№ 1 (71) – 2016 (January – March)
Rimashevskaya N.M., Medvedeva E.I., Kroshilin S.V. Specifics of the information base of the project Taganrog— 2014………………………….........
Simagin Yu.A. Population size of the Taganrog agglomeration in
Khotkina Z.A. Labour and employment…………………………………….........
Ivashinenko N.N., Migranova L.A. Payment for work in municipal
units. ………………………………………………………………………….............
Schneiderman I.M., Grishanov B.I., Guzanova A.K. Nozdrina N.N. Housing and property provision of households……………………………………
Chekmareva E.A., Leonidova G.V. Labour potential: regional measurements………………………………………………………………………
Zherebin V.M., Alexeeva O.A., Ermakova N.A. Internet employment as a new form of job placement………………………………………………………..
Molchanova E.V., Shkiperova G.T. Finding the priority directions of demographic policy with the help of statistical methods………………………..
Katkova I.P., Katkov V.I. Availability of health care: objectives
and reality…………………………………………………………………………….
Rimashevskaya N.M., Malysheva M.M., Morozova T.V.,
Pisklakova-Parker M.P. Domestic violence: assessment by Russian households…………………………………………………………………………..
Abdulmanapov P.G., Khadzhalova Kh.M. Specifics of the self-preservative behaviour of student youth in the Republic of Dagestan………..
Zin’kina Yu.V. Desired and real fertility in Tropical Africa……………………..
Summary in Russian ………………………………………………………….
Summary in Еnglish……………………………………………………………
Natalia M. RIMASHEVSKAYA, Elena I. Medvedeva, Sergey V. Kroshilin
Specifics of the information base of the project Taganrog-2014
Key words: socio-economic indicators, population, incomes and expenditures, financial behaviour, information base of the project Taganrg.
Abstract. The article presents the specifics of formation of the information base of the project Taganrog-2014, the unique character of which is in the possibility to examine dynamics in the socio-economic structure of the city population throughout the history of half a century. The study was conducted using a comparable methodology that enabled a deeper inquiry into the problem and the specific features of the processes under investigation, a more substantial identification of the aims and possibilities of management. Within the frames of the project was solved the problem of analyzing the impact of the current modernization processes on daily life of population of a specific city. On the basis of the Taganrog studies held in different periods of time, it became possible to comprehend many socio-economic trends and challenges facing Russian socium from the point of historic retrospective.
- Zhenshchina, muzhchina, sem'ya v Rossii: poslednyaya tret' ХХ veka. Proyekt «Taganrog» [Woman, Man, Family in Russia: the Last Third of the Twentieth Century. Project ‘Taganrog’]. Ed. N.M. Rimashevskaya. Moscow. ISEPN [Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS]. 2001. 320 p.
- Rimashevskaya N.M., Markova N.E., Kroshilin S.V. Metodologiya kompleksnogo monitoringa naseleniya v Taganroge [Methodology of the population complex monitoring in Taganrog]. Narodonaseleniye[Population]. 2013. No. 4. P. 73-86.
- Sovremennyy Taganrog [Modern Taganrog]. Official internet portal of the Taganrog city Administration. Available at: http://tagancity.ru/page/sovriemiennyi-taghanrogh
Population size of the Taganrog agglomeration in 2010-2014
Key words: population size dynamics, natural movement, migration, city agglomeration, Taganrog, Rostov oblast.
Abstract. The article deals with the processes of natural and migration movement of population in the Taganrog agglomeration for the period after the Russian Population Census 2010. It shows that on the whole the agglomeration is characterized by decrease in the population size with the combination of natural decrease and net migration. And the processes in different part of the agglomeration have different directions. Population in suburban Neklinov district is growing as migration inflow surpasses natural decrease. The most negative situation is observed in suburban agrarian Matveevo-Kurgan district, where both migration and natural movement indicators have negative values. The city of Taganrog has no territorial resources for its development that holds back housing construction and consequently influx of migrants, which could have compensated for the natural decrease of population. There were identified the problems of development of the city and agglomeration, which exist under the present system of interaction between the administrative bodies of different levels and municipalities.
