№ 2 (68) – 2015 (April – June)
Rimashevskaya N.M. Social priorities under the conditions of crisis are not changing…….
Yefimov V.M. Social question and welfare state in Europe in the second half of the 19th century………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Roik V.D. Pension insurance in the 21st century…………………………………………………………….
Solovyev A.K. Demographic conditions of raising the pension age in Russia……………………
Rybakovsky L.L., Khasayev G.R. Strategy of the demographic development of Russia, the notion and contents………………………………………………………………………………..
Ryazantsev S.V., Pismennaya E.E., Khramova M.N. Return migration of compatriots to Russia: is there a migration potential?....................................................................................
Novgorodova A.V. Years of life lost as the indicator of population health…………………
Mitrofanova E.S. Age specifics of the occurrence of starting demographic events among Russian generations……………………………………………………………………………………...
Sharov S.Yu.Effects of the changes in calculation of the individual property tax………
Nenakhova Yu.S. Problems of families with disabled children………………………………….
Methodological seminar on the pension insurance issues………………………………………..
Moscow Economic Forum (IEF 2015). Round table Economic Science and Welfare State………………......................................................................................................................................
Candidate’s theses defense……………………………………………….................................................. .
Authors………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………..
Summary in Russian …………………………………………………………… …………………………………...
Summary in Еnglish…………………………………………………………… …………………………………….
Social priorities under the conditions of crisis are not changing
Key words: economic and social inequality, incidence and factors of poverty, housing conditions, health of children and mothers, redistribution mechanisms.
Abstract. The article deals with the socio-economic problems, the solution of which depends first of all on the state. The author emphasizes four main problems that negatively affected the living standards and quality of life of the Russian population during the whole post-Soviet period and have become particularly acute amid just another crisis. The first problem is poverty as a consequence of the low levels of wages and pensions; the second — low level of equipment with amenities of the bulk of housing stock; the third — low level of health and life expectancy of population; the fourth — decline of social character. The present situation is characterized by the state statistics data and the results of multi-year case studies headed by the author. In the author’s opinion, solution of many present problems lies in the sphere of distributive relations – in the system of work remuneration, tax policy and social insurance.
- Rimashevskaya N.M. Chelovek i reformy: sekrety vyzhivaniya [Person and Reforms: The Secrets of Survival]. Moscow: ISEPN RAN [ISESP RAS], 2003.
- Deti reform [Children of Reforms]. Moscow: ISEPN RAN [ISESP RAS], 2011.
- Starsheye pokoleniye i budushcheye [The Older Generation and the Future]. Moscow: ISEPN RAN [ISESP RAS], 2014.
- Prava zhenshchin i instituty gendernogo ravenstva v regionakh Rossii [The Rights of Women and Institutions of Gender Equality in Russian Regions]. Moscow: ISEPN RAN [ISESP RAS], 2010.
- Rimashevskaya N.M, Migranova L.A. et al. Chelovecheskiy potentsial rossiyskikh regionov [Human potential of Russian regions]. Narodonaseleniye [Population]. 2013. №3. Р. 82-141.
- Rimashevskaya N.M. Radikal'nyye izmeneniya negativnogo trenda zdorov'ya v sovremennoy Rossii / Kachestvo chelovecheskogo potentsiala [Radical changes in the negative trend of health in modern Russia. Quality of Human Potential]. Moscow: ISEPN RAN [ISESP RAS], 2010.
Vladimir M. YEFIMOV
Social question and welfare state in Europe in the second half of the 19 th century
Key words: economists, social question, welfare state, Lorenz von Stein, Ricardo, Marx, Schmoller, Union for Social Policy.
