№ 4 (70) – 2015 (October-December)
Lokosov V.V. Rich Russia and poor population: causes of the paradox…………
Alexandrova O.A. Social policy under the conditions of the socio-economic and ideological desovereignization…………………………………………………………
Rimashevskaya N.M., Rusanova N.E. Health of the Russian population under the conditions of socio-economic modernization………………………………........
Rybakovsky L.L. World population migrations in the geopolitical coordinates…..
Ryazantsev S.V., Pismennaya E.E., Khramova M.N. Formation of the migration potential of compatriots in the countries of Central Asia…………………
Arkhangelsky V.N., Potanina Yu.A., Khasanova R.R. Regional differences in the natural population movement in Russia…………………………………………..
Solovyev A.K., Dontsova S.A. Methodological issues of the pension statistics….
Bobkov. V.N., Zabelina O.V., Loktyukhina N.V. Raising the retirement age in the Russian Federation: social and labour consequences……………………………
Rimashevskaya N.M., Dobrokhleb V.G., Medevedeva E.I. Lifelong learning in Russia……………………………………………………………………………………
Vershinskaya O.N., Galyuzhin A.Yu. Studying the social consequences of dissemination of the information and communication technology in EU
Scientific and methodological seminar on the issues of labour
Russian-Polish scientific seminar Health and quality of life…………………...
Book review 2014-2015………………………………………………………………..
Summary in Russian ……………………………………………………………………
Summary in Еnglish……………………………………………………………………..
Contents of the journal Population issues in 2015………………………………
Vyacheslav V. LOKOSOV
Rich Russia and poor population: causes of the paradox
Key words: national wealth, poverty levels, population, ideological sphere, distributive relations.
Abstract. The article analyses the paradoxical socio-economic situation: with all the huge national wealth the level and the quality of life of majority of the Russian population remain low. Two radical attempts of 1917 and 1991 to bring the level of the population well-being in accord with the unique possibilities of the country were not successful. Moreover, at present there are prevailing the tendencies of weakening human potential, declining levels of health and education of the population. Among the wide range of causes of this paradoxical situation the author emphasizes two, probably the most important ones. The first cause is connected with the sphere of ideology. The second — with the system of distributive relations.
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- Guriyev O., Tsyvinsky O. Rossiya — lider po neravenstvu raspredeleniya bogatstva [Russia is a leader in the inequality of wealth distribution]. Vedomosti No. 3224. 6 November 2012. Available at: http://economy.gov.ru/minec//activity/sections/macro/prognoz/doc20131-108
- Aganbegian A.G. Kak ozdorovit' rossiyskiy byudzhet [How to revitalize the Russian budget]? Ekonomicheskaya politika [Economic Policy]. 2015. Vol. 10. № 4
- Glazyev S.Yu, Lokosov V.V. Otsenka predel'no kriticheskikh znacheniy pokazateley sostoyaniya rossiyskogo obshchestva i ikh ispol'zovaniye v upravlenii sotsial'no-ekonomicheskim razvitiyem [Estimation of the extremely critical indicators of the Russian society condition and their application in managing the socio-economic development]. Moscow. Vestnik Rossiyskoy Akademii nauk[Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences]. 2012. Vol. 82. No. 7.
Social policy under the conditions of the socio-economic and ideological desovereignization.
Key words: social policy, crisis, globalization, WTO, budget expenditures
Abstract. The article analyses the constraints on the state implementation of different aspects of social policy imposed by the desovereignization of the socio-economic sphere connected with the processes of globalization including participation in the World Trade Organization. In Russia this situation is additionally aggravated by the critical dependence of the budget revenues on the international economic situation having a significant geopolitical component. The author shows that the scale of the budget allocations directed to the social and military spheres, characterizes the budget policy as ‘neither guns nor butter’ that does not meet the challenges facing Russia. It is proved that the postulate of ‘scarcity’ of the budgetary funds, put forward as the justification of budget restrictions and reduction of citizens’ social rights, has no good grounds, since in Russia they still do not use a whole spectrum of well-known instruments to fill the treasury and curtail the outflow of material resources abroad.