- Baza dannykh statisticheskikh pokazateley munitsipal'nykh obrazovaniy Rosstata [Rosstat. Data base on statistical indicators of municipal units]. Available at: http://www.gks.ru. (Accessed: 1 June 2015).
- Simagin Yu.A. Munitsipal'nyye obrazovaniya Rossii: problemy formirovaniya i perspektivy izmeneniya [Municipal units in Russia: problems of formation and prospects for changes]. Narodonaseleniye[Population]. 2013. No. 4. P. 87-93.
Labour and employment
Key words: employment pattern, labour market, employment dynamics, social status, evolution of jobs.
Abstract. The article analyses quantitative and qualitative changes in the branch and occupational structure of the Taganrog population on the data from the Taganrog surveys of 2000 and 2014. It examines dynamics in the social status of working-age population. It also shows interconnection between evolution of jobs and changes in the socio-occupational characteristics of workers. The author comes to a conclusion about qualitative transformation of both population employment patterns and composition of the city labour force.
- Zhenshchina, muzhchina, sem'ya v Rossii: poslednyaya tret' ХХ veka. Proyekt «Taganrog» [Woman, Man, Family in Russia: the Last Third of the Twentieth Century. Project ‘Taganrog’]. Ed. N.M. Rimashevskaya. Moscow. ISEPN [Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS]. 2001. 320 p.
- Sotsial'noye polozheniye i uroven' zhizni naseleniya Rossii. 2013 [Social Status and Living Standards of the Russian Population. 2013]. Statistical handbook. Moscow. Rosstat. 2013. P. 50-51.
- Sotsial'nyy byulleten' [Social bulletin]. Available at: http://ac.gov.ru/files/publication/a/ 4987.pdf. (Accessed: 17 November 2015)
- Gimpelson V.E., Kapelyushnikov R.I. «Polyarizatsiya» ili «Uluchsheniye»? Evolyutsiya struktury rabochikh mest v Rossii v 2000-ye gody» [‘Polarization’ or ‘Upgrading’? Evolution of the job structure in Russia in the 2000s]. Available at: http://www.hse.ru/data/ 2015/02/27/1091543859/WP3_2015_01.pdf (Accessed: 17 November 2015)
Payment for work in municipal units
Key words: wages, entrepreneurial income, level and differentiation, factors of differentiation, additional employment.
Abstract. On the data from the Taganrog sociological surveys of households in 2000 and 2014 the article analyses dynamics of the levels and differentiation in work remuneration of employed workers and private entrepreneurs. The main trend in the period under observation in Taganrog, like in the country on the whole, was increase of wages and reduction of their differentiation. However, these processes in the city were much more intensive due to raising the minimum wage at the federal level and high employment in the budget sector of the economy. Increase of wages was the main reason for decrease in secondary employment. Growth rates of employees’ wages were higher than growth rates of entrepreneurial income. At the same time, the average income of private entrepreneurs remained much higher than the average wage of the employed, but yet the number of entrepreneurs decreased.
- Zhenshchina, muzhchina, sem'ya v Rossii: poslednyaya tret' ХХ veka. Proyekt «Taganrog» [Woman, Man, Family in Russia: the Last Third of the Twentieth Century. Project ‘Taganrog’]. Ed. N.M. Rimashevskaya. Moscow. ISEPN [Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS]. 2001. 320 p.
- Regional'nyye osobennosti urovnya i kachestva zhizni[Regional Specifics of the Standards and Quality of Life]. Moscow. ISEPN [Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS]. 2012. 390 p.
- Migranova L.A. Zarabotnaya plata v Rossii v 2007-2015gg. [Wages in Russia in 2007-2015]. Nauchnoye obozreniye. Seriya 1. Ekonomika i pravo [Scientific review. Series 1. Economics and Law]. 2016. No. 1.
- European Economic Forecast Autumn 2014. Eds. Lejeune G. and Maquet I. European Commission. Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs. European Economy. 2014. N° 7.
Housing and property provision of households
Key words: households, housing conditions, socio-demographic types of families, plans for improvement of housing conditions, property provision.