Abstract. Profession of economists as university professors emerged in the second half of the 19 th century in connection with the advent of the so called social question. Three schools of the economic thought, and namely, classical political economy followed by neoclassical ‘economics’, Marxism, and initial institutionalism set up by the German historic-ethical school, gave three different answers to the question. Classical political economy and later economics justified the social order of early industrial capitalism, which gave rise to the social question, and regarded as harmful any state or public interference aimed at solution of this question. Marxists, following early economists, believed that the existing economic laws could be neither repealed nor corrected within the framework of capitalism, but unlike them, flagellated the antagonistic character of these laws. According to Marx, the contradictions between employers and employees are irreconcilable, and this social order must be replaced by another, under which there would be no such division. Schmoller rejected both the concept of natural economic laws and that of irreconcilable antagonism between employers and their employees. The German historic-ethical school was focused on institutions, and solution of the social question was seen by Schmoller in transition to a welfare state with its fair institutions, that would reform but not eliminate private property and wage labour. For a successful progress toward a welfare state, it was necessary to gain a detailed knowledge of the reality to be reformed that was the aim of the professional organization of German economists Union for Social Policy (Verein fur Sozialpolitik).
- Sage E.M. A Dubious Science. Political Economy and the Social Question in 19th-Century France. New York: Peter Lang Publishing, Inc., 2009 .
- Yefimov V.M. Kak kapitalizm, universitet i matematika sformirovali magistral'noye napravleniye ekonomicheskoy distsipliny // Nauchnyy yezhegodnik Instituta filosofii i prava UrO RAN [How capitalism, university and mathematics formed the main trend of economic discipline. Scientific Yearbook of the Institute of Philosophy and Law, RAS UralBranch.] 2014. Vol. 14. № 2. P. 50-51.
- Stein L. Geschichte der socialen Bewegungen in Frankreich von 1789 bis auf unsere Tage. In 3 Bde. Leipzig: Verlag von Otto Wiganb, 1850.
- Waszek N. Aux sources de l'État social à l'allemande: Lorenz von Stein — et Hegel // Revue germaniqueinternationale. 2001. №15. Р . 211-238.
- Eydukene D.D. Sotsial'nyy realizm Lorentsa fon Shteyna // Vestnik TGPU, Seriya: Gumanitarnyye nauki (filosofiya i kul'turologiya) [Social realism of Lorenz von Stein. TSPUBulletin. The Humanities series (Philosophy and Cultural Studies)]. 2006. Vol. 7(58). P. 58-60.
- Kochetkova L.N. Sotsial'noye gosudarstvo. Opyt filosofskogo issledovaniya [ Social State. Evidence from a Sociological Study]. Moscow: «Librokom», 2009.
- Kochetkova L.N. Filosofskiy diskurs o sotsial'nom gosudarstve [A Philosophical Discourse on Social State.] Moscow: INFRA-M, 2012.
- Doktorovich A.B. Retsenziya na knigu Kochetkovoy L.N. Filosofskiy diskurs o sotsial'nom gosudarstve. M.: INFRA-M, 2012. // Prostranstvo i Vremya. [Review of the book by L.N. Kochetkova «A Philosophical Discourse on Social State»]. Moscow. INFRA-M. 2012. Space and Time.] 2012. №4 (10). P. 220-222.
- Kochetkova L.N. Teoriya sotsial'nogo gosudarstva Lorentsa fon Shteyna // Filosofiya i obshchestvo [Theory of social state by Lorenz von Stein. Philosophy and Society]. 2008. №3. P. 69-79.
- Ramaux Ch. L’Etat social. Paris: Fayard/Mille et une nuits, 2012.
- Grimmer-Solem E. The Rise of Historical Economics and Social Reform in Germany 1864-1894. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2002.
- Tribe K. Historical Schools of Economics: German and English. Keele Economics Research Paper No 2. Keele University, 2002.
- Sigot N. Utility and Justice: French Liberal Economists in the 19th century // European Journal of the History of EconomicThought. 2010. Vol. 17, No 4. pp. 759-792.
- Dunoyer Ch. De la liberté du travail ou Simple exposé des conditions dans lesquelles les forces humaines s’exercent avec le plus de puissance. Liège: Librairie scientifique et industrielle, 1846.
- Dumez H. L’économiste, la science et le pouvoir: le cas Walras. Paris: PUF, 1985.