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Shipilov A.L. Zapad namerenno tormozit importozameshcheniye v Rossii[Is the West
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Babkin K.А., Kuznetsov A.V., Korchevoy E.A., Pronin V.V., Samokhvalov V.A.Posledstviya prisoyedineniya Rossii k Vsemirnoy torgovoy organizatsii[Consequences of Russia's Accession to the World Trade Organization]. Moscow. WTO-Inform. 2012
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Health of the Russian population under the conditions of socio-economic modernization
Key words:health potential, human capital, population health in different ages, gender aspects
Abstract. The present socio-economic modernization of Russia is going on under the conditions of objective decline in the quality of labour force. For this reason, it is necessary to analyze the state of health at every stage of lifecycle in terms of correlation between the needs of population and possibility to meet them. Specifics of the innovation society imply that it can find an adequate social role for everybody irrespective of age or physical state. Persistence of the current unfavorable trends increases the risks that have become a social crater if ill-health, and getting out of it will take the life span of several generations. Socio-economic determinants of health — well-being, social inequality, distribution problems are the same in all countries, but their structures, dominants and efficiency depend on the specifics of government and institutional traditions.
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- Zdorov'ye i sotsial'no-demograficheskiye protsessy v Rossii[Health and Socio-Demographic Processes in Russia]. Ed. A.Yu. Shevyakov. Moscow. ISEPN [Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS]. 2010.
- Rimashevskaya N.M. Sotsial'naya politika sberezheniya naroda [Social policy of saving people]. Uchenyye zapiski Petrozavodskogo Gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Obshchestvennyye i gumanitarnyye nauki[Scientific Notes of the Petrozavodsk State University. Social Sciences and Humanities]. №5 (110). 2010.
- Rimashevskaya N.M., Rusanova N.E. O novykh kriteriyakh otsenki zdorov'ya naseleniya Rossii: problemy i podkhody [On new criteria for assessing the health of the population of Russia: Challenges and approaches]. Voprosy statistiki[Statistical Issues]. 2014. № 2. P. 17-21.
- Sberezheniye naroda[Saving the People]. Ed. N.M. Rimashevskaya. Moscow. Nauka [Science]. 2007.
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- Kovaleva A.A. Sotsiologicheskiy analiz zdorov'ya molodezhi (na primere molodezhi Murmanskoy oblasti). Avtoreferat dissertatsii na soiskaniye uchenoy stepeni kandidata sotsiologicheskikh nauk[Sociological Analysis of Young People's Health (the Case of the Youth of Murmansk Oblast). Abstract of the cand. dissertation]. Sankt Petersburg. 2010. 23p.
- Yamaletdinova G.A. Samoupravleniye uchebno-poznavatel'noy deyatel'nost'yu studentov v sfere fizicheskoy kul'tury[Self-Management in the Training and Cognitive Activity of Students in the Sphere of Physical Culture]. Yekaterinburg. Gumanitarnyy universitet [Humanities University]. 2008. 136 p.
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World population migrations in the geopolitical coordinates
Key words: refugees, colonial policy, colonization, migration, displaced persons, repatriates, re-emigrants.
Abstract. The article analyses three migration eras in human history, proposes delimitation of these eras. The first era of global migrations covers the time from the emergence of man on our planet until the middle of the second Millennium A.D. The second era in the global development of migration processes began in the Age of Discovery. This era was over with the end of the World War I. The third migration era was marked by the events unprecedented in the scale and incomparable to other eras by the amount of population living on all inhabited continents. These events changed the architectonics of the world, state systems, balance of power between countries. Within a century there were radical transformations in all spheres of human activity including migration processes. Each era is illustrated by specific main migration processes. The conclusion shows possible geopolitical consequences of the current migrations in the world.
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Formation of the migration potential of compatriots in the countries of Central Asia
Key words: return migration, State programme for resettlement of compatriots, migration potential, countries of Central Asia, modeling the probability of migration.
