trends and Prospects. 25 September 2014. Moscow. 2014. 3. Transmission abroad of the data concerning payments by Russian cards will be banned. Available at: 4. Ivanova E.V. Analysis of the market of banking operations with plastic cards in Russia. Omsk. Omsk branch of the Financial University under the RF Government. 2014. 5. Report on the development of the banking sector and banking supervision in 2012. Available at: 6. Official website 7. Official website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. Available at: 8. Official website of RBC. Available at: http://rating. 9. Statistics of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation as of 1 April 2013. Available at: 10. Shishov S.N. Current state of the Russian banking market of retail card products. Bulletin of the Saint-Petersburg University of Economy and Finance. 2008. No 2. 11. Available at: 12. Encyclopedia of the Financial Behavior of Russians . Moscow. NAFI. 2014.
Vladimir B. TOREYEV Labour strategies of youth Keywords: labour strategies, factors of choice, education, skills, goal setting, professionalism, labour market, unemployment. Abstract. Everyone consciously or intuitively chooses a direction of long-term labour activity. The strategy choice is determined by a number of factors forming person’s ambitions: health, character, upbringing, education, social environment, institutional environment. Labour strategies of the young people entering labour market differ from the labour strategies of workers with long record of service. The present article is devoted to description of the labour strategy of young Russians. Bibliography
1. Omel’chenko E.L. Style strategies of employment and their gender features. Sociological Studies. 2002. №11. P. 36-47. 2. Serova L.M., Stepus I.S. Actual problems of training and employment of engineering and technical personnel in the Russian Federation. Rector of High School. 2014. №3. P. 23-32. 3. Toreyev V.B. Labor market and strategy for job search. Population. 2013. №3. P. 38-51. 4. Gorshkov M. К ., Petukhov V.V. Youth of the new Russia: lifestyles and value priorities. INAB Information and Analytical Bulletin. 2007. №4. P. 95. 5. Labor Strategies of Russians (Typology of Workers by Labor Strategies). Public Opinion Foundation. 2009. Dominant №40. 6. Skrebkov D.O., Shevchyuk A.V. Freelancers in information economy: how Russians master new forms of work organization and employment. Available at: 7. Elkina O.S. Strategies of Workers’ Economic Behavior on Labor Market. М oscow. Inform-Knowledge. 2006. 468 p. 8. Tomilov V.V., Semerkova L.N. Marketing of labor. Available at: 9. Ryazantsev S.V., Belova LG The global market of highly skilled professionals and the mechanism of its involvement in national economy. Today and Tomorrow of the Russian Economy. 2014. № 63. 28-31.
Irina P. KATKOVA, Viktor I. KATKOV Health care as the most important resource for social and economic development of the country Keywords: health care, population health, personal spending, poverty, health care funding, public health, availability, life expectancy, premature death rate Abstract. The article deals with the problem of availability of health care to population and reduction of the people’s personal “catastrophic spending” on medical services payment. The authors consider the issues of interrelation between population health and economic development in countries. On the example of the leading developed countries the у show that health care becomes one of the main resources for successful development of society and a criterion of the government activities efficiency. The trends in the Russian health care are examined from the point of the global change in the paradigm of society development: from the major consumer of budget funds to an important participant in the formation of national GDP and ensuring of the population well-being. This is of exceptional importance for doing away with the lagging in the global processes concerning the concept and development of health care. In our country in 1995-2012 personal assets of people were used as a compensating measure for reducing the share of public funds in the total health care funding, over this period their share increased by 2.1 times. This lead to a growing inequality in the availability of quality medical services to population, piling of unsatisfied needs for medical care and health protection. The obtained results substantiate the necessity of adoption by the RF Government of a concept for health care development in the country to ensure the complete coverage of the population with quality health care that would allow the RF citizens to exercise their constitutional right to health protection. Bibliography
