№ 3 (69) – 2015 (July – September)
Rybakovsky O.L., Sudoplatova V.S. Constant migration of population in Russian regions………………………………………………………………
Yermakov S.P., Nikitina S.Yu. Age specifics of migration in the Russian Federation subjects during 2000-2010………………………………………..
Tolstokorova A.V. Female labour migration in Ukraine and its consequences…………………………………………………………………….
Kochkina E.V. Sources and dynamics of the debt burden of the Russian Federation regional budgets…………………………………………………...
Skrypnik N.V. Social function of individual income tax…………………….
Cherkashin A.K., Leshchenko Ya.A., Boyeva A.V. Dynamic and qualimetric models of estimating quality of life of family……………………
Yarasheva A.V., Makarova E.A. Typology of regions by households’ consumer behavior……………………………………………………………..
Alikperova N.V. Dynamics of the investment and saving activity of the Russian population……………………………………………………………..
Budilova E.V., Lagutin M.B., Migranova L.A. Dynamics of population health in Russia (2005-2013) …………………………………………………
Zherebin V.M. Social space and social identification of
Presentation of the results of the joint study Violence in Russian Families held by ISESP RAS and the Karelian Research Center RAS……………………………………………………………………………...
Round table The Present and the Future of Family in the Changing World……………………………………………………………………………
Summary in Russian ………………………………………………………….
Summary in Еnglish……………………………………………………………
Constant migration of population in Russian regions
Key words: population migration, migration balance, rate of migratory relations efficiency, migration intensity rates, migration recipients and donors, receiving-giving regions.
Abstract.The article discusses methodical issues of the analysis of the population migration in the post-Soviet Russia. It shows the specifics of using efficiency rates of the external to regions, interregional and international migratory relations. Regions of Russia are grouped by efficiency of the migration relations over 1993-2013. All subjects of the Russian Federation can be divided into 4 groups according to the total rate of efficiency of the external to regions migration: main migration recipients, local migration recipients, main migration donors, receiving-giving regions. The main migration recipients in Russia are the regions, which in the period under review had positive total balance of migration, positive total interregional migration balance and most part of separate interregional migration balance. Local migration recipients («local level») are the regions with a positive migration balance in population exchange with all adjoining regions in addition to the main recipient migration. The main migration donors of Russia are the regions losing population as a result the interregional migration with the majority of other regions. 23 regions, which are the main migration donors of Russia, can be divided into three groups: republics of the North Caucasus (plus Kalmykia); regions of Siberia and the Far East; regions of the European North (plus Kirov oblast).
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- Rybakovskiy O.L. Mezhregional'naya migratsiya naseleniya (Po materialam otechestvennoy i zarubezhnoy nauki) [Interregional population migration (based on the materials of domestic and foreign studies)]. SOTSIS [Sociological Studies]. 2011. № 4.
- Migratsionnyye protsessy v Rossii [Migration Processes in Russia]. Ed. by V.V. Lokosov and L.L. Rybakovsky. Moscow. Ekon-inform, 2014.
- Rybakovskiy O.L., Tayunova O.A. O nekotorykh aspektakh demograficheskogo analiza [On some aspects of demographic analysis]. Narodonaseleniye [Population]. 2014. №1.
- Rybakovskiy O.L., Sudoplatova V.S., Tajunova O.A. Voprosy ocenki migracionnogo potenciala [Questions of assessment of migration potential]. Nauchnoe obozrenie. Serija 1. Jekonomika i parvo [Scientific Review. Series 1. Economics and Law]. — 2015 — № 3. — S. 169-173.
- Rybakovskiy O.L., Tajunova O.А. Struktura immigracionnogo potenciala naselenija Rossii // [Structure of Russia's population immigration potential]. Nauchnoe obozrenie. Serija 2. Gumanitarnye nauki [Scientific Review. Series 2. Human Sciences]. 2015. № 2. S. 38-43.
Sergey P. YERMAKOV, Svetlana Yu. NIKITINA
Age specifics of migration in the Russian Federation subjects
during 2000-2010
Key words: population, migration, mechanisms and patterns of migration, age specifics, age components, statistical models, methodology of migration modeling.
Abstract. The paper presents new methods and statistical models of analyzing age-specific intensity of migration processes. The authors used official annual Rosstat statistics on the number of in- and out-migrants by all age groups and RF subjects (except Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol) for the period of 2000-2010. They developed a methodology for identifying and quantifying a number of age-specific components of migration processes, each of them having a stable demographic interpretation. Identification and statistical evaluation of the components were made using a combination of methods of nonlinear regression analysis with the following stepwise regression that makes it possible to get consistent statistical characteristics of these components’ significance for each RF subject and each calendar year. It is shown that the method of components is significantly more informative for analyzing migration processes than the traditional methods based on current migration rates calculated for total population and taking no account of the specifics of the age structure of migration flows.