Abstract . The article contains the outcomes of a sociological survey conducted among the Russians in three countries of Central Asia — Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan. On the basis of statistical information and data from the sociological survey there is given a quantitative and qualitative estimation of the migration potential of Russian compatriots, as well as analysis of the factors that can stimulate or hinder implementation of the migration attitudes of population in Central Asia. On the basis of the binary choice models the authors made calculations and established relationship between the socio-demographic characteristics of potential migrants and the probability of their migration to the Russian Federation.
- Ivakhnyuk I.V. Perspektivy migratsionnoy politiki Rossii: vybor vernogo puti[Prospects of the Migration Policy of Russia: Choosing the Right Way]. Moscow. MAKS Press. 2011. 128 p.
- Kirillova E.K. Gosudarstvennaya programma po pereseleniyu sootechestvennikov: preyemstvennost' i nekotoryye itogi [The State programme for resettlement of compatriots: continuity and some results]. Nauchnyye trudy INP RAN [Transactions of the Institute of Economic Forecasting RAS]. 2009. No. 7. P. 566-594
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- Ryazantsev S.V., Grebenyuk A.A. «Nashi» za granitsey. Russkiye, rossiyane, russkogovoryashchiye, sootechestvenniki: rasseleniye, integratsiya i vozvratnaya migratsiya v Rossiyu [‘Ours’ Abroad. Russians, Citizens of the Russian Federation, Russian-speaking, Compatriots: Settlement, Integration, and Return Migration to Russia]. Moscow. ISPI RAN [Institute of Socio-Political Research RAS]. 2014. 238 p.
- Ryazantsev S.V., Grebenyuk A.A. Potentsial vozvratnoy migratsii v Rossiyu iz stran SNG i Baltii [Potential of the return migration to Russia from the CIS and Baltic countries]. Narodonaseleniye[Population]. 2008. No. 2. P. 104-111.
- Ryazantsev S.V., Bozhenko V.V. Novyye formy vremennoy migratsii iz Rossii cherez prizmu sotsial'no-demograficheskikh kharakteristik migrantov [New forms of temporary migration from Russia in the light of the socio-demographic characteristics of migrants]. Nauchnoye obozreniye. Seriya 2. Gumanitarnyye nauki[Scientific Review. Series 2. Humanities]. 2013. No. 2. P. 80-87
- Ryazantsev S.V., Lyk’yanova A.Yu., Bozhenko V.V. Nezakonnaya migratsiya kak forma torgovli lyud'mi [Illegal migration as a form of human trafficking]. Nauchnoye obozreniye. Seriya 1. Ekonomika i pravo[Scientific Review. Series 1. Economics and Law]. 2013. No. 6. P. 92-97
- Ryazantsev S.V., Khramova M.N. Otsenka i determinanty vozvratnoy migratsii sootechestvennikov v Rossiyu. V sb.: Migratsionnyye mosty v Yevrazii: Sbornik materialov VI mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii «Rol' migratsii v sotsial'no-ekonomicheskom i demograficheskom razvitii posylayushchikh i prinimayushchikh stran Yevrazii» [Estimation and determinants of the countrymen’s return migration to Russia. Migration Bridges in Eurasia. Transactions of the VI international scientific and practical conference The Role of Migration in the Socio-Economic and Demographic Development of the Sending and Receiving Countries of Eurasia]. Ed. S.V. Ryazantsev. Moscow. Econ-Inform. 2014. P. 323-327
- Khramova M.N., Ryazantsev S.V., Pismennaya E.E. Nekotoryye itogi obsledovaniya russkoyazychnoy diaspory v stranakh SNG / V sb.: Migratsionnyye mosty v Yevrazii. Materialy V mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii «Trudovaya migratsiya v Rossiyskoy Federatsii: predotvrashcheniye trudovoy ekspluatatsii, stimulirovaniye sotsial'no-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya, sovershenstvovaniye regulirovaniya» [Some results of the study of the Russian-speaking diaspora in CIS countries. Migration Bridges in Eurasia. Transactions of the V international conference Labour Migration in the Russian Federatin: Prevention of Labour Exploitation, Furthering Socio-Economic Development, Improvement of Regulation]. Moscow. Econ-Inform. 2013. P. 279-282.
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Regional differences in the natural population movement in Russia
Key words: natural increase rates, fertility, mortality, age and sex structure, population, regions of Russia.