- Rikardo D. Nachala politicheskoy ekonomii i nalogovogo oblozheniya / Sochineniya [The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. Collected works. (in Russian)]. Vol. 1. Moscow: Politizdat, 1955.
- Dostaler G. Les lois naturelles en économie. Émergence d'un débat // L'Homme et la société. 2008/4-2009/1, n° 170-171. pp. 71-92.
- Marx K. Kapital. Kritika politicheskoy ekonomii. Tom pervyy, kniga 1: protsess proizvodstva kapitala [Kapital. Kritik der politischen Oekonomie. Erster Band. Buch 1: DerProduktionsprocess des Kapitals. (in Russian)]. Moscow: Politizdat, 1983.
- Schmoller G. Spravedlivost' v narodnom khozyaystve. Razdeleniye truda [Equity in the National Economy. Distribution of Labour. (in Russian)]. Moscow: Librokom, 2012.
- Schmoller G. Historisch-ethnische Nationalökonomie als Kulturwissenschaft. Marburg: Metropolis-Verlag, 1998.
- Bruhns H. (ed.). Histoire et économie politique en Allemagne de Gustave Schmoller à Max Weber. Paris : Editions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme, 2004.
- Bespalova L.N. Sotsial'naya politika Otto fon Bismarka v osveshchenii «Vestnika Yevropy» // Vestnik TyumGU [Social policy of Otto von Bismarck as treated in the “Herald of Europe”. TyumSU Herald]. 2013. Vol. 7(133). P. 69-75.
- Yanzhul I.I. Bismark i gosudarstvennyy sotsializm // Vestnik Yevropy [ Bismarck and the state socialism. Herald of Europe]. 1890. №8. P.728-739.
- Bespalova L.N. Sotsial'naya politika Otto fon Bismarka // Izvestiya Altayskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta [Social policy of Otto von Bismarck. The News of Altai State University]. 2011. Vol. 2. № 4(72). P.229-233.
- D'yui Dzh. Obshchestvo i yego problemy [The Public and its Problems. (in Russian)]. Moscow: Ideya-Press, 2002.
- Akerlof Dzh., Krenton R. Ekonomika identichnosti. Kak nashi idealy i sotsial'nyye normy opredelyayut, kem my rabotayem, skol'ko zarabatyvayem i naskol'ko neschastny [Identity Economics. How Our Identity Shapes Our Work,Wages, and Well-Being. (in Russian)]. Moscow: Kar'yera Press [Career Press], 2011.
- Schmoller G. Grundriss der Allgemeinen Volkswirtschaftslehre. Erster Teil. Leipzig: Verlag von Duncker & Humblot, 1920.
- Nau H.H. Gustav Schmoller’s Historico–Ethical Political Economy: ethics, politics and economics in the younger German Historical School, 1860-1917 // European Journal of History of Economic Thought. 2000. V.7. №4. pp. 507-531.
Valentin D. ROIK
Pension insurance in the 21 st century
Key words: pension insurance, population ageing, changing the employment model, wage, medical and social services, contract of generations.
Abstract. Formation of the pension insurance institutions carried out in the country over the past 25 years has not been completed yet. This is mainly due to the fact that from the outset there was no doctrine of formation of the pension insurance institutions, including mechanisms of the interrelation between the most important components of population income integrally related to the system of work remuneration, as well as to the demographic policy and policy on the labour market. For a systemic assessment of the older generation’s quality of life, the author proposes an indicator of the relation of the total expenditure on the pension and health insurance, social services for the elderly as a share of GDP to the share of pensioners in the total population of the country. Its application would allow us to analyze on a consistent basis the society’s expenses on the vital activity of the elderly people in different time periods and between different generations of the elderly, as well as between counties.
Russia’s significant lagging behind in development of the pension insurance is aggravated by new challenges. Changes in the employment structure and the phenomenon of ‘population ageing’ bring about a rapid growth in the number of pensioners that requires significant financial resources and necessitates transformation of the existing social security system to pension insurance, formation of a new model of the financial loading, its distribution between the main subjects of legal relations.