- Rybakovskiy L.L. Voprosy razrabotki regional'nogo balansa trudovykh resursov na perspektivu / Ispol'zovaniyetrudovykhresursov v rayonakhDal'negoVostoka: Sb. Statey [The issues of developing perspective regional balance of labour resources. Use of Labor Resources in the Far East Districts. Collected articles]. Khabarovsk, 1965.
- Rogers A. and Little J.S. Parameterizing Age Patterns of Demographic Rates with the Multiexponential Model schedule. Mathematical Population Studies. 1994. Vol. 4(3). Рp.175-195.
- Wilson T. Model migration schedules incorporating student migration peaks. Demographic Research. 2010. Vol. 23. Art. 8. Рp. 191-222.
Female labour migration in Ukraine and its consequences
Key words: feminization of migration, deficit and surplus of care, economics of care and nursing, domino effect.
Abstract. The article presents results of investigation of the female «care migration» from Ukraine. This phenomenon is considered in the context of the «global economics of care and nursing» based on the «domino effect» and forming «global care chains». The engine of this mechanism is the «care drain» tactics that allows consuming countries to import care and nursing personnel from supplying countries through female «care migration». On the basis of situational analysis the author examines the emerging «care deficit» in the familial and institutional context. She shows that the «care deficit» resulting from the mass departures of women affects all family generations — children, husbands and the elderly even at the state level. Drawing on the obtained data the author comes to a conclusion that there is no sufficient grounds yet for assertions about the «care crisis» in Ukraine mainly owing to lack of necessary statistical and sociological data. At the same time, the thesis about the «surplus of care» in the Ukrainian society seems groundless.
- Tolstokorova A. Who Cares for Carers?: Feminization of Labor Migration from Ukraine and its Impact on Social Welfare. International Issues & Slovak Foreign Policy Affairs. 2009. Vol. XVIII. №1. pp. 62-84.
- Hochschild A.R. The Commercialization of Intimate Life: Notes from Home and Work. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2013.
- Lyuds'kyy rozvytok v Ukrayini: sotsial'ni ta demohrafichni chynnyky modernizatsiyi natsional’noyi ekonomiky (kolektyvna monohrafiya) / Za red. E.M. Libanovoyi [Human Development in Ukraine: social and demographic factors modernization of the national economy (collective monograph). Collective monograph. Ed. by E.M. Libanova]. Kyiv. In-t demohrafiyi ta sots. doslidzhen’ im. M.V. Ptukhy NAN Ukrayiny [Institute of Demography and Social Research. Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences] 2012.
- Sotsial'ne oblychchya novitn’oyi ukrayins'koyi trudovoyi mihratsiyi: rezul'taty masovoho sotsiolohichnoho opytuvannya ukrayins'kykh zarobitchan v Italiyi [The social face of modern Ukrainian migration: the massive poll of Ukrainian workers in Italy]. Lviv. Zakhidnoukrayins’kyy tsentr «Zhinochi perspektyvy» [West-Ukrainian Center for Women’s Perspectives], 2003.
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- Coupe T., Vakhitova H. Costs and Benefits of Labour Mobility between the EU and the Eastern Partnership Partner Countries. Country report: Ukraine. Kyiv: ENPI, European Commission, 2013.
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- Markov I. Deyaki rysy suchasnoyi ukrayins'koyi trudovoyi mihratsiyi [Some features of the modern Ukrainian migration]. Available at: http://www.ji-magazine.lviv.ua/ji-junior/loginov/markov.htm, 2015.
- Rozenko P. Bez hidnoyi zarplaty v byudzhetniy sferi hodi mriyaty pro trudovyy potentsial [Without decent wages in the public sector should not dream of working capacity]. Available at: http://www.razumkov.org.ua/ukr/expert.php?news_id=3513, 2012
- Fedyuk O., Bartha A., Zentai V. Migrant domestic care workers: state and market-based policy mix. NEUJOBS Working Paper. 2014.
- Tolstokorova A. Ukrainskaya transnatsional'naya sem'ya kak modernizirovannaya model' cemeynykh otnosheniy: panatseya, yad ili platsebo [Ukrainian transnational family as a modernized model of family relations: panacea, poison, or placebo]? Sotsiologicheskiy zhurnal [Sociological Journal]. 2013. № 2. P. 43-64.
