Русский English
Issue 1-2015


№ 1 (67) – 2015 (January – March)




Rybakovsky L.L., Kozhevnikova N.I. Eastward vectorof the demographic development of Russia………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Simagin Yu.A., Patsiorkovsky V.V., Kolennikova O.A. Demographic problems of the Middle Urals and the ways to their solution…………………………………………………………………….





Zherebin V.M., Makhrova O.N. Informatization of society and development of new forms of social relations……………………………………………………..…………………………………………..





Gertsberg L.Ya. , Budilova E.V. Problems of territorial planning and quality of living environment…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………





Zernov D.V., Iudin A.A., Ovsyannikov A.A . Social well-being of the Soviet and Post-Soviet students……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Pishnyak A.I. Employmentopportunities and constraints for women in Moscow………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Korchagina I.I., Prokofieva L.M., Popova P.I., Filonenko Yu.V.,

Fursa E.V. Non-monetary measure of poverty and social vulnerability of the Russian population ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...





Alexandrova O.A., Nenakhova Yu.S. Changes in the pre-school education: is Russia headed in the right direction?............................................................................................................................


Migranova L.A., Nenakhova Yu.S. The programmeAccessible Environment and assessment of its implementation by the disabled…………………………………………………………...





Theses defense …………………………………………………… ……………… ……………………………………….

12 3

Presentation of the first research results: Taganrog – 47 years on ………………………………….


Authors………………………………………………………………………… ……… ………………………………………


Summary in Russian …………………………… ………………………………… ……………………………………..


Summary in Е nglish ………………………………………………………………… …………………………………….


Guidelines for authors………………………………………………………… …... ....................................................







Eastward vector of the demographic development of Russia

Key words: strategy, migration, demographic development, life expectancy, depopulation, eastward vector, transport corridor.

Abstract. The article presents data on the settlement of Siberia and the Far East in the Soviet era and in modern times, analyzes the destruction of the demographic potential of these geopolitically important regions of the country in the past twenty years, substantiates the necessity of giving an eastward direction to the vector of the demographic development of Russia. It shows that Russia has immense natural resources, favorable geographic position and the ability to connect European and Asian centers of production of goods and sales markets through the Trans-Siberian route. But fulfillment of this is hampered by the fact that Siberia and the Far East, without which it is impossible to solve this task, remain the regions with low levels of economic development and of population density. In the 1990s the eastward vector of the demographic development of Russia ceased to be its strategic choice that resulted in reduction in the number of population in the Eastern regions of the country and lagging of the life expectancy in Siberia and particularly in the Far East behind the national average. In the final part the authors substantiate the necessity of developing a strategy for demographic development of the country Eastern regions, as well as the steps that should be taken in the coming years.



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Demographic problems of the Middle Urals and the ways to their solution

Key words: natural increase of population, migration, fertility, mortality, region, municipal units, settlement system.

Abstract. The article examines the processes of population natural increase and migration in Sverdlovsk oblast. Positive trends of the increase in the number of population in the region observed in recent years do not testify to normalization of the population reproduction processes. This becomes evident in comparison of the population number in recent years with that in the previous years and in analysis of the intra-regional differentiation of the demographic and migration processes. All increase in the population of Sverdlovsk oblast during recent years belongs to the oblast center Yekaterinburg and its suburbs. It is mainly due to migration of population from other regions of Russia and from other countries. Rural areas and marginal territories of the region are losing their population through natural decrease and migration. This leads to their actual depopulation in the foreseeable future. However, it is the countryside that could ensure the oblast population growth by extended reproduction. In recent years the total fertility rate in rural areas of the region is steadily over 2.1 children per woman that is sufficient for mere reproduction, and it is significantly higher than the corresponding indicator in towns. Regretfully, rural residents make up only about 15% of the total population in the Middle Urals, and the high fertility in rural districts cannot compensate for the low real fertility in towns and urban-type settlements even without regard to the differences in mortality. To solve the problem it is necessary to elaborate and implement special programmes for socio-economic development of rural areas and small urban settlements.