Abstract. On the basis of index method the Russian Federation subjects were grouped by the upward or downward differences of their crude natural increase rates as compared to the national average in 2014, and by the components determining these differences: fertility, mortality, age and sex structure of population. There were identified six groups of regions with the natural increase rates higher or lower (i.e. with natural decrease) than across Russia, fully or mainly determined by differences in the rates of fertility, mortality or age and sex structure of population. Specifics of the rates and dynamics in fertility, mortality, life expectancy, age and sex structure of population were analyzed for regions in each group.
- Arkhangelsky V.N. Komponenty dinamiki yestestvennogo prirosta naseleniya v regionakh Rossii: 2005-2010 gg. [Components of the dynamics in natural population growth in the regions of Russia: 2005-2010]. Rasseleniye naseleniya. Pamyati B.S. Khoreva (1932-2003) [Population Settlement. In memory of B.S. Khorev (1932-2003)]. Moscow. MAKS Press. 2012. P. 103-116.
- Demograficheskoye razvitiye Rossii v XXI veke[Demographic Development of Russia in the 21st Century]. Moscow. Econ-Inform. 2009. P. 35-48
Arkady K. SOLOVYEV, Svetlana A. DONTSOVA
Methodological issues of the pension statistics
Key words: pension statistics, reform, database of the RF Pension Fond actuarial calculations, indicators of pension provision, system of personified registration
Abstract. Pension statistics, like other fields of social statistics, suffered greatly as a result of the transition to market relations in the socio-labour sphere and radical sequestration of the ‘soviet’ statistical indicators, and cannot reflect all aspects of the modern social policy. The problems of pension statistics are further aggravated by the pension reforms that permanently require information on the objects of the state pension system under reform. The pension reform of 2015 again roused public interest in the problems of the domestic pension system not only in the professional circle of ‘narrow’ specialists in the pension sphere but also among a wider scientific community. Then followed active discussions and quantitative estimates both of the present condition of the state pension provision and of the socio-economic consequences of the implemented and planned activities. This revealed great differences in the calculation results (often just opposite). Among the main causes of these differences, along with fundamental differences in the methodology of actuarial calculations, the authors accentuate the problems of completeness, accuracy and adequacy of the information statistical database of the pension system. The article provides the first analysis of the methodological problems of pension statistics and proposes measures for solution of these problems.
- Ovcharov A.O. Statisticheskaya metodologiya v sisteme nauchnykh metodov finansovykh i ekonomicheskikh issledovaniy. Uchebnik. Seriya: Magistratura[Statistical Methodology in the System of Scientific Methods in Financial and Economic Research. Textbook. Series: Master]. Moscow. INFRA-M. 2013. 464 p.
- Solovyev A.K., Dontsova S.A., Korzhov M.A. Uchet i otchetnost' po pensionnym pravam i obyazatel'stvam gosudarstva // Rol' uchetnykh praktik v obespechenii ustoychivogo razvitiya predpriyatiy: Materialy II Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii Moskva, RUDN [Accounting and reporting on the pension rights and obligations of the State. The Role of Accounting Practices in Ensuring Stable Development of Enterprises. Proceedings of the II international scientific and practical conference. Moscow. People's Friendship University of Russia]. November 25-26, 2011. Moscow. RUDN [People's Friendship University of Russia]. 2 011. P. 428-432.
- Solovyev A.K., Korzhov M.A. Aktual'nyye problemy formirovaniya pensionnoy statistiki // Rossiyskaya gosudarstvennaya statistika i vyzovy XXI veka: materialy mezhdunar. nauchno-prakticheskoy konf., posvyashchennoy 200-letiyu obrazovaniya rossiyskoy statisticheskoy sluzhby [Current problems of formation of the pension statistics. Russian State Statistics and Challenges of the 21st Century. Proceedings of theinternational scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Russian statistical service] (Moscow, 23-24 June 2011). Moscow. Feder. sluzhba gos. statistiki [Rosstat]. 2011. P. 229-231.
