№ 1-1 (71-1) – 2016 (January – March)
Antipova E.A. Demographic development of republic of Belarus
in XXI century: trends, regional differences, problems…………………
Kocherbaeva A.A. Demographic characteristics of Kyrgyzstan:
problems of social impacts and future action……………………………
Motrich E.L. Demographic situation in the Russian Far East:
the key trends and challenges……………………………………………
Ergeshbaev U.J., Eshenova S.E. Problems of external labor
migration of the population of Kyrgyzstan……………………………….
Grishanova A.G., Kozhevnikova N.I. Migration potential:
theoretical aspects…………………………………………………………
Chernyshev K.A. Population migration in depressed region…………
Zlotnikov A.G. Migration in Demographical Processes of
Delovarova L.F. Demographic development of Kazakhstan and
main directions of modern migration policy……………………………
Maksakova L.Р. Demographic and migration potential of
Rybakovskiy O.L., Tayunova O.A. The migration component of demographic development of Russia…………………………………….
Summary in Russian ………………………………………………………
Summary in Еnglish………………………………………………………..
Ekaterina A. ANTIPOVA
Demographic development of republic of Belarus in XXI century: trends, regional differences, problems
Key words: comparative geographical analysis, population dynamics, natural movement, demographic stagnation, demographic revitalization.
Abstract. The economic geographical analysis of the demographic development trends of Belarus for the period 1999-2014 is provided in the article. Demographic positions of Belarus in Europe, similarities and differences in the population dynamics and natural movement of urban and rural population are revealed on the basis of the trend approach, method of time series, comparative geographical method. Divergence of population dynamics trends and mortality between urban and rural populations and convergence of parameters in the nature and trends of the birth rate and general demographic polarization are defined. Demographic similarities and differences at the regional level are established, areas with relatively favorable demographic situation (Polesie — Brest and Gomel regions, Capital region — Minsk region) and the unfavorable demographic situation (Vitebsk, Mogilev, Grodno regions) are identified. Identified differences on the regional level emphasize the necessity of the development of geographically differentiated activities in the field of demographic security of Belarus.
- World Population Data Sheet 2014. Available at: http://www.prb.org/pdf14/2014-world-population-data-sheet_eng.pdf.
- Antipova E.A., Korotaev V.K. Geodemografija Belarusi v HHІ veke: sravnitel'no-geograficheskij analiz gorodskogo i sel'skogo naselenija [Demographics of Belarus in the XXI century: the comparative geographical analysis of urban and rural population]. Vestnik BGU. [ Herald of BSU ] Ser. 2. 2014. № 3. P. 91-98.
- Antipova E.A. Spatial differentiation of demographic development of Belarusian cities in the post-soviet period. ANALELE ŞTIINTIFICE ALE UNIVERSITĂŢII ALEXANDRU IOAN CUZA din IAŞI. Tom LVIII, s. II — c, Geografie 2012. P. 223-236.
- Antipova E.A. Prostranstvennaja asimmetrija demograficheskogo razvitija gorodov Belarusi [The spatial asymmetry of the demographic development of cities in Belarus]/ Kraïnoznavstvo. Navukovy zbirnik. № 2. Kiïv, 2012. P. 85-96.
- Antipova E., Fakeyeva L. Demographic revitalization of Belarusian towns in the XXI century [Demographic revitalization of Belarusian towns in the XXI century.] Problemy rozwoju miast (Krakow, Instytut rozwoju miast). 2013. № 1. S. 113-122.
- Antipova E.A. Regionalizacija demograficheskogo razvitija sel'skoj mestnosti Respubliki Belarus' v nachale XXІ veka [Regionalization of the demographic development of the countryside, Republic of Belarus at the beginning of XXI century.]. Jekonomicheskij bjulleten' [Economic Bulletin]. 2013. № 10. P. 23-34.
Demographic characteristics of Kyrgyzstan: problems of social impacts and future action
Key words: demographic development, population size, birthrate, mortality, migration, and economic crisis.