    • Gladkova T . V . Strategicheskoye planirovaniye , napravlennoye na povysheniye kachestva zhizni i demograficheskoye razvitiye v Sverdlovskoy oblasti . Instituty razvitiya demograficheskoy sistemy obshchestva. Yekaterinburg: Institut ekonomiki UrO RAN, 2014. S. 454-461.
    • Demograficheskiy yezhegodnik Rossii. 2013. M.: Rosstat. Available at:
    • Patsiorkovskiy V.V., Kolennikova O.A., Simagin YU.A. Baza dannykh «Munitsipal'naya Rossiya». Statistika kak sredstvo mezhdunarodnykh kommunikatsiy. SPb.: Nestor-Istoriya, 2014. S. 358-360.
    • Predpolozhitel'naya chislennost' naseleniya Rossiyskoy Federatsii do 2030 goda. Available at:
    • Simagin YU.A. Dinamika chislennosti naseleniya malykh gorodskikh poseleniy. Narodonaseleniye. 2012. №2. S. 47-51.



Informatization of society and development of new forms of social relations

Key words: informatization of society, social relations, social communication, classification of users, digital divide, social capital.

Abstract. The article considers the effects of society informatization on the forms and nature of social relations. The main milieu for social relations is the sphere of information exchange, today — the digital information environment. In this regard, it can be claimed that the emergence of the information society, where information is starting to play a crucial role in public life, means in itself a further development of social relations. It is shown that under the new conditions the role of communication as a means for realization of social relations and establishment of a new communicational culture greatly increases. Effective means of the development and consolidation of social communities is the strongly pronounced tendency of a sharp increase in mobile communications achieved through development and introduction of new ICT devices: smartphones, tablets, hybrid devices of this type. The article provides a classification of the users of modern information technology that demonstrates a sufficiently high level of preparedness of population for the information society. To obtain a complete picture of the digital differentiation of users the following data are used: the data on their preparedness for the information society, their involvement in the digital environment and their activity in this environment. In user surveys can be used a specially designed assessment and qualification template. Separately studied are: the effect of the phenomenon of «digital divide» on society and the consequences of the use of new forms of communication on the extension of the notion of social capital.



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Problems of territorial planning and quality of living environment

Key words: quality of life, regional planning, ecosystem approach, environmental health, population health, compression of the socio-economic space .

Abstract. Territorial planning is considered as the important mechanism of creating preconditions for raising the quality of life. Accordingly to the basic legislative document — Urban Planning Code, the goal of regional planning is to locate functional zones, specify the planned placement of federal, regional, municipal objects. B ranch character of the planning often brings about conflicts of interests in the use of territories. One of the main tasks of the regional planning is identification of such conflict situations and search for compromising solutions with the subsequent adjustments  of the planned objects location, but this is not stipulated by the Urban Planning Code. The article claims that imperfection of the planning legislation hampers full realization of these functions, overcoming the imbalance in the development of these territories. Excess concentration of production and compression of the economic space worsen the ecological situation. To form a quality environment for human vital activity it is necessary to coordinate the planned load on the natural complex with environmental capacity of the economic activity in the given territory. These problems can be solved, in the authors’ view, through improvement of the system of environmental restraints in territories on the basis of assessment of their environmental capacity. It is noted in the article that in the international practice of territorial planning is observed an extension of the goals scope — from creation of town-planning preconditions for the sustainable development of settlements and raising the living environment quality to formation of competitive towns and territories. The article provides a brief analysis of the methods for assessment of the living environment quality approved by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation (2013). It’s noted that implementation of the Federal laws «On the Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation» and «On the Industrial Policy in the Russia Federation» passed in 2014 will make it possible to raise the role of town-planning in creation of high quality living environment.



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  • Gershanok G.A. Formirovaniye strategii ustoychivogo razvitiya lokal'nykh territoriy na osnove otsenki sotsial'no-ekonomicheskoy i ekologicheskoy yemkosti. M.: Ekonomika. 2006.
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Dmitry V. ZERNOV, Alexander A. IUDIN, Anatoly A. OVSYANNIKOV

Social well-being of the Soviet and Post-Soviet students

Key words: pessimism, romanticism, breakup of the USSR, family values, social well-being of young people, asociality, social welfare, social exclusion.

Abstract. The article is written on the results of two sociological surveys of students carried out in 1991 in the USSR and in 2013 in Russia, Armenia, Belarus and Ukraine. In both studies were identified equal pairs of students’ typological groups differing in their social orientations, social well-being, perception of their immediate social environment, family values and traditions, attitude to career and professional advancement. There were considered their characteristic features .The article gives a comparative description of various attitudes concerning the functions and role of parents in the life of youth in 1991 and 2013. Identification of the authority persons for different youth groups made it possible to see the changes in the most significant socio-psychological attitudes of students from different generations. Essential point is analysis of the changes in the occupational preferences and orientations relating to main characteristics of the future work. Analysis of the main causes of the youth’s feeling of shame, fear, protest and their notion of the life success characteristics brought to light the structure of the main social values of young people.