- Solovyev A.K., Melezhik N.V., Nuriyeva N.N. Aktual'nyy analiz pensionnogo obespecheniya zastrakhovannykh lits, rabotayushchikh v rayonakh Kraynego Severa i priravnennykh k nim mestnostyakh [Actuarial analysis of the pension provision of the insured persons working in the Far North and equated localities]. Voprosy statistiki[Statistical Issues]. 2013. № 3. P. 60-70.
Vyacheslav N. BOBKOV, Olga V. ZABELINA, Natalia V. LOKTYUKHINA
Raising the retirement age in the Russian Federation: social and labour
Key words:pension system, old-age pension, retirement age, labour market, employment, living standards of population.
Abstract. Due to sufficient objectivity of the grounds for raising the retirement age in the Russian Federation, the imminence of implementing this unpopular measure is evident. The article estimates the possible positive and negative effects of raising the retirement age in Russia on the labour market, employment sphere, standards and quality of life. It analyses the risk of additional budget expenditures and the possibility of replacement of the social functions performed by pensioners. To solve these problems, it is necessary to consider the perspectives of development of the Russian labour market by the moment of raising the retirement age, and to estimate an approximate number of people, who will stay in the employment sphere or enter the labour market due to the reform. It is proved that raising the retirement age will inevitably have a negative impact on the labour market and employment sphere in case of a short-term reform (3-5 years) and a positive effect in case of its thorough preparation and stepwise implementation within 10 or more years. To reduce the social and labour risks, the authors propose raising the retirement age in conjunction with the policies in the spheres of wages, education (first of all additional), labour productivity, with extension of the opportunities for employment of elderly people. They substantiate the need for a further investigation of various aspects of the vital activity of the elderly.
- Kratkiy informatsionno-statisticheskiy byulleten' za 2014 god[Short Information Statistical Bulletin 2014]. Pensionnyy fond Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Pension Fund of the Russian Federation]. Moscow. 2015. 41 p.
- Proyekt godovogo otcheta Pensionnogo fonda Rossiyskoy Federatsii za 2014 god[Draft Annual Report of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the Year 2014]. Pensionnyy fond Rossiyskoy Federatsii [Pension Fund of the Russian Federation]. Moscow. 2015. 84 p.
- Maleva T.M., Sinyavskaya O.V. Povysheniye pensionnogo vozrasta: pro et contra [Raising the pensioning age: pro et contra]. Zhurnal novoy ekonomicheskoy assotsiatsii[Journal of the New Economic Association]. 2010. No. 8. P. 117-137
- Press-vypusk VTSIOM №2811 «Rabotayushchiye rossiyane — za stabil'nost' pensionnoy sistemy» [Working Russians are for stability of the pension system. The All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center. Press release No. 2811]. 8 April 2015. Available at: wciom.ru/index.php?id=236&uid=115221
- Povysheniye pensionnogo vozrasta luchshe uvelicheniya nalogov (issledovatel'skiy tsentr portala Superjob.ru) [Raising pensioning age is better than increasing taxes. Superjob.ru Research Center]. Available at: www.superjob.ru/research/articles/111773/povyshenie-pensionnogo-vozrasta-luchshe-uvelicheniya-nalogov
- Korovkin A.G., Korolev I.B., Dolgova I.N., Andryunin A.V., Edinak E.A. Makroekonomicheskaya otsenka sostoyaniya sfery zanyatosti i rynka truda v Rossii 2010-2025 godov[Macroeconomic Estimate of the State of the Employment Sphere and Labour Market in Russia in 2010-2015]. Preprint. Moscow. MAKS Press. 2011. 84 p.