The author proposes development and implementation of a state programme for harmonization of the systems of pension insurance, work remuneration and taxation, followed by conceptual substantiating and enshrining in law a new contract of generations concerning the size of contributions and pensions, a new scheme of the insurance loading distribution.
- Dang T., Antolin P., Oxley H. Fiscal Implications of Aging: Projections of Age-Related Spending // OECD Economics Department Working Papers. 2001. No 305.
- Weil D. Population Aging // NBER Working Paper. 2006. No 12147.
- Sotsial'noye polozheniye i uroven' zhizni naseleniya Rossii [Social Situation and Living Standards of the Russian Population]. Moscow: Rosstat, 2012.
- Zayonchovskaya ZH. Chem nam grozit «demograficheskaya yama»? // Migratsiya XXI vek. Informatsionno-analiticheskiy zhurnal [With what threatens us the “demographic gaping hole”? Migration 21 st Century. Information-analytical journal]. 2010. №1.
- Roik V.D. Mir pozhilykh lyudey i kak yego obustroit' [The World of Elderly People and How to Make it Better?] Moscow: EKSMO, 2011.
- Roik V.D. Pensionnaya sistema Rossii: vyzovy XXI veka i puti modernizatsii [Pension System in Russia: Challenges in the 21st Century and the Ways ofModernization]. Sankt-Petersburg: Piter, 2012.
- Roik V.D. Sotsial'noye strakhovaniye: uchebnik i praktikum dlya akademicheskogo bakalavriata [Social Insurance: Manual and Practical Guide for Academic UndergraduateStudents]. Moscow: Yurayt, 2014.
- Roik V.D. Ekonomika, finansy i pravo sotsial'nogo strakhovaniya: Instituty i strakhovyye mekhanizmy [Economy, Finance and Social Insurance Law: Institutions and InsuranceMechanisms]. Moscow: Al'pina Pablisher, 2013.
- Roik V.D. Obyazatel'noye i dobrovol'noye pensionnoye strakhovaniye: instituty i finansy [Compulsory and Voluntary Pension I nsurance: Institutions and Finance]. Moscow: Al'pina Pablisher, 2014.
Demographic conditions of raising the pension age in Russia
Key words: pension reform, pension age, number of pensioners, demographic load on the economy.
Abstract. The problem of raising the pension age in our country has been discussed from the first steps of the market transformations in the pension system, i.e. for a quarter of a century, and without any visible progress towards its solution. At the same time, all civilized countries have already developed a clear programme of actions for its solution, although with different social and economic consequences: some countries raised the pension age by shock instruments within one or two years, others stretched this process for several decades, still others rejected age-related regulation of the pension insurance rights.
Under the present socio-economic conditions the problem of raising the pension age in Russia has become particularly acute. Launching of the fifth pension reform in 2015, which once again restructured all elements of the pension system, did not attract attention of the civil society to the social essence and economic consequences of the reform. One of the main incentives to pacification of people was guaranty of the inviolability of working pensioners’ rights and a promise not to raise the pension age.
However, even experts familiar with modern pension legislation do not always fully realize that in the pension insurance systems (both pay-as-you-go and fully funded) increase of the pension age entails at first accumulation of the pension rights of the ensured, and then — inevitable growth of the pension obligations, i.e. the size of pensions, and consequently — growth of the expenditures.
Hence follows the conclusion that the problem of pension age and all problems of the pension system are multifactor and multi-structure by their institutional nature, and defy primitive linear solutions.
- Kontseptsiya demograficheskoy politiki Rossiyskoy Federatsii na period do 2025 goda, utverzhdennaya Ukazom Prezidenta RF ot 09.10.2007 №1351. Sobraniye zakonodatel'stva RF [Concept of the demographic policy of the Russian Federation for the period till 2025, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation from 9 October 2007 № 1351. Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation], 15.10.2007, № 42, Art. 5009.