Sources and dynamics of the debt burden of the Russian
Federation regional budgets
Key words: socio-economic disparity of regions, financial stability of regional budgets, reform of inter-budget relations
Abstract. The growing socio-economic disparity of regions is accompanied with deterioration of the financial stability of regional budgets — debt growth (mainly internal and in a minor way external), decline in the economic indicators of regional development — reduction in the regional fixed capital investments. Imbalance of the budget federalism system is examined with the account of three main parameters of its construction — distribution of income authorities, distribution of expenditure commitments, and transfer mechanisms (financial aid) between two levels of the budgetary system (federal and regional). The author draws a conclusion that to ensure achieving all social performance targets set in the Presidential Decrees of May 2012, it is necessary to change the existing parameters of the horizontal and vertical imbalance in the RF budget system, to develop adequate measures of a new budget strategy.
- Kochkina Е.V. Reformirovaniye mezhbyudzhetnykh otnosheniy v tselyakh ustoychivogo sotsial'no-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya sub"yektov RF [Reformation of the Inter-Budgetary Relations Aimed at a Sustainable Socio-Economic Development of the RF Subjects]. Moscow. Variant, 2014. 138 p.
- Regiony Rossii. Sotsial'no-ekonomicheskiye pokazateli. 2013 [Russian Regions. Social and Economic Indicators 2013. Statistical yearbook]. Moscow. Rosstat. 2014.
- Yedinaya mezhvedomstvennaya informatsionno-statisticheskaya sistema (YEMISS) [Unified Interdepartmental Information Statistical System]. Available at: http://www.fedstat.ru/indicators/start.do, 2015.
- Materialy sayta Minfina RF za 2002-2015 gg [RF Ministry of Finance. Materials for years 2002-2015]. Available at: http://minfin.ru/ru/document/index.php, 2015.
- Dannyye Ministerstva finansov Rossiyskoy Federatsii ob ob"yeme gosudarstvennogo dolga sub"yekta Rossiyskoy Federatsii po sostoyaniyu na 1 yanvarya 2014 [RF Ministry of Finance. Data on the amount of the public debt of the RF subjects as of 1 January 2014]. Available at: http://minfin.ru/opendata/7710168360-DebtRatio/, 2015.
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- Zaklyucheniya Schetnoy palaty Rossiyskoy Federatsii 2013-2015 gg. na proyekty i otchety ob ispolnenii federal'nogo byudzheta RF [RF Audit Chamber. Statements on the draft Federal Budgets for 2013-2015 and Budget performance]. Available at: http://www.ach.gov.ru/activities/audit-of-the-federal-budget/, 2015.
- Bochkareva V.K. Tipologiya regionov po masshtabam rasprostranennosti bednosti: mezhbyudzhetnyye otnosheniya i resursy regional'nykh byudzhetov / Regional'nyye osobennosti urovnya i kachestva zhizni [Typology of regions by incidence of poverty: inter-budgetary relations and resources of regional budgets. Regional Specifics of the Living Standards and Quality of Life]. Moscow. ISEPN RAN [Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS]. 2012. P. 176-188.
- Primakov Ye.M. Ne prosto rabotat', a znat' vo imya chego. O Rossii segodnya [Not only to work, but to know in the name of what. About Russia today]. Rossiyskaya gazeta [RussianNewspaper] 13.01.2015.
Nadezhda V. SKRYPNIK
Social function of individual income tax
Key words: individual income tax, social tax deductions, tax benefit, tax burden, tax regulation.
Abstract. The article deals with the role and significance of social deductions from individual income tax that is the most important instrument for implementation of the state social policy. Social tax deductions allow individuals to reduce their taxable income by the sum of separate kinds of expenses on social needs. So it is possible to reduce the acuteness of the socio-economic inequality. The article analyses changes in the composition and size of social tax deductions in comparison with the dynamics of average wages, inflation, average cost of higher education from their introduction to the present day. The author comes to conclusion about a decline in the significance and efficiency of the existing social tax deductions under the conditions of crisis, growth in the tax burden on individuals against the background of increasing unemployment, inflation, wage arrears on the one hand, and raising expenses on education, medical services and medications on the other hand. She considers directions of changing the tax policy and, in particular, the mechanisms of individual income taxation.
- Gorskiy I.V. K probleme nalogovoy nagruzki v Rossii // Ekonomika. Nalogi. Pravo [On the issue of tax burden in Russia. Economy. Taxes. Law. Scientific Review]. 2015. №1. P.121-126.