- Kashepov A.V. Kratkosrochnyye i dolgosrochnyye prognozy zanyatosti i bezrabotitsy [Short-term and long-term projections of employment and unemployment]. Sotsial'naya politika i sotsial'noye partnerstvo [Social Policy and Social Partnership]. 2010. No. 8. P. 7-16
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- Loktyukhina N.V. Ob aktual'nykh napravleniyakh povysheniya ustoychivosti pensionnoy sistemy Rossii [On topical directions of raising the stability of the Russian pension system]. Matematicheskiye metody i modeli v issledovanii gosudarstvennykh i korporativnykh finansov i finansovykh rynkov: sbornik materialov Vserossiyskoy molodezhnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii[Mathematical Methods and Models in Research on the State and Corporate Finance and Financial Markets. Proceedings of the All-Russian youth scientific and practical conference] (27-28 April 2015, Ufa). Part 1. Ed. I.U. Zulkanai. Ufa. Aeterna. 2015. P. 57-61
- Bobkov V., Chernykh E., Aliev U., Kurilchenko E. Neustoychivost' zanyatosti: negativnyye storony sovremennykh sotsial'no-trudovykh otnosheniy [Instability of employment: negative aspects of the current socio-labour relations]. Uroven' zhizni naseleniya regionov Rossii[Living Standards of the Population in the Regions of Russia]. 2011. No. 5. P. 13-26
- Simoyanov A. Mozhno li proglotit' povysheniye pensionnogo vozrasta [Is it possible to put up with raising the pensioning age]? Sobesednik.RU 26 February 2015. Available at: sobesednik.ru/politika/20150226-simoyanov-mozhno-li-proglotit-povyshenie-pensionnogo-vozrast.
- Ibragimova D.Kh. Skol'ko «stoit» rossiyskaya babushka [What is the ‘cost’ of a Russian grandmother]. Roditeli i deti, muzhchiny i zhenshchiny v sem'ye i obshchestve[Parents and Children, Men and Women in Family and Society]. Eds. T.M. Maleva and O.V. Sinyavskaya. Moscow. NISP [Independent Institute for Social Policy]. 2007. P. 623-637
- Topilin M. Poka net dostatochnykh i tochnykh raschetov dlya povysheniya pensionnogo vozrasta [There is neither sufficient no precise calculations for raising the pensioning age]. Available at: tass.ru/opinions/interviews/205960.
- Bobkov V.N. Argumenty nedeli [Arguments of the Week]. 2015. No. 22. Available at: www.argumenti.ru.
Lifelong learning in Russia
Key words: lifelong learning, demographic structure, economy of knowledge, human capital.
Abstract. Modern geopolitical challenges aggravate the problems of Russia’s transition to economy based on knowledge. In the structure of lifelong learning the leading role is given to the sphere of additional professional education. According to Rosstat data, in 2013 lifelong professional education covered 13.8% of payroll in commercial and non-commercial organizations. Low availability of professional education for significant contingencies of workers is the barrier hindering transition to high-technology production, hampering increase in labour productivity, blocking the possibility to continue working in older age due to loss of the qualification and education potential. Now lifelong learning in Russia involves as a rule younger people. Introduction of a really working system of learning throughout life is only beginning to take shape. For the present this direction in fact is marginally including organization of professional training of older age groups. It is impossible to create an economy based on knowledge without the system of learning throughout life that includes all age groups of the Russian population.
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- Arkhipova O.V. Realizatsiya kontseptsii nepreryvnogo obrazovaniya v sovremennykh sotsiokul'turnykh usloviyakh: opyt «NeoAkademii» [Implementation of the conception of lifelong learning under the modern sociocultural conditions: experience of NeoAcademy]. Nauchnyy elektronnyy yezhekvartal'nyy zhurnal. Nepreryvnoye obrazovaniye: XX vek [Scientific electronic quarterly journal Lifelong Learning: the 21st Century]. Available at: http://LLL21.petrsu.ru (Accessed: 25 May 2015).
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- Rimashevskaya N.M., Dobrokhleb V.G., Kislitsyna O.A. Demograficheskiye peremeny v Rossii kak predposylki modernizatsii obrazovaniya [Demographic changes in Russia as a prerequisite of the educational system modernization]. Narodonaseleniye[Population]. 2009. No 1. P. 4-17.
- Dobrohleb V.G. Nepreryvnoe obrazovanie v uslovijah demograficheskih izmenenij [Lifelong learning under the conditions of demographic changes]. Nauchnoe obozrenie. Serija 1. Jekonomika i parvo [Scientific Review. Series 1. Economics and Law]. 2015. № 4.