1. Aganbegyan A.G. Strategic task of Russia is acceleration of the socio-economic development. Economic Strategies. 2013. No 8 (116). 2. Poverty and Inequality in Modern Russia: Ten Years Later. Analytical report. Institute of Sociology RAS. Moscow. 2013. Available at: (accessed on 19. October 2013). 3. Sommers J. Happiness is not money, but without money you can get nowhere. Economic Strategies. 2013. No. 7 (115). 4. Human Development Report for Europe and CIS Countries. UNDP. Moscow. 1999. 5. The European Health Report 2009: Health and Health Systems . WHO. 2010. 6. Report on the State of Health Care in the World 2013. Scientific Research in Order to Achieve Universal Coverage of Health Services . WHO. 2013 7. The World Health Report: Health Systems Financing: the Path to Universal Coverage . WHO. 2010. 8. Human Development Report 2013. The Rise of the South: Human Progress in a Diverse World . UNDP. 2013. 9. A comprehensive observation of the living conditions of the population in 2011. Assess-ment of the state of health. Available at: (accessed on 15 June 2014). 10. Monitoring Progress towards Universal Healthcare Coverage at the Level of Individual Countries and at the Global Level. System, Indicators and Targets . May 2014. WHO and World Bank. 11. The World Development Report 1993. Investment in Health. World Bank. Washington. 1993. 12. Policy Approaches to Financing Health Care in the WHO European Region. The European Regional Committee fifty-sixth session. Copenhagen, 11-14 September. EUR/RC56/BD/1. 26 July 2006. 61102. Available at: (accessed on 10 June 2012). 13. RBC. 4 July 2014. Russian economy: at the crossroads. Available at: (accessed on 10 July 2014). 14. Health Care Reform in Europe: Analysis of Current Strategies . Summary. WHO regional office for Europe. Copenhagen. 1996. 15. Governance for Health in the Twenty-First Century: a Study Conducted for the WHO European Regional Office . Copenhagen. WHO regional office for Europe. Available at: http:// (accessed on 10 September 2013). 16. Health at a Glance 2013: OECD Indicators. 7. Health expenditure and financing. OECD 2013. 17. Figueras J., McKee M., Lessot S., Duran A., Menabde N.. Health systems, health and wealth: assessing the case for investing in health systems. Reference document. European Ministerial conference of the WHO health systems: Health Systems-Health-Welfare. Tallinn. 27 June 2008. 18. WHO. Global Health Expenditure Database. Available at: (accessed on 10 August 2014) 19. World Health Statistics 2014. Part III. Global health indicators. Available at: (accessed on 7 July 2014).
Oxana Yu. BESTUZHEVA, Olga N. VERSHINSKAYA, Olga N. MAKHROVA Development of the society of digital mobility Keywords: information and communication technology (ICT), internet economy, digital mobility, distant banking, distant learning. Abstract. Development and spread of Internet is connected with a new type of mobility – digital mobility based on ICT, which opens new possibilities and new forms of ac-tivity. Growth of the technologically mediated personal mobility leads to breakdown of rigid social constructions, transformation of many concepts, significant changes in lifestyles. Shaping network mentality is connected with the process of people’s creative adaptation to the ever-changing and regenerating world. The article considers social consequences of the virtual space formation. The main consequence is transformation of the meaning of many basic concepts including the notions of place and time. In the electronic space it becomes quite common to be in two or more places at the same time that is indicative of the necessity to develop new cognitive abilities and multi-media skills. The concept of time itself is also changing: electronic information generates the notion of instant time. The article considers in detail two main directions of the changes concerning the majority of population: development of distant banking services and distant education. Impact of the distant banking services on the changes in the financial behavior of population is considered in two aspects: assessment of the technological changes in the banking system enhancing development of the distant electronic payments, and analysis of the changes in the population attitude to this way of bank account management. The article also discusses different ways of enlarging the opportunities for learning with the use of digital technologies: distant access to the process of education, possibility of lifelong learning, possibility to join the European educational process. Bibliography
1. Concept of the National Programme to Improve the Financial Literacy of the Population of the Russian Federation . Moscow. 2009. 2. Bang J. «Electronic» Bologna process — creation of a European educational space. Step to a society based on knowledge. Information Society. 2005. No 4. P.10-14. 3. Vershinskaya O.N. Information and Communication Technologies and Society. Moscow. Science. 2007. 203 p. 4. Vershinskaya O.N. (Chirchenko O.N.). Informational aspects of computerization. Second Edition, reworked and enlarged. Moscow: Economic Education, 2013. 157 р . 5. The Russians are moving to online payments. 28 May 2013. 6. Population readiness to live in an information society. Russia 2000. Moscow. Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS. 2001. 7. Timkin S.L. Lecturer in the modern system of open and distance education. Science and Education. Omsk Scientific Bulletin. 2007. No 2 (54). 8. Urri G. Sociology beyond Societies. Types of Mobility for the 21st century. Moscow. Higher School of Economics. 2012. 9. Hutorskoy A.V. Virtual education and Russian cosmism. Internet magazine Eidos. 20 January 1999. Available at: 10. Rheingold H. The Virtual Community. London. Seeker & Warburg. 1994. 11. Turkle S. Life on the Screen. London. Weidenfeld & Nikolson. 1996. 12. Institutional support of the population payment services , 2013. Available at: 13. Number of bank cards issued by credit institutions , 2013. Available at: |