  • Iudin A.A., Shpilev D.A. Sovremennaya nemetskaya sotsiologiya (Obzor). Demograficheskaya politika FRG: immigranty i molodezh'. N.Novgorod: NISOTS, 2011. 88 s.
  • Batalova N.L. Sotsial'noye samochuvstviye molodezhi v usloviyakh izmenyayushchegosya obshchestva: regional'nyy aspekt. Avtoreferat diss. k.s.n. Tyumen', 2009.
  • Zernov D.V., Iudin A.A. Predstavleniye o norme i patologii: ustanovki molodezhi i pensionerov. // Starsheye pokoleniye v sovremennoy sem'ye / Pod red. Z.KH. Saraliyevoy. N.Novgorod: NISOTS, 2009. S. 46-51.
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Employment opportunities and constraints for women in Moscow

Key words: employment, unemployment, labour market, working conditions, employment of women with children, vocational education, population of Moscow.

Abstract. The article considers specifics of the economic activity of women in Moscow. It examines two groups of women – mothers raising children of different age and women in working age without children under 18. The analysis is based not only on the indicators of employment and unemployment, but also on the comparison of their professional skills and positions, working conditions, wish to have a job, need for vocational training, and other employment constraints. The empiric data from the study «Moscow and Muscovites» (2014) makes it possible to identify the services provided to population by employment agencies, which are primarily needed by the unemployed women with children, to answer the question: What is more important for them — assistance in job search or psychological adaptation to workplace, vocational training/retraining or assistance in starting own business?



  • Roshchin S . YU . Predlozheniye truda v Rossii : mikroekonomicheskiy analiz ekonomicheskoy aktivnosti naseleniya / Preprinty . Vysshaya shkola ekonomiki . Seriya WP 3 « Problemy rynka truda ». 2003. № 2. 58 c .
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  • Payye A., Sinyavskaya O. Zanyatost' zhenshchin vo Frantsii i Rossii: rol' detey i gendernykh ustanovok / Evolyutsiya sem'i v Yevrope: Vostok-Zapad / Pod nauch. red. S.V. Zakharova, L.M. Prokof'yevoy, O.V. Sinyavskoy. M.: NISP, 2010. C. 304-352.
  • Nivorozhkina L.I., Nivorozhkin A.M., Arzhenovskiy S.V. Materinstvo i zarabotnaya plata:pochemu zhenshchiny s det'mi zarabatyvayut men'she? / Sotsial'naya politika: realii XXI veka. NISP. Vyp. 3. M., 2007. S. 72-126.
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Non-monetary measureof poverty and social vulnerability of the Russian population

Key words: poverty, non-monetary forms of poverty, relative deprivations, social vulnerability.

Abstract. Measuring poverty is a complex methodological problem. Monetary methods of poverty estimation have some shortcomings and cannot fix all details of underprovisioning that necessitates development of non-monetary poverty measures through estimation of deprivations in the sphere of consumption. Poverty identified through deprivations fixes not only the current consumption level, but also the housing and property potential of households, as well as accessibility of social services. Impossibility of satisfying both the basic and extended list of daily needs of a modern man leads to his vulnerability and underprovisioning.

The article presents analysis of poverty through the method of relative deprivations on the basis of a household survey carried out in Rostov oblast in 2013. The analysis results show that poverty in the modern sense means not only low living standards, but also a limited access of people to social and cultural goods, low educational and social capital. The most common deprivations among all types of households in Rostov oblast are limitations in the accessibility of health services and among families with children — deprivations in the sphere of education.



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  • Ovcharova L.N., Burdyak A.YA., Pishnyak A.I., Popova D.O., Popova R.I., Rudberg A.M. Dinamika monetarnykh i nemonetarnykh kharakteristik urovnya zhizni rossiyskikh domokhozyaystv za gody postsovetskogo razvitiya: analiticheskiy doklad. M.: Fond «Liberal'naya Missiya», 2014.
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  • Rossiyskiy statisticheskiy yezhegodnik. M., 1995. S. 170.
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  • Sotsial'naya zashchita naseleniya. Rossiysko-kanadskiy proyekt / Pod red. N.M. Rimashevskoy. M.: RITS ISEPN, 2002. S. 40-41.
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Changes in the pre-school education: is Russia headed in the right direction?