Studying the social consequences of dissemination of the information and communication technology in EU countries
Key words: European projects, social consequences of ICT dissemination, information technology at home, blurring the boundaries, screen versus paper, age discrimination
Abstract. The article describes the European approach to analysis of the social consequences of informatization. There are considered five big projects, and ISESP RAS research fellows took part in four of them. Technological success in telecommunications has resulted in emergence of new services, acceptance of which by consumers is of vital important for their development. Changes in demand lead to new lifestyles, to development of new tastes, to change in the attitude to communication services on the whole. From 1996 in EU have been investigated various aspects of relationships, ways of consumers’ behavior and perception of the available and expected in the nearest future communication services. There are examined the models of use and the communication needs in different segments of market, such as elderly people, families with children, tele-workers, etc. The world there is going a fundamental reorganization of the society that should adapt to the new opportunities, to acknowledge the fact of dying out of old traditions and to understand emergence of new phenomena. Blurring of the old and emergence of new social boundaries change the rules of life.
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Authors of the issue
ALEXANDROVA Olga Arkadievna, Doctor of Economics, Deputy Director, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS; leading researcher, Nizhny Novgorod State University-Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS
E-mail: a762@rambler.ru
ARKHANGELSKY Vladimir Nikolayevich, Candidate of Economics, Head of sector, Center for Population Studies at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, leading researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS
E-mail: archangelsky@yandex.ru
BOBKOV Vyacheslav Nikolayevich, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of chair, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Director General, All-Russian Centre of Living Standards
E-mail: bobkovvn@mail.ru
VERSHINSKAYA Olga Nikolayevna, Doctor of Economics, Head of laboratory, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS
E-mail: vershinskaya@mail.ru
GALYUZHIN Alexey Yurievich, Head of sector, Moscow Department of Information Technology; post-graduate student, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS
E-mail: galnet@mail.ru
DOBROKHLEB Valentina Grigorievna, Doctor of Economics, Professor, chief researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS
E-mail: vdobrokhleb@mail.ru
DONTSOVA Svetlana Alexandrovna, Deputy Head of Department, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation
E-mail: 2605@100.pfr.ru
ZABELINA Olga Viktorovna, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
E-mail: Zabelina.OV@tversu.ru
LOKOSOV Vyacheslav Veniaminovich, Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Director, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS
E-mail: info@isesp-ras.ru
LOKTYUKHINA Natalia Viktorovna, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
E-mail: loktn@mail.ru
MEDVEDEVA Elena Il’yinichna, Candidate of Economics, senior researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS
E-mail: e_lena@mail.ru
PISMENNAYA Elena Evgenievna, Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Financial University under the RF Government; leading researcher, Institute of Socio-Political Research RAS
E-mail: nikitaR@mail.ru
POTANINA Yulia Arkadievna, junior researcher, Center for Population Studies at the Lomonosov Moscow State University
E-mail: yu_potanina@mail.ru
RIMASHEVSKAYA Natalia Mikhailovna, Doctor of Economics, RAS Corresponding Member, RAS Adviser; researcher, Nizhny Novgorod State University-Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS
E-mail: isesp-ras@yandex.ru
RUSANOVA Nina Evgenievna, Doctor of Economics, leading researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS
E-mail: ner238@rambler.ru
RYBAKOVSKY Leonid Leonidovich, Doctor of Economics, Professor, chief researcher, Institute of Socio-Political Research RAS
E-mail: 1284781@mail.ru
RYAZANTSEV Sergey Vasil’evich, Doctor of Economics, Professor, RAS Corresponding Member, Head of the Center for Social Demography and Economic Sociology, Institute of Socio-Political Research RAS
E-mail: riazan@mail.ru
SOLOVYEV ARKADY KONSTANTINOVICH, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Finance University under the RF Government, Honoured Economist of Russia
E-mail: sol26@100.pfr.ru
KHASANOVA Ramilya Rafaelevna, Candidate of Economics, researcher, Institute of Social Analysis and Forecasting, RANEPA
E-mail: khasanovarr@gmail.com
KHRAMOVA Marina Nikolayevna, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, leading researcher, Center for Social Demography and Economic Sociology, Institute of Socio-Political Research RAS
E-mail: marina.khramoval@gmail.com