Abstract. The article deals with the problems and peculiarities of demographic development of Kyrgyzstan, the decision of which is primarily dependent on the state. The author identifies the main factors which affect only certain processes, parameters of the demographic sphere: the beginning of the replacement of one socio-economic system to others, the onset of economic and political crisis. This situation is characterized by the country's national statistics. The author has revealed certain trends in the demographic sphere: the preservation of the high birth rate and a stable level of mortality; the transition from large to small families; increasing the age of marriage among male and female populations; and an increase in the level of divorce; maintaining the level of migration over a long period, the uncontrolled influx of the rural population in the major cities of the country. The solution of the problems lies in the creation of a strong socio-economic policies, namely the strong incentive and motivation for productive work, in establishing a guaranteed right to freedom of choice and freedom of economic activity, raising employment and social activity.
- Demograficheskij ezhegodnik Kyrgyzskoj Respubliki: 2009-2013 [Demographic annual report of Kyrgyz Republic: 2009-2013]. Bishkek: Nacstatkom Kyrg. Resp. [National Statistical Committee of Kyrgyz Republic], 2014. 320 p.
- Kyrgyzstan v cifrah. Statisticheskij sbornik [Kyrgyzstan in figures. Statistical collector]. Bishkek: Nacstatkom Kyrg. Resp. [Natstatcom of Kyrgyz Republic], 2015. 352 p.
- Martynenko V.V., Martynenko S.V. O roli migracii v social'no-jekonomicheskom razvitii stran ishoda migrantov [Оn the Role of Migration in the Socio-Economic Development of the Countries of Origin of Migrants]. Nauchnoe obozrenie. Serija 1. Jekonomika i pravo [Scientific Review. Series 1. Economy and Law]. 2014. № 3. Р. 118-125.
- Rybakovskij L.L. 20 let depopuljacii v Rossii [20 years of depopulation in Russia]. Moscow: Jekon-inform [Econominform], 2014.
- Rybakovsky O.L., Sudoplatova V.S., Tayunova O.A. Voprosy ocenki migracionnogo potenciala [Questions of assessment of migration potential]. Nauchnoe obozrenie. Serija 1. Jekonomika i pravo [Scientific Review. Series 1. Economy and Law]. 2015. № 3. Р. 169-173.
Ekaterina L. MOTRICH
Demographic situation in the Russian Far East: the key trends and challenges
Key words: region, demographic modernization, migration, effectiveness of migration, population movement, fertility, mortality, life expectancy.
Annotation. The article deals with the issues of migration and population movement in the Russian Far East. The population growth rate for the period between censuses and average rates are presented for the 1926-1991 period in comparison with similar data for Russia as a whole. It was noted the negative dynamics of region’s population size since 1991, due to the migration outflow and natural population decline. The article analyzes the migration interaction between the Far East and other Russian regions. It was found that the Far East population is on the constant loss arising from the socio-economic disparities with other regions of Russia. It was demonstrate the positive role of migration from the CIS in the Far East, but also showed a trend of reducing the impact of the migration exchange with these countries. It was appear the positive trends in population movement of some Far eastern regions that have occurred since 2012. The estimation showed that fertility rates in the Far East are higher than in Russia as a whole, but the gap is shrinking; mortality rates below than in Russia. Compare 2014/1993 by mortality rates showed reduction for Russia as a whole and increase for the Far East. Life expectancy in the Far East is lower than in Russia as a whole. In the final part of the article stresses that the demographic potential of the Far East remains the negative factor of its development in comparison with other federal districts of Russia. It is necessary for understanding the possibility of socio-economic development of the region, and probably it is required to include this information in a special Federal Law «On special status of development of the Far East».
- Demograficheskij ezhegodnik Rossijskoj Federacii. 1993 [Demographic Yearbook of the Russian Federation 1993]. Moscow. Goskomstat Rossii [State Statistics Committee of Russia], 1994. 419 p.
- Demograficheskij ezhegodnik Rossii. 2013. Rosstat. [Demographic Yearbook of Russia 2013]. Moscow, Rosstat, 2013. 543 p.
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- L'goty v Priamur'e sto let nazad [Benefits in the Amur Region a Century Ago]. Habarovskie vesti [Khabarovskiye vesti]. 2005.