Key words: pre-school education, early development, human capital, education reform, intellectual potential, nursery school.

Abstract. The article deals with one of the basic elements of the education system — pre-school education. It examines the impact of institutional changes on the main characteristics of pre-school education – its quality and availability. The urgency of the issue is determined by the vast scale and systematic character of the carried out innovations including: emphasis on development of the private sector, changes in the legislation increasing the «carrying capacity» of institutions, changing the conditions for economic management of budgetary institutions and introduction of the normative per capita funding, transition to a new system of payment and introduction of the institute of «effective contract», passage of the new law «On Education» providing for new forms of pre-school education and changing the order of payment for services of pre-school institutions, approval of the state standard for pre-school education, etc. Credibility of the conclusions is connected with the choice made in favour of the qualitative methods of sociological research — a series of interviews and focus groups, making it possible to reflect the expectations and settings of the main participants of educational relations — parents of pre-school children, teachers and managers of pre-school institutions, government officials, as well as the first results of the reform that can be seen only by studying the actual practice of the various parties in educational relations faced with the need to organize their activities under the new conditions.



  • Interv'yu predsedatelya Ispolnitel'nogo soveta YUNESKO i postoyannogo predstavitelya Rossii pri YUNESKO E. Mitrofanovoy «Doshkol'noye obrazovaniye – osnova protsvetaniya natsii» agentstvu RIA Novosti. Rezhim dostupa:, svobodnyy. 14.09.2010. Data obrashcheniya: 11.01.2015.
  • Postanovleniye Administratsii g.Taganroga ot 17.10.2013g. № 3280 « Ob utverzhdenii munitsipal'noy programmy goroda Taganroga «Razvitiye obrazovaniya». Rezhim dostupa:, svobodnyy. Data obrashcheniya: 20.10.2014.
  • Resheniye Gorodskoy Dumy g.Taganroga ot 26.07.2012 g. № 455 «Ob utverzhdenii Strategii sotsial'no-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya Munitsipal'nogo obrazovaniya «Gorod Taganrog» na period do 2020 goda. Rezhim dostupa: economika/inv/n-24.09.2012-1.pdf, svobodnyy. Data obrashcheniya: 20.10.2014.
  • Postanovleniye Administratsii g.Taganroga ot 13.11.2009g. № 5542 «O Dolgosrochnoy tselevoy programme razvitiya sub'yektov malogo i srednego predprinimatel'stva v g.Taganroge na 2010-2014 gody». Rezhim dostupa:;base=RLAW186;n=30336, ogranichennyy. Data obrashcheniya: 20.10.2014.
  • Postanovleniye Pravitel'stva Rostovskoy oblasti ot 14.11.2013 g. № 698 «O finansovoy podderzhke sub"yektov malogo i srednego predprinimatel'stva, okazyvayushchikh uslugi po ukhodu i prismotru za det'mi doshkol'nogo vozrasta». Rezhim dostupa:, svobodnyy. Data obrashcheniya: 20.10.2014.
  • Postanovleniye Administratsii goroda Taganroga ot 24.06.2014 g. №1916 «O sozdanii mezhvedomstvennoy rabochey gruppy po sozdaniyu usloviy dlya razvitiya seti negosudarstvennykh doshkol'nykh obrazovatel'nykh uchrezhdeniy goroda Taganroga». Rezhim dostupa:, svobodnyy. Data obrashcheniya: 20.10.2014.
  • Education at a Glance 2014: OECD Indicators //



The programme Accessible Environment and assessment of its implementation by the disabled

Key words: barrier-free environment, programme, sub-programme, target indicators, objects, services, social infrastructure, the disabled.

Abstract. Assessment of the efficiency of the State programme Accessible Environment for 2011-2015 should be made first of all by those people, for whom it is designed, i.e. by the disabled themselves through sociological surveys that is reflected in the target indicators of the programme. Among the tasks of the sociological survey on the quality of life in the city of Taganrog conducted by ISESP RAS in 2014 was to find out disabled persons’ assessment of the quality of barrier-free environment in the city. The article presents the survey data and an attempt to explain the obtained results both with the use of characteristics of the level and mode of life of the disabled and the analysis of the programmee Accessible Environment that is being implemented at all levels of the government and administrative authorities. A special consideration is given to the Taganrog municipal programme for 2014-2020, which is examined with the account of the activities held in the previous years. The authors draw a conclusion that the programme measures for accessibility of the social infrastructure objects have no complex character, and the measures for integration of the disabled to society contain no novations and take no account of the specific needs of different categories of the disabled.