- Strategiya dolgosrochnogo razvitiya pensionnoy sistemy Rossiyskoy Federatsii, utverzhdennaya Rasporyazheniyem Pravitel'stva RF ot 25.12.2012 g. №2524-r. Sobraniye zakonodatel'stva RF [Strategy for a long-term development of the pension system of the Russian Federation, approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation from 25 December 2012 № 2524-r. Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation], 31.12.2012, №53 (Part 2), Art. 8029.
- Vishnevskiy A., Vasin S., Ramonov A. Vozrast vykhoda na pensiyu i prodolzhitel'nost' zhizni // Voprosy ekonomiki [Retirement age and life expectancy in the Russian Federation. Economic Issues]. 2012. № 9. P.88-109.
- Gavrilov L.A. and Gavrilova N.S. Biologiya prodolzhitel'nosti zhizni [Life Expectancy Biology]. Moscow: Nauka [Science], 1991.
- Ramonov A.V. Ozhidayemaya prodolzhitel'nost' zdorovoy zhizni kak integral'naya otsenka zdorov'ya rossiyan. Ekonomicheskiy zhurnal VSHE [Healthy life expectancy as an integral estimate of the health of Russians. The HSE Economic Journal]. 2011. №4. P.497-518.
- Prakticheskoye instruktivno-metodicheskoye posobiye po demograficheskoy statistike [Practical Instructive-Methodological Guide on Demographic Statistics]. Moscow: 2011.
- Solovyev A.K. Pensionnaya reforma: illyuzii i real'nost' (uchebnoye posobiye) [Pension Reform: Illusions and Reality. Manual]. Moscow: Prospekt. 2015. 300 р .
- Solovyev A.K. Pensionnaya reforma 2015: problemy dostizheniya tselevykh oriyentirov. Analiticheskiy vestnik Soveta Federatsii Federal'nogo Sobraniya Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Pension reform 2015: problems of attaining the target points. Analytical Bulletin of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation]. № 24 (542).
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Leonid L. RYBAKVSKY, Gabilulla R. KHASAYEV
Strategy of the demographic development of Russia, the notion and contents
Key words: strategy, concept, policy, development, dynamics, aims, objectives, priorities.
Abstract. The article presents the author’s interpretation of the notions: strategy, concept, policy, development and dynamics, shows the nature of the notions used in the social sphere. Much attention is paid to substantiation of the correlation between the basic notions of strategy and concept, identification of the connecting role played by concept. On the one hand, it is a tactical component of strategy, and on the other hand, it is an integral part of policy that also includes beside concept a system of measures (programmes, action plans, etc.) and practices of policy implementation, which should comply with the concept. Along with the characteristic of such notions as development and dynamics, there is given a detailed analysis of the differences between these notions. The article analyses the application of the above notions in the Russian practice, and in particular shows their use in development of the demographic concepts approved in 2001 and 2007. In the first case the document was adopted as Demographic Development Concept, and in the second — as Demographic Policy Concept. The article substantiates the necessity of adjusting the present Concept of the RF Demographic Policy for the Period till 2025, proposes a possible formulation of this policy objective for the current period, during which the population reproduction indicators will be affected by the demographic decline, the origins of which date back to the depopulation of the 1990s.
- Bzhezinskiy Zbignev. VYBOR. Mirovoye gospodstvo ili global'noye liderstvo [The Choice. World Domination or Global Leadership]. Moscow: 2004.
- Yakunin V.I. Integral'nyy proyekt solidarnogo razvitiya na Yevro-Aziatskom kontinente (nauchno-prakticheskaya kontseptsiya). Doklad na zasedanii Prezidiuma RAN ot 11 marta 2014 goda [Integrated Project of Solidary Development on the Eurasian Continent (theoretical and practical concept). Paper presented at the RAS Presidium meeting on March 11, 2014]. Moscow: ISPI RAN [ISPR RAS], 2014.
- Rybakovskiy L.L. Kontseptsiya demograficheskoy politiki (Metodologicheskiye voprosy) [Concept of the Demographic Policy. (Methodological issues)]. Moscow: ISPI RAN [ISPR RAS], 2002.