Abstract. The article shows the main trends in housing provision of the Taganrog population. On the basis of data from the household survey in Taganrog, the authors found a significant differentiation in the housing conditions depending on the income and demographic composition of families. The plans and intentions of families to improve their housing conditions were analyzed. Analysis of the housing preferences shows that many city residents do not wish to live in standard flats but would prefer their own houses, both in the city and in the suburbs. There was examined the amount of modern durable goods in families that recently has significantly increased.
- Zhenshchina, muzhchina, sem'ya v Rossii: poslednyaya tret' ХХ veka. Proyekt «Taganrog» [Woman, Man, Family in Russia: the Last Third of the Twentieth Century. Project ‘Taganrog’]. Ed. N.M. Rimashevskaya. Moscow. ISEPN [Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS]. 2001. 320 p.
- Dokhody, raskhody i potrebleniye domashnikh khozyaystv v 2014 godu[Incomes, Expenditures and Household Consumption in 2014]. Statistical handbook. Moscow. Rosstat. 2015.
- Guzanova A.K. Regional'nyye i sotsial'nyye osobennosti zhilishchnoy obespechennosti rossiyskikh domokhozyaystv [Regional and social specifics of the housing provision of Russian households]. Narodonaseleniye[Population]. 2014. No. 2. P. 91-102.
Labour potential: regional measurements
Key words: labour potential, labour resources, quality of population, region.
Abstract. The article presents the evidence from regional labour potential measurements gained by a research team from the Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories RAS during the monitoring studies in Vologda oblast since 1997 up to the present. It shows the character of the quantitative changes in the labour potential of the region over this period and the main trends in its future changes. It gives a brief overview of the results of the sociological measurements of the basic labour potential indicators (physical and mental health, cognitive and creative potential, sociability, cultural and moral level, achievement need). It shows changes in the qualitative components of labour potential by socio-demographic groups of Vologda oblast. A special attention is paid to assessment of implementation of the qualitative characteristics of population in labour activities.
- Leonidova G.V., Chekmareva E.A. Regional'nyye i sotsial'nyye osobennosti zhilishchnoy obespechennosti rossiyskikh domokhozyaystv [Experience in the estimationof the labour potential quality at a regional level]. Chelovek i trud [Man and Labour]. 2009. №12. P. 30–33.
- Maslova I.S. Trudovoy potentsial sovetskogo obshchestva: voprosy teorii i metodologii issledovaniya[Labour potential of the Soviet society: issues of the theory and methodology of research]. Moscow. IE RAN [Institute of Economy RAS]. 1987. 32 p.
- Migranova L.A., Toksanbaeva M.S. Kachestvo trudovogo potentsiala rossiyskikh regionov [Quality of labour potential of Russian regions].Narodonaseleniye[Population]. 2014. No.2. P. 102-120.
- Rimashevskaya N.M., Bochkareva V.K., Volkova G.N., Migranova L.A. Kachestvo trudovogo potentsiala v regionakh Rossii [Quality of labour potential in Russian regions]. Narodonaseleniye [Population]. 2012. No. 3. P. 111-127.
- Rimashevskaya N.M. O metodologii opredeleniya kachestvennogo sostoyaniya naseleniya [On the methodology for assessment of the qualitative state of population]. Demografiya i sotsiologiya [Demography and Sociology]. 1993. Issue No. 6. P. 7–21.
- Toksanbaeva M.S. Sotsial'nyye interesy rabotnikov i ispol'zovaniye trudovogo potentsiala [Social Interests of Workers and Use of Labour Potential]. Moscow. Nauka [Science]. 2006. 259 p.
- Gulin K.A., Shabunova A.A., Chekmareva E.A. Trudovoy potentsial regiona [Labour Potential of Region]. Vologda. ISERT RAN [Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Regions RAS]. 2009. 84 p.
- Il’in V.A., Shabunova A.A. O nekotorykh tendentsiyakh v ekonomicheskom razvitii Rossii i regiona // Sotsiologicheskiye issledovaniya [On some trends in the economic development of Russia and region]. Sotsiologicheskiye issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2015. No. 8. P. 35-42.
- Chekmareva E.A. Povysheniye urovnya realizatsii trudovogo potentsiala: rol' zarabotnoy platy [Raising the level of labour potential fulfillment: the role of wages]. Ekonomicheskiye i sotsial'nyye peremeny: fakty, tendentsii, prognoz [Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast]. 2011. No. 2 (14). P. 165-172.