- Skrypnik N.V. Problema adekvatnosti nalogovykh vychetov po NDFL sovremennym realiyam // Voprosy teorii i praktiki nalogooblozheniya. Sb. nauchnykh statey [The problem of conformity of the individual income tax deductions to the present realities. The Issues of the Theory and Practice of Taxation. Collected articles]. No.11. Moscow. Finansovyy universitet pri Pravitel'stve RF [Financial University under the RF Government] 2014. P. 163-172.
- Vikulina T.D. Osobennosti institutsional'noy transformatsii sotsial'noy sredy / Materialy Yezhegodnoy vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiyem. «Imperativy natsional'noy strategii: realizatsiya sotsial'no-ekonomicheskogo potentsiala Rossii». [Specifics of the institutional transformation of the social sphere. Proceeding of the annual national conference Imperatives of the National Strategy: Implementation of the Socio-Economic Potential of Russia”]. May 22-23 2014. Nov.GU im. Yaroslava Mudrogo [Novgorod State University]. Veliky Novgorod. 2014. P. 125-137.
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Dynamic and qualimetric models of estimating quality of life of family
Key words: family, quality of life, dynamic and qualimetric models
Abstract. The issue of family quality of life is considered in terms of socio-demographic dynamics, i.e. changes in the distribution of families by indicators of the state of family life, and from the point of family qualimetry with calculation of the integral quality index as a function of separately measured properties of objects. The article is based on the data of sociological and psycho-diagnostic studies of the conditions of life of families in cities of Irkutsk oblast. Data processing was made using the principal component method. The article theoretically substantiates the rule of calculating indicator of family quality of life as a function of the first integral in solution of differential equations. The value of life quality is estimated as the difference between subjective assessment of well-being and objective characteristic of the socio-economic conditions of environment.
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Typology of regions by households’ consumer behaviour
Key words: structure of expenditure, final consumption, component analysis, cluster, consumer behaviour, living standards, household.
Abstract. The article presents the findings of a joint study conducted by researchers from ISESP RAS and UGATU. The purpose of the study was to construct clusters of Russian regions on the basis of the structure of households’ expenditure on final consumption. Calculations were made using the StatGraphics package that allowed to obtain weighted coefficients of properties (expenditure on different goods and services) and to aggregate regions by type proportions in the structure of population consumer expenditure. There were identified three clusters of Russian regions according to the relation of expenditure on final consumption to expenditure on: 1) foodstuffs, 2) clothes and shoes, 3) basic consumer services. The research results may be used in development of social programmes at the regional level.
- Ovsyannikov, A.A., Pettay, I.I., Rimashevskaya, N.M. Tipologiya potrebitel'skogo povedeniya [Typology of Consumer Behavior]. Moscow: Nauka [Science], 1988. 239 p.
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- Il'yasov B.G., Makarova Ye.A., Valitov R.R. Imitatsionnaya model' regulirovaniya raskhodov i dokhodov naseleniya v sisteme makroekonomicheskogo krugooborota. Programmnyye produkty i sistemy [A simulation model for regulation of the population expenditure and income in the system of macroeconomic cycle. Software Products and Systems]. 2011. №1. P. 123-126.
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- Makarova Ye.A. Formirovaniye stsenariyev upravleniya povedeniyem sektorov ekonomiki na osnove dinamicheskoy modeli makroekonomicheskogo krugooborota. Vestnik UGATU, seriya «Upravleniye, vychislitel'naya tekhnika i informatika [Formation of scenarios for managing the behavior of the economy sectors, based on the dynamic model of macroeconomic cycle. UGATU. Series «Management, Computer and Information Sciences»]. 2009. Vol.13. № 2 (35). P. 136-147.
Dynamics of the investment and saving activity of the Russian population
Key words: saving behaviour, investment behaviour, investment and saving activity of population, savings, financial institutions and instruments.
Abstract. The article analyses the investment and saving activity of population, the dynamics, forms and purpose of savings, as well as the forms of investments and investment instruments. The modern trends in development of the Russian financial market indicate that growth of the population well-being, strengthening of the financial infrastructure and implementation of the state measures for households’ support are not sufficient for changing the prevailing models of the households’ investment and saving behaviour. In this regard, of great interest and practical importance become the issues connected with identifying dominant factors of households’ savings formation, the reasons for transformation of savings into investments, as well as modeling of the investment and saving behavior of the population in whole. As a result of the analysis of the investment and saving activity of population, the author identified major problems connected with the low level of this activity and proposed a number of solutions that will make it possible to improve the financial situation of population and the state of the national economy as a whole.
- Ofitsial'nyy sayt ROMIR. [Romir website]: http://romir.ru.
- Sadkova ZH.A., Gorodilova A.YU. Monitoring investitsionnoy aktivnosti naseleniya Rossii [Monitoring investment activity of the Russian population]. Vestnik KHGAEP [Bulletin of the Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law]. 2011. № 4-5.