- Motrich E.L., Najden S.N. Demograficheskie realii i social'nye perspektivy regionov Dal'nego Vostoka i Zabajkal'ja [Demographic Realities and Social Prospects of the Far East and Trans-Baikal]. Uroven' zhizni naselenija regionov Rossii [Living Standards of the Population in the Regions of Russia]. 2015. №1. Pp. 84 — 94.
- Narodonaselenie [Population]. Jenciklopedicheskij slovar' [Encyclopedic Dictionary]. Moscow, 1994.
- Naselenie SSSR (chislennost', sostav i dvizhenie naselenija) 1973. [The Population of the USSR (Size, Composition and Movement) in 1973: Statistical Book]. Moscow. Statistika [Statistics], 1975. 208 p.
- Nacional'nyj sostav i vladenie jazykami, grazhdanstvo Itogi Vserossijskoj perepisi naselenija 2002 g.: v 14 t. [The National Structure, Language Skills and Citizenship. The Results of the National Census in 2002 (in: 14 vol.)]. Moscow. Statistika Rossii [Russian statistics], 2004. 946 p.
- Chtoby Dal'nij Vostok ne terjal ljudej [Measures are needed to the Far East Did Not Lose People]. Tikhookeanskaya zvezda [Pacific ocean star]. 2015. May 28. № 92.
- Federal Government Statistics of Russia. Available at: www.gks.ru/free_doc/2015/demo/edn01-15htm
Problems of external labor migration of the population of Kyrgyzstan
Key words: labor migration, factors, socio-economic impacts, money transfers, remittances, migrant workers, migration flows, human resources , labor market.
Abstract. This article discusses the problem of external labor migration in Kyrgyzstan in the context of current integration processes. The paper analyzes the situation in the sphere of labor migration. The authors examined the main factors stimulating external migration of the population of Kyrgyzstan and «pull» factors in the recipient countries. The article highlights the main regions of the Kyrgyz Republic — the sources of external labor migration flows from the country, the basic concerns of migrant workers. The paper examines the impact on the flow of labor migration from Kyrgyzstan changes in migration law, following the accession of Kyrgyzstan to the Eurasian Economic Union and the financial and economic crisis after the introduction of anti-Russian economic sanctions.
- Beyshenaly N., Levent H., Ulgen F., Shamshiev Ch. Ekonomicheskie posledstviya vstupleniya Kyrgyzstana v Tamozheniy soyuz Belarusi, Kazahstana I Rossii: analiz vozdeystviya [The Economic Impact of Kyrgyzstan to the Customs Union of Belarus , Kazakhstan and Russia : analysis of the impact]. Bishkek, 2014. 87 p.
- Martynenko V.V., Martynenko S.V. O roli migracii v social'no-jekonomicheskom razvitii stran ishoda migrantov [Оn the Role of Migration in the Socio-Economic Development of the Countries of Origin of Migrants]. Nauchnoe obozrenie. Serija 1. Jekonomika i pravo [Scientific Review. Series 1. Economy and Law]. 2014. № 3. Р. 118-125.
- Ryazantsev S.V. and Scorobogatova V.I. Inostrannye trudovye migrant na rossiyskom rynke truda I novye podhody k migratsionnoy politike [Foreign migrant workers on the Russian labor market and new approaches to migration policies]. Ekonomika I upravlenie: problem i resheniya [Economics and Management: Problems and Solutions]. 2015. № 4. P. 27-33.
- Ryazantsev S.V., Krasinets E.S. Podhody k regulirovaniju trudovoj migracii v Rossii i stranah-partnerah v interesah vzaimnogo razvitija [Approaches to regulation of labor migration in Russia and partner countries for mutual development].Nauchnoe obozrenie. Serija 2. Gumanitarnye nauki[Scientific Review. Series 2. Human Sciences]. 2015. № 4. P. 5-12.
- Florinskya U.F., Mkrttsyan N.V., Maleva T.M., Kirillova M.K. Migratsiya I rynok truda [Migration and the labor market]. Мoscow. 2015. 108 p.