- Shabunova A.A., Chekmareva E.A. Trudovoy potentsial regiona: ucheb. posobiye [Labour Potential of Region. Learning guide]. Vologda. ISERT RAN [Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Regions RAS]. 2010. 107 p.
- Bazalishvili M. V pravitel'stve RF ne ponimayut, chem zanyaty 45% trudosposobnogo naseleniya strany [The RF government does not understand, what 45% of the country population are doing]. Available at: http://www.dp.ru/1027m1/ (Accessed: 9 June 2015).
- Dvadtsat' let reform glazami rossiyan: opyt mnogoletnikh sotsiologicheskikh zamerov [Twenty Years of Reforms through the Eyes of Russians: The Experience of Multi-Year Sociological Measurements]. Eds. M.K. Gorshkov, R. Krumm, V.V. Petukhova. Moscow. Ves' Mir [The Whole World]. 2011. 328 p.
Vsevolod M. ZHEREBIN, Olga A. ALEXEEVA, Nina A. Ermakova
Internet employment as a new form of job placement
Key words: Internet economy, Internet employment, labour market, distant work, work at home, freelance.
Abstract. The article deals with the concept of ‘Internet employment’, as well as the use of such new forms of work organization as distant work, work at home, freelance, development of which has actually led to formation of the concept of ‘Internet employment’. Development of the use of internet technologies in the past decade enables adding one more activity area to the commonly accepted perception of the internet economy as a complex of activity areas: internet trade, online role-playing games, internet advertising. This form of employment has a number of advantages for all subjects of labour market: for worker – saving time, flexible working time, rather high earnings, combining work with child care or maternity leave; for employer – possibility of saving on office premises and service staff, opportunity to hire lower-paid employees, as well as to use them for some short-time works; for the state - new opportunities for job-placement of previously unemployed categories of population, lowering unemployment, and finally, reducing daily passenger traffic.
- Kastels M. Informatsionnaya epokha: ekonomika, obshchestvo i kul'tura. Vliyaniye informatsionnykh tekhnologiy na zanyatost': k «bezrabotnomu obshchestvu» [Information epoch: economy, society, and culture. Impact of information technology on employment: towards ‘unemployment society’]. Available at: http://polbu.ru/kastels_informepoch/ ch00_i.html
- Korneychuk B.V. Informatsionnaya ekonomika [Information Economy]. Sankt-Petersburg. Piter. 2006. 400 p.
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- Udalennaya rabota [Remote working]. Available at: http://new ru.wikipedia.org https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A3%D0%B4%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%91%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B1%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%B0
- Remote work portal. Available at: Kadrof/ru
- Yuzbekova I. Pyataya chast' rossiyan budet rabotat' udalenno k 2020 godu [The fifth part of Russians will be working remotely by 2020]. Available at: http://www.rbc.ru/technology_and_media/17/06/2015/5580515f9a7947e7bf4bf c.99
- Rabotniki na domu [Working at home]. Available at: http://new-sebastopol.com/news/others/rabota-na-domu-privlekaet-vse-bolshee-chislo-soiskateley
- Rabota v Internete frilanserom [Working in the Internet as freelancer]. Available at: http://new blog/onlayn-zarabotok-frilanserom/
- Chislo frilanserov v Rossii vyroslo [The number of freelancers in Russia has increased]. Available at: http://www.metronews.ru/novosti/chislo-frilanserov-v-rossii-v-2015-godu-vyroslo-v-dva-tri-raza/TpoohA---4dsJyTFGGJA/
Finding the priority directions of demographic policy with the help of statistical methods
Key words: quality of life, demography, economico-mathematical methods, socio-economic development, region, municipal districts.
Abstract. The current demographical trends in Russia and its regions have a crisis character and are caused by low fertility, high mortality, serious problems in the state of individual and public health. The purpose the study was to identify priority directions in the demographic policy on the basis of statistical methods (the case of Republic of Karelia). To examine the interconnection between demographic indicators and socio-economic and environmental conditions, there was used a pragmatic approach based on the system of econometric algorithms (technique of constructing rating estimates and multifactor regression analysis). The estimations made it possible to set up the priority directions of regional policy for improvement of the medico-demographic situation in Republic of Karelia, to substantiate the efficiency of using benchmarking system with the account of the experience of the neighbouring Finland.