- Demograficheskaya politika: tseli, printsipy, prioritety / Pod red. L.L. Rybakovskogo [Demographic Policy: Objectives, Principles and Priorities. Ed. by L.L. Rybakovsky]. Moscow: ISPI RAN [ISPR RAS], 2000.
- Demograficheskiy ponyatiynyy slovar' / Pod red. L.L. Rybakovskogo [Demographic Conceptual Dictionary. Ed. by L. L. Rybakovsky. Socioprognosis]. Moscow: TSSP, 2003.
- Migratsionnaya politika v Rossii: teoriya i praktika / Sovremennyye problemy migratsii v Rossii. Materialy nauchnoy konferentsii (11-13 noyabrya 2003 g.) [Migration policy in Russia: theory and practice. Modern Problems of Migration in Russia. Proceedings of scientific conference. (11-13 November 2003)]. Moscow: 2003.
Return migration of compatriots to Russia: is there a migration potential?
Key words: return migration, Russian-speaking communities abroad, State Programme for resettlement of compatriots, migration potential.
Abstract. The present article gives estimation of the number of Russian-speaking communities abroad, as well as approximate assessment of the compatriots’ potential for migration to the Russian Federation from three main Central Asian countries — Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. The authors analyze some results of the implementation of the programme for resettlement of compatriots in the context of the current migration policy of the Russian Federation. They consider the regional specifics of the compatriots’ settlement in Russia, as well as the regional features of the implementation of the resettlement programme. They also identify the main factors ‘pushing’ compatriots out of the Central Asian countries and the ‘attracting’ factors in Russia that determine the regions of migrants’ settlement. The article is based on the analysis of the Federal Migration Service statistics and expert interviews.
- Demograficheskiy yezhegodnik Kyrgyzskoy Respubliki: 2008-2012 [Demographic Yearbook of the Kyrgyz Republic: 2008-2012]. Bishkek: NatsstatkomKyrg. Resp., 2013. 319 p.
- Demograficheskiy yezhegodnik Respubliki Tadzhikistan [Demographic Yearbook of the Republic of Tajikistan]. Dushanbe: Agentstvo po statistike pri Prezidente Respubliki Tadzhikistan, 2012. 303 s.
- Zhuravskiy A. Put' domoy stanovitsya koroche [The way home is getting shorter]. Migratsiya XXI vek. [Migration XXI Century] 2013. №7 (16). P. 29-32.
- Monitoring realizatsii Gosudarstvennoy programmy po okazaniyu sodeystviya dobrovol'nomu pereseleniyu v Rossiyskuyu Federatsiyu sootechestvennikov, prozhivayushchikh za rubezhom, na territoriyakh vseleniya sub"yektov Rossiyskoy Federatsii za 2011 g. [Monitoring of the implementation of the State program to assist the voluntary resettlement to the Russian Federation of compatriots living abroad, the invasion of the territories of the Russian Federation in 2011]. Moscow: FMS RF, 2012. 17 p.
- Monitoring realizatsii Gosudarstvennoy programmy po okazaniyu sodeystviya dobrovol'nomu pereseleniyu v Rossiyskuyu Federatsiyu sootechestvennikov, prozhivayushchikh za rubezhom, na territoriyakh vseleniya sub"yektov Rossiyskoy Federatsii v IV kvartale 2012 g. [Monitoring of the implementation of the State program to assist the voluntary resettlement to the Russian Federation of compatriots living abroad, the invasion of the territories of the Russian Federation in 2012]. Moscow: FMS RF, 2013. 15 p.
- Monitoring realizatsii Gosudarstvennoy programmy po okazaniyu sodeystviya dobrovol'nomu pereseleniyu v Rossiyskuyu Federatsiyu sootechestvennikov, prozhivayushchikh za rubezhom, na territoriyakh vseleniya sub"yektov Rossiyskoy Federatsii v III kvartale 2013 g. [Monitoring of the implementation of the State program to assist the voluntary resettlement to the Russian Federation of compatriots living abroad, the invasion of the territories of the Russian Federation in 2013]. Moscow: FMS RF, 2013. 13 p.