- Rybakovskiy L.L. Kontseptsiya demograficheskoy politiki: metodologicheskie voprosy [The concept of demographic policy: methodological issues]. Мoscow. 2002. 28 p.
- Rybakovsky O.L., Sudoplatova V.S., Tayunova O.A. Voprosy ocenki migracionnogo potenciala [Questions of assessment of migration potential]. Nauchnoe obozrenie. Serija 1. Jekonomika i pravo [Scientific Review. Series 1. Economy and Law]. 2015. № 3. Р. 169-173.
- Ergeshbaev U. Zh., and Amanbaeva U. Kyrgyzstan: migratsiya naseleniya posle dvuh «tuylpanovyh revoluytsiy» I oshskih sobytiy 2010 goda [Kyrgyzstan: migration after two «Tulip Revolution» and the Osh eventsin 2010]. Chelovek I Trud [Man and labor]. 2011. № 1. P. 25-28.
Migration potential: theoretical aspects
Key words: concept, the category of «migration potential» subjective and objective conditions, migration, interstate migration, countrymen, immigration, emigration, ethnic composition, migration potential.
Annotation. The article deals with theoretical aspects of the problem of forming and using the migration potential of the new countries to the Russian Federation. The issues of the methodology for determining the concept of «migration potential». It is shown that the determination of migration potential — is, first of all, is not countable methodical and methodological problem, which rests on the choice of the political paradigm: one, in light of the current socio-political, socio-economic, socio-demographic situation in Russia can and appropriate It should be considered as this potential. It is shown that at present this position at the state level is not clearly worked out. Commissioning of the State program to stimulate the return of compatriots in Russia the question left open that has a negative impact both in historical retrospect for the past quarter of a century since the collapse of the USSR, because — especially in the future. The research methodology concept of «migration potential» — this definition is not only and not so much desirable and possible volumes of attraction to immigrants from the former Soviet space. This is the choice of the geopolitical strategy of Russia's development in the post-Soviet space.
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- Mukomel V.I. Migratsionnyy potentsial i perspektivy immigratsii sootechestvennikov iz gosudarstv SNG i Baltii [The migration potential and prospects of immigration of compatriots from the CIS and Baltic countries]. Etnopanorama. 2001. № 3. P. 47-59. Available at: http://www.indem.ru/PUBLICATII/mukomel/Potenmig.htm
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- Bazhenova E.S., Ostrovskiy A.V. Potentsial kitayskoy migratsii v Rossiyu: otsenki i perspektivy [The potential of Chinese migration to Russia: assessment and prospects]. Migratsiya i razvitie: Pyatye Valenteevskie chteniya: Materialy mezhdunar.konf.,13-15 sent 2007g., Moskva / Moskovskiy gos.un-t im. M.V.Lomonosova. Ekon.fak., Tsentr po izucheniyu problem narodonaseleniya [Migration and Development: The Fifth Valentey read. Moscow State University. Center for the Study of population].Moscow. 2007. T.2.
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Konstantin A. CHERNYSHEV
Population migration in depressed region
Key words: migration, depressed region, Kirov oblast, out-migration flow.
Abstract. The article deals with the migration processes in Kirov oblast as a region of depressive type. It points to the growing significance of migration loss in the regional population decrease. There is given the territorial structure of international, interregional and intraregional migration of the Kirov oblast population in 2000-2014. The author specifies the features of the migration situation in economically depressive region — loss of population is going due to interregional migration. The most intensive migration is with three groups of the RF subjects: metropolitan regions, neighbouring territories and regions of the North. The international migration has a tendency to increasing migration growth from CIS countries. Kirov oblast is characterized by a high share of interregional migration in the migration flows. The interregional migration is characterized by concentration of migration flows around the oblast center, by decreasing number of territories with a positive migration balance.
- Abdulmanapov P.G. Etnosotsial'noye i demograficheskoye razvitiye regionov YUFO [Ethno-social and demographic development of regions of the South Federal District]. Regional'nyye problemy preobrazovaniya ekonomiki[Regional Problems of the Economy Transformation]. 2008. No. 4.