- Rimashevskaya N.M., Bochkareva V.K., Volkova G.N., Migranova L.A. Chelovecheskiy potentsial rossiyskikh regionov [Quality of labour potential in Russian regions]. Narodonaseleniye [Population]. 2012. No. 3. P. 111-127.
- Reisberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B. Sovremennyy ekonomicheskiy slovar' [Modern Economic Dictionary]. Moscow. INFRA-M. 1999. 479 p.
- Ajvazian S.A. Analiz kachestva i obraza zhizni naseleniya: ekonomicheskiy podkhod [Analysis of the Quality and Way of Life of Population: Economic Approach]. Moscow. Nauka [Science]. 2012. 431 p.
- Badi H. Baltagi. Econometric Analysis of Panel Data. Third Edition. 2005. 540 р.
- Shkiperova G.T., Molchanova E.V. Differentsiatsiya regionov Severo-Zapadnogo federal’nogo okruga po sotsio-ekologo-ekonomicheskim pokazatelyam [Differentiation of regions in the North-West Federal District by social, ecological and economic indicators]. Ekonomika i predprinimatel'stvo [Economy and Entrepreneurship]. 2015. No. 11. P. 488-492.
- Burkin M.M., Vinogradova I.A., Goranskaya S.V. Sindrom alkogol'noy zavisimosti [Alcohol Dependence Syndrome]. Petrozavodsk. PetrGU [Petrozavodsk State University]. 2015. 39 p.
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- Murray C.J.L., Lopez A.D. The Global Burden of Disease: a Comprehensive Assessment of Mortality and Disability from Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors in 1990 and Projected to 2020. Cambridge MA. Harvard University Press on behalf of the World Health Organization and the World Bank. 1996.
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- Molchanova E.V. Mediko-demograficheskiye protsessy kak otrazheniye sotsial'no-ekonomicheskikh usloviy zhizni obshchestva v Rossii, Respublike Kareliya i Finlyandii [Medico-Demographic Processes as a Reflection of the Socio-Economic Conditions of the Society Life in Russia, Republic of Karelia and Finland]. Petrozavodsk. KarNTS RAN [Karelian Research Center RAS]. 2012. 163 p.
- Puska P. Proyekt «Severnaya Kareliya»: ot Severnoy Karelii do proyekta natsional'nogo masshtaba [Project ‘North Karelia’: from the North Karelia to a Project of the National Scale]. Helsinki. Helsinki University press. 2011. 291 p.
Availability of health care: objectives and reality
Key words: population health, personal expenses, poverty, funding of health care, availability of medical services, premature mortality.
Abstract. The article considers the role of the state and market in provision of medical services against the background of crisis developments in population health. It analyses causes of the success of West European countries in preventing premature deaths and reducing non-communicable diseases (NCDs). It is established that the main difference in the approaches to reforming health care among countries is concerns assessment of the role of the state, funding and management of health care. A special emphasis is laid on the state funding of health care programmes as a reliable means of ensuring universal availability of medical services for population. Our country is characterized by introduction of liberal market relations into the health care system. Contrary to the global trend of reducing cash payment for medical services by people, in 2013 Russian people funded health care on equal footing with the state. Commercialization of health care is leading to deterioration of the population health that is inconsistent with the stated objectives of the demographic policy of the Russian Federation and necessitates adoption of a conceptual framework for development of health care in Russia on the basis of equality and fairness.
- Doklad o situatsii v oblasti neinfektsionnykh zabolevaniy v mire 2014 Dostizheniye devyati global'nykh tseley po niz, obshchaya otvetstvennost' VOZ [On the Situation in the Sphere of Noncommunicable Diseases in the World 2014. Achievement of 9 Global Tasks Relating to Noncommunicable Diseases, Common Responsibility. World Health Organization Report]. 2014.