- Perepis' naseleniya 2009. Natsional'nyy sostav Respubliki Belarus' [Population Census 2009. Ethnic composition of the Republic of Belarus]. Tom 3: Stat. sb. Natsional'nyy statisticheskiy komitet Respubliki Belarus'. Minsk, 2011. 433 p.
- Rossiyskaya diaspora za rubezhom dostigla 30 millionov chelovek [The Russian diaspora abroad has reached 30 million people]. RIA Novosti. 12.10.2006g. Available at: 20061012/54757915.html
- Ryazantsev S.V., Grebenyuk A.A. «Nashi» za granitsey. Russkiye, rossiyane, russkogovoryashchiye, sootechestvenniki: rasseleniye, integratsiya i vozvratnaya migratsiya v Rossiyu ["Our" abroad. Russian, Russians, Russian-speaking compatriots: resettlement, integration and return migration in Russia]. Moscow: ISPI RAN, 2014. 238 p.
- Ryazantsev S.V., Grebenyuk A.A. Potentsial vozvratnoy migratsii v Rossiyu iz stran SNG i Baltii [The potential return migration to Russia from CIS and Baltic countries]. Narodonaseleniye. [Population]. 2008. № 2. pp.104-111.
- Ryazantsev S.V., Bozhenko V.V. Novyie formyi vremennoy emigratsii iz Rossii cherez prizmu sotsialno-demograficheskih harakteristik migrantov [New forms of temporary emigration from Russia through the prism of the socio-demographic characteristics of migrants]. Scientific Review. Series 2. Human sciences. [Nauchnoe obozrenie. Seriya 2. Gumanitarnyie nauki]. 2013. № 2. pp. 80-87.
- Ryazantsev S.V., Lukyanova A.Yu., Bozhenko V.V. Nezakonnaya migratsiya kak forma torgovli lyudmi [Illegal migration as a form of trafficking]. Scientific Review. Series 1. Economics and Law. [Nauchnoe obozrenie. Seriya 2. Gumanitarnyie nauki]. 2013. № 6. pp. 92-97.
- Sodruzhestvo Nezavisimykh Gosudarstv v 2011 godu: Statisticheskiy yezhegodnik. [Commonwealth of Independent States in 2011. Statistical Yearbook]. Moscow: Mezhgosudarstvennyy statisticheskiy komitet SNG, 2012. 596 p.
- 2000 Round of Population and Housing Censuses in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Vilnius, 2003. 63 p.
- Results of the National Population Census of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Analytical Report, Astana, 2011. 64 p.
- Trends in International Migrant Stock: Migrants by Destination and Origin / United Nations. POP/DB/MIG/Stock/Rev.2012. July 2012.
- Baza dannykh sayta «United Nations Global Migration». Available at: unmigration/index.aspx
Years of life lost as the indicator of population health
Key words: premature mortality, years of life lost, analysis and assessment of population health.
Abstract. The most serious problem of the current demographic development in Russia is the extremely high mortality rate, particularly in working age. While during ten years from 2000 to 2010 the natural population decrease made 5 million people, in two past years from 2013 to 2014 it was 3.8 million. Mortality rate is one of the objective indicators of population health. The main purpose of this article is to demonstrate the possibility of using the integrated index ‘years of life lost’ (YLL) for measurement, analysis and evaluation of the Russian population health. The article is based on the study, which shows that the indicator ‘years of life lost’ makes it possible to quantify the contribution of different death causes to the total amount of such losses in Russia. The research results are important for scientific substantiation of the state policy priorities in the sphere of health care, for estimation of the social and economic losses of the state from the extremely high premature mortality, for elaboration of specific programmes aimed at reduction of mortality and prevention of losses in the human and labour potential of the country.
- World health report 2000: health systems: improving performance. World Health organization, 2000. Available at:, 27.04.2015.
- Murray C.JL, Lopez AD. The Global Burden of Disease: a comprehensive assessment of mortality and disability from diseases, injuries, and risk factors in 1990 and projected to 2020. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press on behalf of the World Health Organization and The World Bank, 1996.