- Shevchenko D.A., Davydenko A.V. Finansovaya gramotnost' naseleniya kak faktor sberegatel'nogo povedeniya domashnikh khozyaystv [Financial awareness of population as a factor of the households’ saving behavior]. TERRA ECONOMICUS. 2013. Vol. 11. № 4. Part 2.
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Elena V. BUDILOVA, Mikhail B. LAGUTIN, Lyudmila A. MIGRANOVA
Dynamics of population health in Russia (2005-2013)
Key words: population health, indicators, infant mortality, life expectancy at birth, general morbidity, disability, vitality coefficient, index of population health, regional variability
Abstract. Life expectancy, which is often used as an integral index in estimation of population health. However this indicator does not take into account some important aspects connected with population health. The article proposes a new integral indicator — index of population health (IPH). On the basis of a preliminary analysis of the relationship between different variables characterising population health, IPH was supplemented by the following independent or weakly interdependent variables: infant mortality, life expectancy at birth, general morbidity, disability, vitality coefficient. The authors examined dynamics of the index of population health and its components for 82 regions and 8 Federal Districts of Russia in 2005-2013.
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Vsevolod M. ZHEREBIN
Social space and social identification of respondents
Key words: information society, social information space, social identification matrix, social stratification of society.
Abstract. The article deals with theoretical substantiation of solving the task of respondents’ social identification and with development of instruments for data collection and analysis in surveys. The theoretical base of the study is P. Bourdieu’s theory of social space, which most fully conforms to the specifics of solving applied tasks. The article provides a list of the basic terms used in this theory: social space, agents, fields (economic field, intellectual field, etc.), various types of capital, habitus, as well as its structural and topological characteristics. This conception of social peace is supplemented with a modern vision of the new information society specifics and with provisions of the concept of social and information space. The proposed instrument for research and analysis is a specially developed matrix of social identification of respondents, which takes into account the main provisions of the social space theory.
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Authors of the issue
ALIKPEROVA Natalia Valerievna, Candidate of Economics, senior researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS
E-mail: natalie_danilina@mail.ru
BOYEVA Alla Vasilievna, Candidate of Medical Science, senior researcher, East-Siberian Institute of Medical and Ecological Research
E-mail: a_boyeva@mail.ru
BUDILOVA Elena Veniaminovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences, senior researcher, Lomonosov Moscow State University
E-mail: evbudilova@mail.ru
YERMAKOV Sergey Petrovich, Doctor of Economics, chief researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS
E-mail: ermakov1947@gmail.com
ZHEREBIN Vsevolod Mikhailovich, Doctor of Economics, chief researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS
E-mail: ivir22@yandex.ru
KOCHKINA Elena Viktorovna, Candidate of Political Sciences, Head of expert council, Council for Management and Development
E-mail: ekochkina@list.ru
LAGUTIN Mikhail Borisovich, Assistant Professor, Lomonosov Moscow State University,
Department of Mechanics and Mathematics,
E-mail: lagutinmb@mail.ru
LESHCHENKO Yaroslav Alexandrovich, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor, leading researcher, East-Siberian Institute of Medical and Ecological Research
E-mail: lsioz@mail.ru
MAKAROVA Elena Anatolievna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Ufa State Aviation Technical University
E-mail: ea-makarova@mail.ru
MIGRANOVA Lyudmila Alexeyevna, Candidate of Economics, chief researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS
E-mail: lmigranova@mail.ru
NIKITINA Svetlana Yurievna, Candidate of Economics, Head of Department, Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation
E-mail: nikitina_s@gks.ru
RYBAKOVSKY Oleg Leonidovich, Doctor of Economics, acting Head of laboratory, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS
E-mail: oleg_ry@mail.ru
SKRYPNIK Nadezhda Vladimirovna, Candidate of Economics, Financial University under the RF Government
E-mail: skrbox@mail.ru
SUDOPLATOVA Valeria Sergeevna, junior researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS
E-mail: sudomail@mail.ru
TOLSTOKOROVA Alisa Valerievna, Candidate of Philological Sciences, associate professor, independent expert, Ukraine
E-mail: alicetol@yahoo.com; talissa@ukr.net
CHERKASHIN Alexander Konstantinovich, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Head of laboratory, Sochava Institute of Geography, RAS Siberian Branch
E-mail: cherk@mail.icc.ru
YARASHEVA Aziza Viktorovna, Doctor of Economics, Head of laboratory, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS; Professor, Financial University under the RF Government
E-mail: baktriana@rambler.ru