- Statistika po stranam i global'nyye otsenki zdorov'ya VOZ i OON partnerov [Country statistics and global health estimates by WHO and UN partners]. Available at: http://www.who.int/gho/en/ Last updated January 2015(Accessed: 10 September 2015).
- Korobitsyn B.A., Kuklin A.A., Nikulina N.L. Ushcherb ot osnovnykh prichin smertnosti dlya sub"yektov RF i otsenka prioritetov po uvelicheniyu prodolzhitel'nosti zhizni [Losses of the RF subjects from main death causes and assessment of the priorities for raising life expectancy]. Narodonaseleniye [Population]. 2014. No. 3. P. 42-56.
- The OECD database on health statistics 2015. Available at: http://stats.oecd.org/Index. aspx?DataSetCode=HEALTH_STAT.
- Trudnyy vybor. Investitsii v zdravookhraneniye dlya tseley razvitiya. Natsional'nyy opyt realizatsii posleduyushchikh mer po rekomendatsiyam Komissii po makroekonomike i zdorov'yu. VOZ [Difficult Choice. Investment to Health Care for the Purpose of Development. National Experience in Implementation of the Recommendations of the Commission on Macroeconomics and Health. World Health Organization]. 2006. 117 p.
- Tracking Universal Health Coverage: First Global Monitoring Report. World Health Organization. 2015. 98 p.
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- Partisipatornyy podkhod v povyshenii kachestva zhizni naseleniya [Participatory Approach to Raising the Population Quality of Life]. Eds. N.M. Rimashevskaya and N.N. Ivashinenko. Nizhny Novgorod. N-NGU [Nizhny Novgorod State University]. 2013. 268 p.
- Korchagina L.L., Prokofieva L.M., Popova R.I. et al. Nemonetarnoye izmereniye bednosti i sotsial'noy uyazvimosti naseleniya Rossii [Non-monetary measure of poverty and social vulnerability of the Russian population]. Narodonaseleniye [Populaion]. 2015. No. 1. P. 83-88.
- Thomson S., Foubister Th., Mossialos E. Financing Health Care in the European Union. Challenges and Policy Responses. World Health Organization on behalf of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. Printed in the European Union. 2010. 224 p.
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- Ulumbekova G.E. Reforma zdravookhraneniya SSHA: uroki dlya Rossii [Health reform in the USA: lessons for Russia]. Available at: http://demoscope.ru/weekly/2013/0539/ analit04.php. (Accessed: 15 July 2014).
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Domestic violence: assessment by Russian households
Key words: economic, psychological and physical violence, health of population, gender roles and attitudes, distribution of home labour, violence against children, violation of human rights.
Abstract. The article gives an overview of the methods for studying domestic violence and a retrospective analysis of the causes of its extension on the basis of previous studies. It presents the main results of the sociological survey The Issue of Forming New Models of Family Relationships in the North-West Russia (Karelia) conducted in November 2014 by the Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS and the Institute of Economics of the Karelian Research Center RAS. The survey provides information on gender roles and attitudes in Karelian families, distribution of household duties between spouses, incidence of conflicts and spouses’ notion of who is the main victim of domestic violence. A special attention is given to the problem of child abuse and physical punishment. At the end of the article there is a legal evaluation of domestic violence by people and their perception of the present institutional provisions for protection of the victim of violence.
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Specifics of the self-preservative behaviour of student youth in the
Republic of Dagestan
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Abstract. The article is based on the results of a sociological survey of student youth held in 2014 in Republic of Dagestan. The purpose of the study was to examine specifics of the lifestyles and self-preservative behaviour of student youth. The analysis showed that young people in the republic lead rather a healthy life. There is a relatively close correlation between students’ self-assessment of their lifestyles and their real behavior, that allows to consider the subjective assessment as quite a reliable marker of the Dagestan youth lifestyles. Significant part in formation of self-preservative behaviour is played by devotion to religious values, that becomes the main factor of avoiding actions hurtful to health. But to spread health preservation practices among youth, it is necessary to develop and implement special programmes aimed at raising availability of infrastructure facilities for health protection and disease prevention.