- Man’shin R.V., Abidov M.Kh. Demograficheskoye razvitiye Yuzhnogo federal'nogo okruga [Demographic development of the South Federal District]. Narodonaseleniye[Population]. 2008. No. 2. P. 81-86.
- Izheikina N.M. Demograficheskiye protsessy v blagopoluchnykh i depressivnykh regionakh Rossii (sravnitel'nyy analiz) [Demographic processes in successful and depressed regions of Russia (comparative analysis)]. Abstract of cand. dissert. Moscow. ISPI RAN [Institute of Socio-Political Research RAS]. 2007. 23 p.
- Leonov S.I. Tipologiya problemnykh regionov na osnove otsenki mezhregional'nykh sotsial'no-ekonomicheskikh i finansovykh razlichiy [Typology of problem regions on the basis of estimation of inter-regional socio-economic and financial disparities]. Izvestiya RAN. Ser. Geograficheskaya [RAS Bulletin. Geographic series]. 2005. No. 2. P. 68-76.
- Sidorenko O.V. Formirovaniye selektivnoy regional'noy politiki sotsial'no-ekonomiches-kogo razvitiya problemnykh regionov [Formation of selective regional policy of the socio-economic development of troubled regions]. Abstract of doct. dissert. Irkutsk. 2011. 39 p.
- Rybakovsky L.L. Regional'nyy analiz migratsiy [Regional Analysis of Migrations]. Moscow. Statistika [Statistics]. 1973. 159 p.
- Zamyatina N.Yu., Pilyasov A.N. Rossiya, kotoruyu my obreli: issleduya prostranstvo na mikrourovne [Russia that we Have Gained: Investigating Space at Micro-Level]. Moscow. Novyykhronograf [New Chronograph]. 2013. 548 p.
- Riazantsev S.V., Bozhenko V.V. Tendencii razvitija i problemy regulirovanija trudovoj migracii v Rossiju [Trends in the development and the management of labor migration in Russia]. Nauchnoe obozrenie. Serija 2. Gumanitarnye nauki [Scientific Review. Series 2. Human Sciences]. 2012. № 6. Р. 33-41.
- Ryazantsev S.V., Krasinets E.S. Podhody k regulirovaniju trudovoj migracii v Rossii i stranah-partnerah v interesah vzaimnogo razvitija [Approaches to regulation of labor migration in Russia and partner countries for mutual development].Nauchnoe obozrenie. Serija 2. Gumanitarnye nauki[Scientific Review. Series 2. Human Sciences]. 2015. № 4. P. 5-12.
- Riazantsev S.V., Bozhenko V.V. Novye formy jekonomicheskoj migracii v prigranich'e [New forms of economic migration in the border area].Nauchnoe obozrenie. Serija 1. Jekonomika i pravo [Scientific Review. Series 1. Economy and Law]. 2013. № 6. Р. 77-82.
- Ryazantsev S.V., Bozhenko V.V., Pazhnevsky S.Z. Trudovye migranty na rossijskom rynke truda: vklad v jekonomicheskoe razvitie strany [Migrant workers in the Russian labor market: the contribution to the economic development of the country]. Segodnja i zavtra rossijskoj jekonomiki[Today and tomorrow of the Russian economy]. 2015. № 70. Р. 5-14).
- Brunarska Z. Regional out-migration patterns in Russia. EUI Working Paper RSCAS.2014. 23 p. Available at: http://cadmus.eui.eu/handle/1814/31382 (Accessed: 1 August 2015).
- Ob utverzhdenii Kontseptsii migratsionnoy politiki Kirovskoy oblasti na period do 2025 goda: rasporyazheniye Pravitel'stva Kirovskoy oblasti [On approval of the Concept of the migration policy in Kirov oblast for the period to 2025: decree of the Kirov oblast Government] of 14 October 2013 No. 325. Available at: http://docs.cntd.ru/document/973039814 (Assessed: 25 December 2015).
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Migration in Demographical Processes of Belarus
Key words: Migration, international migration, interregional migration, migrant workers, credit migration, demographical development, depopulation.