  • Gosudarstvennaya programma « Dostupnaya sreda », utverzhdonnaya Pravitel ' stvom RF 15 aprelya 2014 g . № 297. Ofitsial ' nyy sayt MTSR RF .
  • Detal ' nyy plan - grafik realizatsii gosudarstvennoy programmy Rossiyskoy Federatsii « Dostupnaya sreda » na 2011-2015 gody , utverzhdennoy postanovleniyem Pravitel ' stva Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 15 aprelya 2014 g . № 297, na 2014 god i planovyy period 2015-2016 godov . Utverzhden prikazom Ministerstva truda i sotsial'nogo razvitiya RF ot 21 avgusta 2014 g. № 559. Ofitsial'nyy sayt MTSR RF.
  • Postanovleniye Pravitel'stva Rostovskoy oblasti ot 25.09.2013 № 585 (v redaktsii ot 05.02.2014 № 81, ot 28.05.2014 № 402) « Ob utverzhdenii gosudarstvennoy programmy Rostovskoy oblasti «Dostupnaya sreda». Ofitsial'nyy sayt Administratsii Rostovskoy oblasti.
  • Dolgosrochnaya munitsipal'naya programma «Dostupnaya sreda na 2014-2020 gg.», utverzhdonnaya postanovleniyem Administratsii g Taganroga v oktyabre 2013g (v redaktsii ot 28.02.2014g. i ot 9.06.2014g). Ofitsial'nyy sayt Administratsii g. Taganroga.
  • Prilozheniye k postanovleniyu Administratsii g. Taganroga ot 17.04.2014 №1081 «Otchot o khode rabot v 2013 g. po dolgosrochnoy programme «Dostupnaya sreda» na 2013-2015gg.»
  • Prilozheniya №№ 4-7 k postanovleniyu Administratsii goroda Taganroga ot 09.06.2014 №1764.



Authors of the issue


ALEXANDROVA Olga Arkadievna, Doctor of Economics, Deputy Director, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS; leading researcher, Nizhny Novgorod State University-Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS

Е -mail:

BUDILOVA Elena Veniaminovna , Candidate of Technical Sciences, senior researcher, Lomonosov Moscow State University

E- mail :

GERTSBERG Lora Yakovlevna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, Head of educational center at the RF Ministry of Construction

E-mail: lgertz 24@ mail . ru

ZERNOVDmitryVasilievich, Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor, Nizhny Novgorod State University


IUDIN Alexander Anatolievich, Doctor of Economics, Head of chair, Nizhny Novgorod State University


KOZHEVNIKOVA Natalia Ivanovna, Candidate of Economics, leading researcher, Institute of Socio-Political Research RAS


KOLENNIKOVA Olga Alexandrovna, Candidate of Economics, senior researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS


KORCHAGINA Irina Ivanovna, leading researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS; leading researcher, Nizhny Novgorod State University-Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS


MIGRANOVA Lyudmila Alexeyevna, Candidate of Economics, Head of laboratory, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS; leading researcher, Nizhny Novgorod State University-Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS


NENAKHOVA Yulia Sergeyevna, researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS

Е -mail:

OVSYANNIKOVAnatolyAlexandrovich, Doctor of Economics, Professor, MGIMO University


PATSIORKOVSKY Valery Valentinovich, Doctor of Economics, Head of laboratory, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS


PISHNYAK Alina Igorevna, Candidate of Sociology, leading researcher, Higher School of Economics


POPOVA Raisa Ivanovna, senior researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS


PROKOFIEVALidiaMikhailovna, Candidate of Economics, leading researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS; leading researcher, Nizhny Novgorod State University-Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS


RYBAKOVSKY Leonid Leonidovich, Doctor of Economics, chief researcher, Institute of Socio-Political Research RAS


SIMAGIN Yury Alexeyevich, Candidate of Geography, senior researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population RAS


FILONENKO Yulia Vyacheslavovna, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Southern Federal University

FURSA Elena Vladimirovna, CandidateofEconomics, Associate Professor, Southern Federal University

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