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Desired and real fertility in Tropical Africa
Key words: Tropical Africa, desired fertility, wanted number of children,
Abstract. The article analyzes the desired and real fertility in Tropical Africa at present. With the help of mathematical statistical methods it shows what socio-economic and socio-cultural factors have the strongest reducing effect on the desired fertility. Influence of the factors was examined on the cross-national sample including 40 countries and on micro-data for one country (Tanzania). The obtained results prove that the key factor impacting desired fertility is complete primary education of women closely followed by complete secondary education and residence in capital or big city.
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Authors of the issue
ABDULMANAPOV Pirmagomed Gabibullaevich, Candidate of Economics, researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies, Dagestan Research Center RAS
E-mail: raha77@mail.ru
ALEXEEVA Olga Alexandrovna, Candidate of Economics, senior researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS
E-mail: alekseeva_oa@list.ru
GRISHANOV Vladimir Il’ich, Candidate of Economics, senior researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS
E-mail: v_grishanov@mail.ru
GUZANOVA Alla Konstantinovna, senior researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS
E-mail: alla.guzanova@mail.ru
ERMAKOVA Nina Alexeyevna, Candidate of Economics, senior researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS
E-mail: ermakova301032@mail.ru
ZHEREBIN Vsevolod Mikhailovich, Doctor of Economics, chief researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS
E-mail: ivir22@yandex.ru
ZIN’KINA Yulia Viktorovna, Candidate of History, senior researcher, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
E-mail: zjuliv@mail.ru
IVASHINENKO Nina Nikolayevna, Doctor of Economics, Head of Chair, Nizhny Novgorod State University; Head of Laboratory, Nizhny Novgorod State University-Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS joint laboratory
E-mail: ivni@mail.ru
KATKOVA Irina Petrovna, MD, Head of Laboratory, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS
E-mail: ir.katkova2012@yandex.ru
KATKOV Viktor Ivanovich, senior researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS
E-mail: ya.vikat2012@yandex.ru
LEONIDOVA Galina Valentinovna, Candidate of Economics, Head of Laboratory, Institute f Socio-Economic Development of Territories RAS
E-mail: galinaleonidova@mail.ru
MALYSHEVA Marina Mikhailovna, Doctor of Economics, leading researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS
E-mail: malysheva-08@mail.ru
MIGRANOVA Lyudmila Alexeyevna, Candidate of Economics, chief researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS; leading researcher, Nizhny Novgorod State University-Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS joint laboratory
E-mail: lmigranova@mail.ru
MOLCHANOVA Ekaterina Vladimirovna, Doctor of Economics, senior researcher, Institute of Economics, Karelian Research Center RAS
E-mail: molch@yandex.ru
MOROZOVA Tatiana Vasilievna, Doctor of Economics, Head of Department, Institute of Economics, Karelian Research Center RAS
E-mail: morozova.ras@gmail.com
NOZDRINA Nadezhda Nikolayevna, Candidate of Economics, leading researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS
E-mail: nnozd@yandex.ru
PISKLAKOVA-PARKER Marina Petrovna, Candidate of Economics, researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS
E-mail: marinapparker@gmail.com
RIMASHEVSKAYA Natalia Mikhailovna, Doctor of Economics, RAS Corresponding Member, RAS Adviser, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS; researcher, Nizhny Novgorod State University-Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS joint laboratory
E-mail: isesp-ras@yandex.ru
SIMAGIN Yury Alexeyevich, Candidate of Geography, senior researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS; associate professor, Financial University under the RF Government
E-mail: yas63@yandex.ru
CHEKMAREVA Elena Andreyevna, Candidate of Economics, researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Development of Territories RAS
E-mail: miteneva@inbox.ru
KHADZHALOVA Khadizhat Magomedovna, Doctor of Economics, leading researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies, Dagestan Research Center RAS
E-mail: chaha@mail.ru
KHOTKINA Zoya Alexandrovna, Candidate of Economics, leading researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS
E-mail: zoya-alex2012@yandex.ru
SHKIPEROVA Galina Timofeyevna, Candidate of Economics, senior researcher, Institute of Economics, Karelian Research Center RAS
SCHNEIDERMAN Inna Mikhailovna, Candidate of Economics, Head of Laboratory, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS
E-mail: schneiderman@isesp-ras.ru