- Yermakov S.P. Prognoz poter' let zdorovoy zhizni naseleniya RF (metodologiya i osnovnyye rezul'taty prognoza) [Forecast of the disability adjusted life years of the Russian population(methodology and the main results of the forecast)]. Moscow : Palmarium Academic Publishing , 2013. 396 p.
- Available at:
- Global'noye bremya bolezney (Global burden of disease): porozhdeniye dokazatel'stv, napravleniye politiki. Regional'noye izdaniye dlya Yevropy i Tsentral'noy Azii. — Institut po izmereniyu zdorov'ya i otsenki sostoyaniya zdorov'ya universiteta Vashington, Set' chelovecheskogo razvitiya Vsemirnogo banka [The Global Burden of Disease: Evidence Production, Orientation of Policy. The Regional edition for Europe and Central Asia. The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation of the University of Washington. Human Development Network of the World Bank], 2013.
Age specifics of the occurrence of starting demographic events among Russian generations
Key words: life course, demography, marriage, partnership, cohabitation, childbirth, starting events, generations, Second demographic transition.
Abstract. The article presents comparisons of the ages and facts of the occurrence of starting demographic events, based on the results from three big surveys carried out in Russia: ‘European Social Survey’ — 2006, ‘Generations and Gender Survey’ — 2004, 2007, 2011, and ‘Human, Family, Society’ — 2013. The research was devoted to inter-generation and gender differences in the start of sexual debut, first partnership, marriage, and birth of the first child.
Analysis of the obtained data shows that the maximum number of starting demographic events takes place at the age under 35. In the average biography the first event is start of sexual life, then follow matrimonial events, and the last event is birth of the first child. The greatest gender and generational differences are observed in matrimonial behavior: popularity of unregistered unions is much higher among the younger generations than among their predecessors, and their interest in marriage is much lower. Men enter into marriage and partnership about year or two later than women. In reproductive behavior there are more gender differences than generational: men are more inclined to postpone birth of a child. This is because women wish to give birth to the first child in the reproductively healthy age, and men prefer to postpone both getting the first child and entering the first marriage.
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Sergey Yu. SHAROV
Effects of the changes in calculation of the individual property tax
Key words: individual property tax, local taxes, tax burden on population, reform of property taxation, cadastral value.
Abstract. The article considers the effects of the transition from inventory to cadastral value as the basis for taxation of buildings and premises belonging to individuals, primarily in terms of redistribution of the tax burden on the population, and secondarily, in terms of local budget revenues. It includes analysis of the changes in the Tax Code, of the causes of differences in the inventory and cadastral value due to their calculation methodology. There are identified the following factors determining the changes in the tax base: transition to a ’flat’ rate leads to a drastic reduction in the tax on the most ‘expensive’ real property at the expense of some increase for the bulk of real property, many buildings are no longer taxable due to introduction of tax deduction for their area, and the tax burden on the property in good location increases. The effect of these factors is illustrated by calculations made for the city of Tomsk. In conclusion are proposed recommendations for a further improvement of the personal real estate taxation.
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Problems of families with disabled children
Key words: the disabled, disabled children, human potential, education, health care, employment, social adaptation, quality of life.
Abstract. On the data from a sociological survey the article considers problems of the quality of life of families with disabled children and with persons disabled from childhood. The analysis is made on the results of in-depth interviews and focus-groups with representatives of families having disabled children and the disabled from childhood, social organizations of the disabled, and specialists from the educational correctional institutions of Taganrog. The survey revealed the problems remaining in such priority spheres of life as provision of general education and vocational training, medical aid, fully subsidized medicines and jobs for both the disabled themselves and their parents, etc. One of the causes is lack of specialized rehabilitation centers for child patients in the region. There are serious problem with establishing channels for interaction of the socium and the local administrative bodies. The author draws a conclusion that the state programme Accessible Environment being implemented at all levels of the administration and management needs a substantial adjustment with the account of the needs of different categories of the of the disabled.
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