Summary. Influence international and interregional migration on demographic development of Belarus is regarded. Result about the growth of influence migration on depopulation processes in Belarus is made. Modern tendency negative demographical effect of big towns is outlined. Analyze migration exchange between Russia and Belarus is made. Characteristics and specialty of Belarusian migration on Russian market-labor is given. Specialty of Ukrainian and Chinese migration in Belarus is analyzed. Characteristics of new migrant workers as the credit migration is outlined.
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Demographic development of Kazakhstan and main directions of modern
migration policy
Key words:Kazakhstan, democratic development, migration policy, demographic potential.
Abstract. Demographic development in Kazakhstan over the past two decades has been largely determined by migration processes of various origins, socio-economic, political factors, as well as migration policies. The last decade is characterized by increasing demographic potential mainly due to natural growth and the policy of repatriation. The demographic development of Kazakhstan also reflects the overall development process and the ongoing transformation of the state.
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Demographic and migration potential of Uzbekistan
Key words: population, quantity, reproduction, structure, fertility, mortality, demographic potential, forward-looking statements, migration, labor migration, migration potential, the labor market
Abstract. This article deals with the analyses of the demographic and migration of the population of Uzbekistan. It shows new trends in the development of demographic and migration processes, implemented forecasts of demographic and migration potential of the republic.
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The migration component of demographic development of Russia
Key words: constant migration of population; Programme to facilitate the voluntary resettlement of compatriots to the Russian Federation, residing abroad; interstate and interregional population migration; migration potential.
Abstract. Quantitative and qualitative results of interstate migration of the population of Russia are identified. Periodization of interstate Migration held in Russia for the whole post-Soviet period. It’s identified highlights and results of the State programmers to facilitate the voluntary resettlement of compatriots to the Russian Federation, residing abroad, for 2006-2015. The analysis of changes in the national composition of immigrants in Russia in 1992-2015 is held. Shows and synthesized score immigration capacity to Russia from the CIS. The basic problems are revealed in an internal interregional migration of post-Soviet Russia. Typology of regions of Russia was conducted on the impact and direction of interregional migration. Vector of further migration development is indicated.
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Authors of the issue
ANTIPOVA Ekaterina, Doctor of Geographical sciences, Full Professor, Head of Department of Economic Geography of Foreign Countries, Belarusian State University, Republic of Belarus
GRISHANOVA Alexandra, Candidate of Economics, Leading Researcher, ISPR RAS, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: gralehandra1949@gmail.com.
DELOVAROVA Leila, Associate Professor of International Relations and the World Economy Chair, International Relations Department al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
E-mail: delovarova@mail.ru, Leila.delovarova@kaznu.kz
ESHENOVA Sagyn, PhD student, Department of Management of the Osh University of Technology, Osh, Kyrgyzstan
E-mail: Sagun.1970@mail.ru
ZLOTNIKOV Anatoly, Candidate of Economics, Belarusian Trade and Economics University of Consumer Cooperatives, Republic of Belarus
E-mail: zlot@tut.by
KOZHEVNIKOVA Nataliya, Candidate of Economics, Leading Researcher, ISPR RAS, Moscow, Russia
E-mail: dema1@mail.ru
KOCHERBAEVA Ainura, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of Department of Management, Kyrgyz Russian Slavic University, Kyrgyzstan
MAKSAKOVA Lyudmila, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Head of Department of demography, the Center «Oila» («Family»), The Republic of Uzbekistan
MOTRICH Ekaterina, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Senior Researcher, the Economic Research Institute FEB RAS, Khabarovsk, Russia
E-mail: motrich@ecrin.ru
RYBAKOVSKIY Oleg, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Head of laboratory of problems of social demography, Institute of socio-economic problems of population, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
e-mail: 1246185@mail.ru
TAYUNOVA Olga, Candidate of Economics, Associated Professor, Samara State Economic University, Samara, Russia
e-mail: tayunova_olga@mail.ru
CHERNYSHEV Konstantin, Candidate of Geography, Associate Professor, Vyatka State University, Kirov, Russia
E-mail: kochern@rambler.ru
ERGESHBAEV Uran, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the department «Finance and credit» of the Osh State University, Osh, Kyrgyzstan
E-mail: uranbek65@mail.ru