Русский English


The Editorial Board accepts manuscripts from 20 to 40 thousand print marks (0.5-1.0 printed sheet). The materials should be submitted in electronic form to the journal Executive Secretary at the electronic address: . in Word for Windows format with A4 size. The text is typed in Times New Roman characters with 12-point font size and 1.5 interline spacing. Figures should be black-and-white and additionally submitted as separate files in JEPG or PDF format. Titles of tables (above tables) and figures (under figures) are given with alignment on the center in Russian and English. Under tables and figures is indication of information sources. List of bibliographical references is formed in order of their mention and placed after the text of article. References indicated in text and listed in bibliography should be enclosed in square brackets (for example, [5. P. 8]). References to normative legal documents and statistical data should be given as footnotes.


Article must have:

- abstract, keywords, list of references at the end of the text drawn up in accordance with the State Standard GOST 7.1-2003 “Bibliograficheskaya zapis. Bibliograficheskoye opisanie. Obshchie trebovaniya i pravila sostavleniya” (Bibliographic records. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules) introduced by the Decision of the RF State Standartisation Committee of 25 November 2003;

- consecutive numeration of tables, figures, schemes, footnotes, mathematic formulas,

- at the beginning of every article after its title should be indicated author’s/authors; names, their academic degrees and ranks, place and postal address of work with ZIP code, e-mail address;

- abstract and keywords in Russian are given before the text of article;

- list of references and internet sources of information in Russian are given after the text of article in the order of their mention in the text;

- sources of financial support for the study should be disclosed, if necessary;

- at the end of article is given a detailed information about each author of the article in Russian: full name (first name, patronymic, and last name), academic degree and rank, position, place and postal address of work with indication of city and country, e-mail address; ORCHID

- abstract and keywords in Russian are given before the text of article;

- title of article, first and last names of authors, keywords, list of references and internet sources, source of funding (if necessary), information about the authors in English are given after the information about the information in Russian.


Requirements to abstracts

Abstract in Russian should:

- be informative (contain no general words);

- reflect the main contents of article and research results; the subject, topic and purpose of the work are indicated in case they are not clear from the title of article;

- be structured (follow the logic of description of research results in the article);

- length of text should range from 200 to 250 words.

Abstract in English may be longer than in Russian, and it should not be a loan-translation of the Russian abstract.

Translation of the list of references and internet sources into English

Most foreign standards for bibliographical records do not use separating characters applied in the Russian GOST (“//” and “-“). Titles of books, collections and journals/newspapers are separated from authors’ full names and article titles by font style, mostly italics, and full point. Publications issued in languages other than English are given with both translation and transliteration. In references to books the names of publishing companies, organizations and towns (places of publishing) are given in full. It is necessary to indicate the range of pages in description of articles from journals and collections, and the total number of pages in books. Description of non-English publications should end with indication of their language - for Russian: (in Russ.).



1. Sarkisyan G.S., Kuznetsova N.P. Potrebnosti i dohod sem'i [Family Needs and Income]. Moscow. Ekonomika. [Economics]. 1967. 178 p. (in Russ.)

2. Yarygina T. Bednost' v bogatoj Rossii [Poverty in rich Russia]. Obshchestvennye nauki i sovremennost' [Social Sciences and Modern World]. 1994. No. 2. P. 25-35. (in Russ.)

Articles in electronic sources are described similar to printed editions with addition of access mode and date of access> for example:.

3. Slepukhina I.L. Formirovaniye regionalnoy sistemy upravleniya obnovleniyem gorodskoy zhiloy zastroyki. [Formation of the regional system of management of the city housing stock renovation]. Arkhangelsk. 2009. 184 р . Available at: (Accessed: 18 May 2019). (in Russ.)

In description of publication it is necessary to give in full not only the place of publishing (town), but also the name of organization (institute), as well as month in date, if any (12 September 2010).


Requirements to formulas:

- formulas should be typed in Word formula format;

- after a formula goes comma, then indented line beginning with “where” and containing a description of the mathematical symbols in the same sequence as in the formula; units of measurement must be indicated. The transcript is given in the line; Greek letters are given in direct font (in Roman type); Latin symbols – in italics;

- bridging of formulas should be made on the sign of equality and correlation between the left and right parts of formulas, the signs of addition and subtraction, the signs of multiplication (x) at the end of the first line and at the beginning of the next line;

- the multiplication sign is not used between literal symbols ( А = b с ), between numbers is given the raised dot (5 . 30);

- physical quantities should be given in the International System SI and separated from numbers by a space (12.87 mm, 58 G/mol) with the exception of grades and percentages (90°, 20° С , 50%).


Author’s recommendations and comments are taken into consideration. The Editorial Board’s decision can be as follows: a) to accept the manuscript for publication without revision; b) to accept the manuscript after the author’s revision with the account of the reviewer’s comments (specific comments are sent to the author); c) to reject publication of the article (reasoned rejection is sent to the author by e-mail).

Submitting the manuscript to the Editorial Board the author undertakes not to publish it in full or in part in any other edition without Editorial Board’s consent. Publication fees are not paid.




All rights of authorship belong to the authors of articles. The authors transfer the right to use the article (including the use and distribution of it in the Open Access) to the journal “Narodonaselenie” on condition of non-exclusive license (Publishing Agreement (Public Offer)).

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